Comments on: Andrew Krasnow: What a Fucking Cunt™! And I'm getting madder. Thu, 27 Aug 2015 03:31:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: iRemember Thu, 27 Aug 2015 02:04:47 +0000 Andrew and I were friends for a while and I am pleased to say I knew man. While his art startled me, I admire his courage and his talent. I don’t expect someone who uses a misogynistic term to understand.

By: Bemused Sun, 25 Aug 2013 03:40:51 +0000 So this article is written by someone who hates the artist, or what he stands for, or what he’s done; or something.

But instead of being able to articulate the point the writer uses the word “cunt” as gratuitously as a pub filled with angry, drunken footie fans, and with just as much effect on the artist (who is, much like the footie fans in my analogy, distant and unable or uninterested in your opinion).

The outcome is free press for the art, the artist, and his medium.

-Golf clap-

Happy to keep this at the top of the search engines for you, AND for Krasnow.

By: Jeanne Fri, 21 Sep 2012 23:30:04 +0000 You found him “self-deluting” and “sudo-intellectual”. Wow. Attacking an argument by attacking its presenter may be a cheap shot, but 240…you are in dire need of some writing instruction.

By: 240ups Wed, 21 Mar 2012 19:36:24 +0000 To J.M.
So you are a defender of this behavior upon your pal. Bravo.
It is freely described by Andrew in his explanation that these are masochistic practices of those running concentration camps. So haven’t you ever heard of resisting to lower yourself to those who do wrong least you make yourself as bad as them? Apparantly, your “Friend” Andrew hasn’t. I find him no better. How precious is an opinion that it’s point need be made by an act equally barbaric? What it is, is lazy and callous. These people who donate their bodies hardly had this in mind as what they intended for their sacrifice. Try a little harder in the name of persuasion, that’s why what’s right is intended to be better, and not brutally forced upon the social conscious. Was that opinion not devoid of your issues upon this forums audience? Really! What would you expect from people who are expressing their disgust? Contempt breeds Contempt, Douchebag!

By: 240ups Wed, 21 Mar 2012 18:31:38 +0000 I have been working with Andrew for more than a year now, and I found him creepy, self-deluting in his abilities and pompous as a sudo-intellectual above the rest of us. He will stand uncomfortably near you and stare at you for no particular reason. Like he wants something from you. I finally Googled him 2 days ago and this is what I found. All this confirms beyond my wildest nightmares that he is a ghoul creep. I hated him before but oh, shit, NOW!
Shall I tell my Boss?

By: Stephanie Lipford Fri, 06 Jan 2012 08:32:29 +0000 I wish Andrew would create some more art. I like his art. It is not cruel and he does not and did not kill a person to make it.

By: J.M. Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:25:58 +0000 This board of vitriolic reaction and sexist, denigrating profanity is pathetic. Says more about the audience.

I, too, know Andy from years ago and similarly say that he is a gentle, soft-spoken, and intelligent person. It is also true that he’s Jewish. It is not art intended anti-Semitically, though I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the posters here are attacking him because they are.

I haven’t spoken with him with years, or seen his art since he started making it, but the artist is clearly working from a challenge to our pretended modern values. Exemplified by the self-righteous indignation and “moral outrage” of those who’ve written here.

Art is not always something you want to hang in your living room. It’s about making you think and question the society and world you live in.

Sometimes it should disturb you. And just because it disturbs you, does not mean it was meant to do so, gratuitously. An American flag made out of human skin seems apropos, looking at the history of this country and how it was really built. So does a Confederate flag, like the one still waving at one of the government buildings in (I forget which) southern state.

They should have an art in public places – site specfic exhibition – at that very courthouse or government building. One waving next to the other.

By: a2jdiva Sat, 30 Apr 2011 05:47:09 +0000 I suppose I shouldn’t be, but I am surprised and upset that people are pouring vitriol on Andrew based on his work as an artist. I don’t particularly care for his sculpture, but that’s a matter of taste. As a person, Andrew is a fascinating man. Others have said it, and it bears repeating. He is soft-spoken, respectful, and generous. His lively intelligence and expansive spirit are perhaps not appreciated except on a personal level. It’s not likely that my opinion will change anyone’s mind, but Andrew deserves better than to be vilified by people that don’t know him.

By: Anonymous Fri, 31 Dec 2010 16:08:37 +0000 Sister – Thank you for your feedback :]

That’s true, but I wasn’t trying to condemn criticism per se…but to condemn why it’s being criticized. I support free speech and all, but I think there’s a different between exercising that right, and abusing it…a lot of what was said, I would classify as the latter. I don’t know, maybe my argument is a little hypocritical, but I think it’s somewhat of a “necessary evil” if it will get people – especially those who don’t catch my contradictions – to think a little more and to look at things a little differently.

(I hope I don’t come off as antagonistic. It’s so easy on the internet to inadvertently provoke arguments instead of discussion…for me, at least)

By: Sister Wolf Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:08:02 +0000 Annon – First you say we have no right to criticize him, then you endorse freedom of expression. If your argument were at least consistent, it would have more weight.
