Comments on: Aftermath And I'm getting madder. Tue, 14 Sep 2010 19:10:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sister Wolf Tue, 14 Sep 2010 19:10:50 +0000 RedHead Fashionista – Anyone who calls me “weak” may try becoming the target of a concerted effort to attack their character, by hundreds of snarling lowlifes telling them it serves them right to have something to grieve about, bla bla bla. It does not make sense to me at all. But, as you see, I’m still here, saying whatever I feel like saying. Sadder but madder.

By: RedHeadFashionista Tue, 14 Sep 2010 10:55:30 +0000 Ah, and Gretchen returns. I was amazed she managed not to comment on the massive, innuendo-welcoming goat fur skirt post.
Sure, you do say some vicious things about people, and the trolls that linger mocking you as weak because now that the abuse has come back at you, you don’t like it, makes sense, but I very much doubt that you saying someone had a fat face warrants the disgusting things said about Max. If someone called me fat I’d just call them ugly, not systematically attack a member of their family.

By: Sister Wolf Sun, 12 Sep 2010 20:11:18 +0000 Cristina – Thank you, I’m going straight there now to read, xo

By: Cristina Sun, 12 Sep 2010 15:37:50 +0000 I just came across your blog recently (as in, today) via a fellow blogger and was drawn to your eloquence & personality and taken aback by your recent comment troubles. I admire how you chose to voice your thoughts on the indifference shown to you. Not many people would have been so honest and strong-willed about it. For this, you have my utmost respect.

Haters will be everywhere, and will surely strike upon anyone who doesn’t closely follow the status quo and has an opinion. The best is not to attempt to understand them, but to keep in mind that in the process of garnering admirers and building anything worthwhile, these haters are bound to come (enter Field of Dreams joke here). This is especially true within the Blogosphere.

Tim Ferris, who has had & continues to have his fair share of haters (in 35 languages!), wrote a great blog entry on this subject. I know that if I had been in your recent situation, I would have liked to read it. Check it out:

By: JK Sun, 12 Sep 2010 06:27:56 +0000 Crapchen fascinated by your vagina? Has she a handlebarred Florida moustache handler? (Not to imply anything untoward my friend) but you’ve at least blog-pic’ed California’s finest denimed rear – and invited comments… no Mr. Wolf, I can’t order F-16s into the air – but I’ll bet Crapchen can’t get even a partially defrosted weenie pointing toward Venus. Maybe toward Uranus.

The thing is this Sister Wolf, with extremely few exceptions (HelOnWheels, I’m working – but we’ll …) anyway, most of your friends are showing significant others your gifts. Others… well, if you’d only forward their IPs I can give them something worthwhile to do on a Saturday night. Of course all this shows something particular, and inadequacies of course.

But for the truly inadequate, cognizant of course, you’ve a forwarding address… I’d like something to make my shift interesting.

By: Sister Wolf Sun, 12 Sep 2010 04:20:30 +0000 JK – I would be glad to offer Kate my contest watch, if it ever arrives, but really I can’t think of anything in the way of consumer goods that comes close to the value of her friendship and loyalty.

Also, just between us, Gretchen continues to be fascinated by my vagina, as per the comments she sent that I choose not to publish.

By: JK Sun, 12 Sep 2010 04:15:04 +0000 By: JK Sun, 12 Sep 2010 04:12:47 +0000 Try this one more time:


By: JK Sun, 12 Sep 2010 04:03:48 +0000 Kate, taking anything away(nor your subjective Sister Wolf – if you’ll remember I’ve got your pre-war ass as my screensaver [jeaned fashionistas, butt still… anyway Kate, I’m thinking Sister Wolf owes you abit more than a cyber-acknowledgement.

Remember that watch she won in that contest?

I’d been looking for a pic… it would seem Mr. Wolf has objections to the way I requested it’s portrayal (the watch Mr. Wolf… you don’t have my ‘on-duty weekend e-mail address, correct”?

Anyway, what harm could be in it Sis? When you do the holiday story about “Lesbian Stick” no one seems offended and hell, given you bribed the Judge -under the table of course- about the Prop 8 thing, surely Mr. Wolf wouldn’t mind allowing one of the archival pics being posted?

With the watch of course, and what I’ve never noticed the trolls including – peechurs of the ass, of course no kiddie stuff like Sea’s particulate encrusted (nor Sea’s Mother’s)… anyway, send the fellow blogger the contest watch.

Our preliminary investigation shows the contest watch is ideal for re-gifting.

If you need to get hold of me, this is my duty weekend, so you’ll need send it to “Attn: JK” at:


No! HelOnWheels, I’m working (unless you’re paying).

By: Dru Sun, 12 Sep 2010 01:37:02 +0000 I’m sorry you felt a lack of support during that awful time, Sister- for my own part, like so many of us, I’d assumed that your own comment space was the best place for your readers to speak up against the trolls. I hope they’ve finally gotten over themselves now, and that there will be no next time- the ones whose comments I saw, made this blog’s Original Troll up there, look like a friendly bit of pesky local weed.
I still feel bad that we didn’t do enough, though- but hooray for Kate, she really is one in a million. And for you, because I don’t want to forget that despite the wit and levity you display here, you’ve still suffered horribly and a pack of jackals tried to take advantage of that.
