Comments on: Googling Yourself And I'm getting madder. Thu, 16 Aug 2012 07:57:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sister Wolf Mon, 19 Mar 2012 02:15:46 +0000 Danielle – With all due respect, you can’t “hate on” or “bitch on” people. There is no “on.”

If it took you an hour to understand my sense of humor, and to learn about my recent life, you probably aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

My wall of hate is real. And so is the rest of me.

By: Danielle Sun, 18 Mar 2012 13:09:20 +0000 I arrived here because I was curious about the people who spend a lot of time bitching about teenaged fashion bloggers. I thought at first you were a teenaged girl full of hate & hormones but obviously I was quite wrong. I like how you eventually chilled out about Rumi. And I can now appreciate how bitching on privileged little girls & their affectations can help you deal with the heavier stuff in your life. As a coping strategy, hating on stuff like this is relatively harmless, and I guess I’m less dismissive of fashblog haters now even if I’ll never really understand it.

I probably spent over an hour on this site going through archives. It took about that long for me to get through the wall of hate and start to empathize with you. No wonder people aren’t so empathetic on the internet, it really does take patience and an open mind to get there.

Well done for outing a troll.

By: don't.make.our.job.harder. Fri, 21 Oct 2011 09:39:40 +0000 don’t complain about the employee. she is doing her fucking job whether she likes to ask or not. if you want to do something about it, write a letter about how the company should not have employees tell older looking people about their senior discount.

I work retail and when customers hate us for what our bosses make us do, it angers me so very much. please take this into consideration next time u go shopping anywhere. we have nothing against you. that girl was not trying to insult you. she is working under a huge corporation that is very very rigid in its’ rules. And if you dislike their policies… why not stop supporting the company by not shopping there?

By: WendyB Sun, 28 Aug 2011 01:22:41 +0000 And I think I have to save Candy’s “That doesn’t mean they know you” comment for future reference. Good comment.

By: WendyB Sun, 28 Aug 2011 01:21:45 +0000 “God, it’s so awful how you can’t control people.” — I’ve always been extremely bitter about this.

By: Lynz Sat, 13 Aug 2011 21:10:30 +0000 That would cause me great internal conflict as the pragmatic midwesterner in me would say “Ooh, a discount”, while my vain female side would counter with “wait, don’t I look the age I feel?”. Ultimately, I would need to know how much of a discount was involved, and would then pro-rate my outrage accordingly.

The first time I went into a Ross was on vacation and I had to ship 5 flat rate boxes home- full of shoes.

By: Dru Sun, 07 Aug 2011 12:59:12 +0000 ^ couldn’t have said it better myself.

By: candy Sat, 06 Aug 2011 23:22:06 +0000 People are not all nice, you know, some people are passive agressive like that lady at the cash register..that’s passive agressivness…once you talk about personal things online, people tend to judge you more because they know more about you, you give them more to talk about. THAT DOESN’T MEAN THEY KNOW YOU. That’s not your fault, some people don’t tend to want to understand who you are as a whole entity and the power of the words you use when writing. I think you help a great deal by talking about grief because this helps people like me who go through depression and it helps you understand where you are at in your grieving process. People will alwasy criticize no matter what. You look beautiful like I said before and there is no age for beauty, age is just a number.

By: Mo in KCMO Sat, 06 Aug 2011 04:01:02 +0000 Sis: I love you; and this you know from my past comments!

FOA (First of all) the image you chose is from one fine photographer and social commenter that people must explore!

Second, “It has never even occurred to me that people might disapprove of my grief.” For starters, Sis, grief is an individual, spiritual, and sacred passage, and NOT open to review, approval, or disapproval. No one EVER has the right to an opinion about an individual’s grief. Period. So. OK. fuckum, OK!?

Third, Sis: please fret not those “young-stas” at Ross. They only trying to make they rent. They NOT Nordstrom, Sacks, or any cool boutique. They paid minimum…IE, for having no experience, or finesse. No Biggie. They do a great job of checking you out efficiently with your merchandise.

Girl, if someone perceives you worthy of a “whatever” discount, smile your broadest, toothy smile, and say “YES, GODAMMIT!…I AM SOOOO WORTHY!”

A discount in this economy is worth a hellovah lot more than having any “whatever” stranger recognize your truest inner self. 🙂

A dear “friend’o’mine” told me to never be “too proud”. I pass along this wisdom. Age is a wunnerful thing!!…and all so relative!
I often hang on your words…..

Hang loose!
Love you.
Mo in KCMO

By: Dexter VanDango Fri, 05 Aug 2011 21:43:53 +0000 A young hair-dresser once said to me – I kid you not – “Cutting your hair is difficult.. gray hair is so dead.”

She never saw me again.
