Comments on: Fibromyalgia: Sign Me Up! And I'm getting madder. Thu, 29 Oct 2015 10:49:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debs Thu, 29 Oct 2015 10:49:32 +0000 I would ask here that every person who has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, ( & this also goes for CFS/ME ), please try to get hold of their medical records, & then I suggest to look back in time to see if you were ever prescribed a fluoroquinolone antibiotic at any time in the past BEFORE your diagnosis . I have something known as fluoroquinolone toxicity .

There are now so many people in our various numerous support groups with this label, that we now know FQ induced fibromyalgia by another rather more accurate name instead, CIPROmyalgia , & yes, although Fibromyalgia itself as a syndrome may well have been around a long while, known under various names, THIS cause of the symptoms which are then labelled Fibromyalgia by Drs, who invariably know nothing about the accurate immensely toxic profile of this class of ‘ antibiotic’ ,, is all too often left completely unrecognised . THIS cause of the symptoms which are then often misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia is kept hidden ‘ under the radar ‘ by Big Pharma, & in fact has been so for many many years, since the 1980s.

It does not hurt to do a little independent research on this subject .

Please google fluoroquinolone toxicity, the symptoms of this, also search out the numerous youtube videos, the recent news coverage, there are many. Google The Quinolone Vigilance foundation, do this & you will enter a parallel universe you never knew existed, At the QVF you can find information on the petitions filed by SONAR to add yet 2 more black box warnings to these horrendously dangerous drugs, which of course carry two black box warnings already, that in itself should ring warning bells in respect to their toxicities, this after all is supposed to be an antibiotic !! .

This subject has recently been getting a lot more attention, due to hidden information found via a Freedom of Information request discovered in internal documents at the FDA. This information has been kept hidden from the medical profession / patients, the fact that these so called ‘ antibiotics ‘ The fluoroquinolone antibiotics ( Cipro , Levaquin , Avelox there are others ) can cause mitochondrial toxicity. With fluoroquinolone toxicity many of these symptoms can actually be delayed for many months, & as well as potentially causing immediate disability, although the damage begins at a DNA/ mitochondrial level from the very first dose, often this damage does not noticeably / visibly materialise in many people until AFTER numerous courses have been taken over time.
These drugs are NOT your usual ‘ benign antibiotic ‘ as is so often thought, but instead the FQs are chemotherapeutic agents, they are Topoisomerase inhibitors ( again please look this up ), you will find that every other drug described as such is chemotherapy, & as with chemo, the FQs can cause delayed adverse reactions, this is something known in the field of oncology as ‘ late effects ‘

The fluoroquinolone antibiotics were originally developed for, & are MEANT to ONLY be prescribed as a LAST resort, when every other suitable antibiotic has been tried first, all have failed, & the only alternative left is your death, but instead they are being given out like candy, for the slightest infection, even just for suspected infections, & as a result they are devastating uncountable numbers of peoples lives.
IF you find you HAVE been prescribed fluoroquinolone ‘ antibiotics’ before your Fibromyalgia diagnosis please consider this as a potential cause of your symptoms.
We have numerous support groups online.

The fluoroquinolone antibiotics, they literally come straight from hell, unfortunately they often drag you back down there with them & leave you there, sometimes for the rest of your life . I sadly know so to my cost , I live there myself, & have done so now for 26 years .

Whatever your belief in respect of your symptoms at the end of the day, it is SO important to become informed on the potential risks of taking these so called ‘ antibiotics ‘, for a very important reason, because our Drs unfortunately are NOT .

By: jadecousins96 Sat, 08 Aug 2015 22:37:35 +0000 I am firstly so glad I came across this article.
My mother has always been over-dramatic, over-enthusiastic and an attention seeker. I am convinced her “Fibromyalgia” is all in her head. She can not go a day without believing she is sick eg. a sneeze caused by hay-fever will automatically be assumed as a cold or the flu etc. Ever since she has been diagnosed with F/M she has become even worse and moany, and regularily takes months of work, although, she is suddenly healthy again if she wants to go out shopping or singing with her friends. She also is capable of shouting at me from the top of the stairs then putting on a croaky voice when a friend comes. She is driving me crazy as she now claims she has alzheimers. Please if anyone has any new evidence that this “disease” is in your mind please share!

By: Nikki Sun, 26 Jul 2015 08:40:01 +0000 So I just decided to lose the best paying easiest job I ever had for “attention”. Living in a mansion, driving 2014 BMW. Yeah right. I owned my own successful business at 25, in graduate school now at 30. I have always been an overachiever. I was diagnosed with FMS after a car accident. I continued working and ignoring my pain and fatigue until my body simply shut down. My legs hurt so bad I couldn’t walk. I had to move in with my brother and his 3 children. I never lived with anyone before. This illness ruined my damn life and this is so offensive it makes me angry! I wish to GOD I was just lazy. And believe me, you can barely find a Dr. who will listen and take you seriously, let alone prescribe any type of narcotics or pain relief drugs. They give you damn anti depressants LOL hilarious. I am so depressed I ruined my great life and career.

By: kandy Sat, 06 Jun 2015 20:38:28 +0000 Science has now proven it is real and people with fibro have extra nerves.

By: Katherine Tue, 10 Feb 2015 08:18:21 +0000 For those suffering from FM or CFS/ME, please try to recall or check your medical records for any time when you may have been given a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, such as Levaquin, Cipro, or Avelox. These drugs are chemotherapeutic agents marketed as regular antibiotics. They are the only drugs on the market that are topoisomerase inhibitors other than standard chemotherapy treatments. FQs are known to cause tendon, joint, muscle, and nerve pain, as well as mitochondrial dysfunction/DNA damage. In fact, there were no such disorders as FM or CFS until the introduction of FQs. These may be the root cause of your pain. They are supposed to be reserved as a last line defense for resistant bacteria when other abx have failed, but instead, are over prescribed for routine sinus and urinary tract infections. As women are far more prone to UTIs, they receive these drugs more frequently than men, hence, the prevalence of women with FM as opposed to men.

By: Rhonda Maddux Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:35:03 +0000 I am just sickened and disgusted reading these insensitive, thoughtless, and ignorant comments. I have CFS, Fibromyalgia, IC, IBS, GERD, and Chronic pain with a morphine pain pump. I didn’t ask for this. I was a registered nurse, making it in the world, not sure why I was getting tired and what was happening to my body. Fourteen long years of suffering and loss I would gladly trade away I a second to have my life back. This is not how I had hoped to end my life. I appreciate those of you who stood up for us that are so sick, and tried to explain to the haters. It’s just heartbreaking, seeing how cruel people are just because they don’t understand, therefore it’s not real. Shame on you.

By: Dr. D Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:15:42 +0000 I’m a doctor, so I’ll add my two cents.

First of all, you said it best when you said that no one can prove that they have it or don’t have it. Although this isn’t always true for the patient, it is true when it comes to your claims that fibromyalgia isn’t real. Honestly, you can’t prove that it isn’t. And to write a hateful post that claims otherwise is a bit presumptuous.

Here’s the low-down on the physiology of fibromyalgia:

Fibromyalgia, like syndromes, is based on a collection of symptoms. For fibromyalgia, this means pain that exists in at least 11 of the trigger points. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Iritable Bowl Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, etc., are also syndromes that, although real, are diagnosed based on clinical presentation. The hallmark of a syndrome is that it does not point to a singular cause, and oftentimes is idiopathic (of unknown origin). The S in AIDS stands for syndrome, as it was an idiopathic condition for many years. More recently, we have discovered that it is caused by HIV. Interestingly, CFS is often successfully treated with antibiotics, indicating that an infection is presen. POTS is a form of dysautonomia, which is an umbrella term that refers to the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. I chose these illustrative syndromes specifically, as patients with these conditions often also have fibromyalgia.

So, fibromyalgia itself does not denote a specific cause. This means that fibromyalgia is almost exclusively a secondary condition — a condition that has developed through a primary condition (if fibro is primary, it is idiopathic).

So what are some conditions that fibromyalgia can stem from?

Thyroid Disease. Patients with thyroid disease often have reduced oxygenation in the soft tissues which, as you could imagine, leads to pain. You should also realize that far too many people who have thyroid deficiencies go undiagnosed, meaning that many people who have not isolated a cause for their fibro likely have a thyroid condition.

Small Fiber Neuropathy. Patients with SFN have a genetic defect, that often goes undetected, that causes pain. SFN is often found in patients with dysautonomia.

POTS. Patients with POTS have an elevated heart rate upon assuming an upright position and most have orthostatic hypotension and hypovolemia. This has many effects on the body, including pain. Many POTS patients also develop IBS.

CFS/Lyme/Infectious Disease. Patients with infections often find that the infection manifests as, among other things, pain.

Polycystic Ovarian Sydrome. Patients with PCOS have extreme hormonal irregularities that manifest as a variety of symptoms, including pain. PCOS is frequently secondary to thyroid disease.

I could go on and on, but let it be known that patients with these conditions are often labeled with fibromyalgia — that is how they refer to the pain that is secondary to another condition. IBS is the same way. Patients may have IBS due to POTS, or a food allergy, or any other number of conditions. Irregardless, they refer to IBS separately.

Yes, pain is often a symptom of depression. So yes, fibromyalgia is often diagnosed as secondary to depression. This does not make the pain less real — your mind is part of your body and can get sick just as your nervous system or thyroid can. This also does not mean that all patients with fibromyalgia are depressed, no more than it means that all patients with fibromyalgia have thyroid disease. Correlation causation colloquialism.

And yes, fibromyalgia is more often diagnosed in women. Many of the conditions that I listed also affect a disproportionate amount of women. PCOS is exclusively women, POTS has a 5:1 ratio, etc. This does not make these conditions less real, it just means that women have different bodies that work in different ways and malfunction in different ways. Men have their own problems.

I hope this was helpful and I hope that you think twice before making similarly uneducated accusations again. These patients already fight against their bodies — they don’t need to fight against non-afflicted, non-medical bloggers who are trying to stigmatize them, too.

By: PipersGurrl Fri, 21 Nov 2014 06:25:16 +0000 I am 35. When I was 24 my then boyfriend picked me up from my house, in his new sports car to go on a date. Once we started driving, I realized he was drunk. I begged him to stop,to let me out of the car or to take me home. But he wouldn’t. Instead he took me to a country road to show off how fast the car could go. I’m sure you can see where this is going.. Predictably he lost control and catapulted the car front over back 30ft into a farm feild. I was knocked unconscious but when I came to I was face down in the feild, I had been ejected from the car. An ambulance showed up and rushed us to a hospital. Miraculously I wasn’t hurt. Sure I ached and was purple and blue but besides that I was fine and walked out of the hospital 8 hrs after being admitted. 4 years after this I started getting migraines, then muscle aches, then joint aches. Because I’m allergic to ALL pain meds ( it’s genetic) I turned to chiropractic, message and heat therapy. Nothing worked. I’ve had cat scans, MRI’s, full body ex rays of every joint, the Dr’s have tested for lym, meningitis, lupas, rumatoid arthritis the list goes on. Finally they diagnosed me with fibermialgia. It’s the only thing they say explains the pain and the symptoms all fit. I don’t take medication, and I never told my work. The last thing I need is my diagnosis holding me back. I’m a manager of a industrial paint supply store and I often work 60+ hours a week, yes it’s hard but my diagnosis doesn’t stop me. I love my job, I love my long term fiancé, I love our friends and that we just moved into our dream country property that many of our friends and family use as a cottage. We entertain all the time. Yes I am in excruciating pain daily and maybe it takes me an hour to get out of bed in the morning but I’m happy and so far 5 years into this diagnosis I haven’t let it hold me back. Sure there are some weekends I don’t get out of bed and some parties I’ve have had to be cancel but not one person who knows my story or what I’m fighting with complains because they know its real, they know I suffer and they know 95% of the time I suffer through. Yes fibermialgia is real and NO not all fibermialgia sufferers are the same.

By: fern Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:28:00 +0000 I’m 63 and grandmother of 3 Ive had my legs broken three times brain concussion skull fracture two times busted collar bone cracked ribs complete histerectomy appendix that burst heart ablation several back injuries through out the 28 years I was a nursing assistant at nursing homes my latest is a compression fracture at L1 that noons wants to treat been getting injections at L4 L5 and T 12 13 I’m on vicodin lirica cybalta. None of which help for very long. I have pain in all 18 point drs check for fibramyalgia I don’t know what to think after reading all this the word fibromyalgia has never been dicussed with my doctors do I have it probably but seems like nothing can be done about it any way yeah the term maybe abused by some but just as real as arthritis dont judge others especially you who are blessed with no pain

By: joanne read Sun, 09 Nov 2014 13:26:06 +0000 Fibromyalgia is a defective gene within the brain that is switched on via a traumatic accident, experience or virus and many other things. It causes the spine to be flooded with substance p. The body’s chemical pain substance that tells the body how much pain to feel. It also lowers serotonin in the brain. Causes violent muscle spasm so severe they can drop a person to the floor. The earliest mention of this so called fake disease and its debilitating symptoms can be found as far back to the 17th century. I will leave out going through a lot of the everyday symptoms as this is wildly available on the internet. I will also leave out the amount of other so called fake illnesses that caused people to be put into insane asylums that today are very real and treatable as thus is also freely available information. What I will say is the comments on here only help the problem rather than help it. It has ruined lives, it has ruined relationships and continues to do so everyday. Be thankful you can scoff and laugh at this truly horrible disease. One can only hope that you or a friend or a family member never developed this. Watching a loved one go from an outdoor girl, loving her life. Rollercoasters, walking holidays etc to watching her cry when she realises her dream of a parachute jump is out of the window. Or watching her pain that she can not ice skate anymore. Try knowing your boyfriend is scared of hurting you so much that your sex life has ground to a holt. Or the job in a shop that you loved, talking yo customers helping people laughing a joking, no longer being able to help your colleagues or in my case people I have grown up with. Watching the pity in their faces. Pray you never get it. Pray that minor car crash causes nothing more than a sprained neck. Pray that bad break up with boyfriends ends with you being stronger. I pray everyday. Its one of the only things that gets me through my day.
