Comments on: A Genius Speaks And I'm getting madder. Tue, 26 Nov 2013 20:16:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maria Tue, 26 Nov 2013 20:16:10 +0000 Mutterhals is angry because she knows deep down she will never make it a writer. She is mad because her man left her. And most of all she is mad that you have a sucessful interesting blog that people actually read unlike hers.

By: Joy D. Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:13:57 +0000 I think I understand where she is coming from being a model and all but as a person who doesn’t know the ins and outs of the business I still think it is sexual harassment. I know modeling is not thought of as a career but if it is your job that you make a living off of and you are urged to do something you either have a choice to say no and possibly get blackballed or say yes and have a stable career. Not sure I agree with Jen on this one. I also agree with Ben about the after affects of these photo sessions.

By: Ben Tue, 13 Apr 2010 19:19:07 +0000 I’ll say this, as someone in the industry who has taken nude photos of models..they are under lots of pressure to perform and for most it seems their only option. Getting dropped from your agency, losing work, etc makes a lot of people do a lot of things out of fear. Also, some people are social predators and know how to get weaker individuals to do things and once they leave they are totally confused as to why they did them. Terry is a fucking perv (no surprise there to me) but don’t blame the stupid, blame the perv and pity the stupid.

By: Make Do Style Sun, 04 Apr 2010 19:38:08 +0000 Good grief I missed this one due to paralysis at the in-laws. Well what a comment box. Yes why do people get so angry when the written word is used to present an critique! And why do people who don’t like what is written then think that no one is allowed to disagree with Sister Wolf.

The comments are usually in agreement and add to the post because most of us read Sister Wolf because we like her style, her angles and her no holds bar analysis. Of course we often agree because we are amused and also want Terry Richardson to put his horrid dick away. nothing is viler than a man who is amused by his own cock. Cocks don’t tell jokes they realise sperm and believe me it isn’t the same as fondant icing. You wouldn’t want Richardson’s sperm in your hand or on a cupcake.

Why do people get so affronted when sexual harassment is highlighted, it is so important to understand it takes a lot of courage to speak up. Rarely, very rarely does someone do this lightly or for publicity or because they’ve made it up – it is more likely the person snapped or Richardson threatened her or a friend or another model and this motivated her to act to protect others.

In an industry where pay is variable in terms of rates, infrequent or someone else will would walk over you live body to do the work is it any wonder abuse rears it’s ugly head in many forms. The Ricahrdsons of the world exist in all walks of life and the point here is why do people like him act in such a way. What happened to him or is he just an evil little shit. Probably the latter, his ego took over him years ago.

It is certainly not prudish to not want to perform sex acts on demand for fashion editorial or adverts.

Anyway I’m tired by anger and vitriol after being bored witless for four whole days. Sister Wolf you are a honey!

By: Denise (denisekatipunera) Sat, 03 Apr 2010 16:45:47 +0000 no sane person just wags their penis for everyone.

that’s really offensive for men and women.

By: Dru Sat, 03 Apr 2010 01:27:23 +0000 mutterhals- if anyone sounds obtuse here, it’s not Sister Wolf. I do not automatically agree with Sister on things and no targets have gone up on my back so far. Maybe that’s because I’m not a moron about it? (SW/any commenters are free to disagree, though).

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Terry Richardson is free to screw around with models if they’re willing, enthusiastic and of legal age. Far be it from me to judge things done between two consenting adults. But when he is basically coercing young people into performing sex acts on him because they need the money/the work and he is a powerful corporate-endorsed fashion photographer with a slice of ‘edgy’ on the side, jeez that’s sexual harassment- or it would be called so in any other work environment.
He can take naked pictures all day if he likes, but don’t expect me to believe the line of logic that says the women he photographs basically signed on to be pawed at and worse when they signed a model release form for him. Surely one does not have to endorse sexual harassment in order to avoid charges of prudishness from people like you? (and, for the record, my response would be no different if the content of Mr Richardson’s work were clean as roses, or if he had been female).

By: aine Fri, 02 Apr 2010 19:48:23 +0000 Sorry i meant in their heads not her head

By: aine Fri, 02 Apr 2010 19:32:30 +0000 Okay mutterhals you peddled this shitty arguement last week so i want links to articles and comments that paint this story in this sexist light, i want quotes from sister wolf where she says that all women are just innocent little lambs with not one pervy inclination or mercenary thought in her head.
Lots of commentators have responded to this story not out of prudishness or to damn young women’s sexual interests or habits but out of concern for the models who were coerced or humiliated by Uncle Terry (gross) in front of groups of assistants. By all means people should be allowed to indulge whatever kinky fucked up scenarios they like, but with consenting adults who dont have the prospect of being fired hanging over she or he’s head.
BTW SW i think half of your post should have been bitching out on Gnarlitude Jen for that clusterfuck of stupidity that is her name, i mean c’mon thats just a serious abuse of language.

By: Sister Wolf Fri, 02 Apr 2010 19:26:53 +0000 Trashforce -I would have used “rad” more. It’s in a thread at Nadia & Cami’s blog.

erika, damaia, and e -Ah, in that case, Yes, I am a feminist!

mutterhals – I’m only obtuse with people who lob shit like gynocentric and selah at me. I will consider you a contrarian rather than a troll, and you can disagree me all you want. HOWEVER! No one said that all young women are innocent. That’s just you looking for an argument.

As for prudishness, jesus, go somewhere else if you want something more NSFW. I’ll say this one last time – I DON’T WANT THAT CUNT RICHARDSON WAVING HIS FUCKING COCK AROUND DURING FASHION PHOTO SHOOTS.

By: mutterhals Fri, 02 Apr 2010 17:40:06 +0000 Why am I angry? I don’t know, because I am. Why are you so obtuse? I wasn’t trying to be combative, I just notice that everyone else who comments here automatically agrees with you, which basically puts a big target on anyone’s back who disagrees.

In the argument against Richardson and people like him, I see a lot double standards and prudishness, two things I despise. I’m not a feminist. I don’t particularly like feminists, I don’t tend to agree with them on anything other than their basic principles, and I often have to laugh at their gynocentric world view. Today’s feminist is just a female chauvinist, plain and simple. And I’ll say it again, supposing all young women are innocent and easily led astray is a sexist attitude. Selah.
