Ellery in Chains: It Gives Me a Blowjob™!


Imelda Matt turned me on to Ellery, one of Australia’s fantastic young designers whose footwear also gives me a blowjob .   Look at the sleeves on this denim jacket, available for pre-order at My-Catwalk.   I know there’s a hint of Erin Wasson via Alexander Wang, but we can’t let Erin ruin everything. I think this jacket can stand on its merits, that’s how much I love the coppery chain sleeves.


Click on this picture to see the chain sleeves on this black top by Ellery, and take a look at the shoes too. Are you hard yet?!?!?

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12 Responses to Ellery in Chains: It Gives Me a Blowjob™!

  1. skye says:

    I just did the washing up, so maybe that’s why I’m seeing copper scouring pads when I look at those sleeves.

  2. Sister Wolf says:

    skye – That’s what you get for washing up. Plus, don’t tell my husband that some wives do the dishes!!!

  3. skye says:

    I have to do the dishes because my husband does all the cooking – it’s the price I pay!

  4. Yes ssshh ref women doing dishes and housework. Most important to keep them in the dark.

    LOL ref not letting Erin W spoil everything. The fact Ellery is Australian elevates the uniqueness! I need the jacket it will make me cool.

  5. Style Spy says:

    Do you think they’re pinchy? I hate pinchy. Pinchy does not give me a blowjob. Otherwise, yes, super-cool, like an incognito Joan of Arc.

  6. WendyB says:

    What is this “cooking” and “dishes” thing that you people speak of?

  7. HelOnWheels says:

    Wendy B – It’s the stuff that happens behind the “kitchen” doors at restaurants. Personally, I try not to think about it.

    I’m on the fence about these Ellery pieces. Maybe if they weren’t so…coppery. But the shoes!! Wow! They totally give me a bj!!

  8. Jill says:

    If I’m wrapped in chains…I want them to be copper.

  9. Bex says:

    I didn’t like the copper and the grey, the 2nd one is much better…….

  10. Yes, yes, yes, they’re giving me blowjobs. Of course, just about anything turns me on these days.

  11. Aja says:

    Hahaha Fashion Herald!! Erin Wasson has definitely gotten a lot of disapproval lately . . .

  12. Imelda Matt says:

    Ellery’s shoes are well worth the unsightly stains…I’ll be sure to pass on Sister’s well wishes.

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