Comments on: Here We Are Now, Entertain Us And I'm getting madder. Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:29:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jane Horan Bentley Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:29:05 +0000 Thank you for this article. You are an exceptional writer and deserve a wide audience.
Jane Bentley

By: Debbie Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:56:03 +0000 Nailed it.

By: Jaimi Sun, 13 Nov 2016 04:15:53 +0000 It’s horrific. I don’t know if I’m up for four years of this lunacy, but I have doubts it will last that four years. I can’t really see The Donald being able to follow through on anything.

I’ve been trying to support my friends, most of whom are very very gay. I worry about my patients (I work on an inpatient psychiatric unit with children and adolescents) and what kind of a future they will have. What about my Muslim friends and patients? Immigrants who I work with? I worry about my dad who is on Social Security Disability after working his whole life and went blind in his early 60s due to an eye condition and is getting already penalized for drawing two years early from his work pension — will SSD be taken away from him, too, even though he is legitimately disabled and only has partial sight in one eye?

Already, two of my friends have been harassed for being very visibly, unabashedly out in the open lesbians where I live in Vermont and in a liberal small city in Massachusetts, respectively. I don’t even get it, I’m so far removed from why people hate gay people. Why the fuck are you so invested in their lives? Why does it bother you so much? Are you dealing with your own internalized homophobia? If so, please deal with it.

Trump is disgusting and I truly fear for the future.

But I don’t want to live in fear.

A few days out, I see opportunity in his lack of any sort of actionable policies and the universal disgust on the part of people opposed to him. But we must act, someway, somehow. I’m still sorting it out myself and starting to feel less disassociated and overwhelmed, and more focused, determined, and thoroughly enraged and ready to fight back. I’m hoping fellow progressive leaning folks like myself will be galvanized by this and continue to resist all of this bullshit.

By: Tracy Johnson Sat, 12 Nov 2016 17:31:23 +0000 I’m a huge fan of your writing. I almost never agree with you but I am always thoroughly entertained. I understand your disappointment because I was wrestling with the same dread when I thought Hillary was going to win. My heart is so full of joy since the election that is has made me realize how hopeless and depressed I had been feeling in response to the destruction (trillions of dollars of national debt is a huge problem, and health care is an untenable nightmare) Obama has caused. To say you wouldn’t leave a 16 year old in a room with Trump is absurd. I don’t watch television for all the reasons you’ve listed, and I would wager that the majority of republican voters don’t either. The news is no longer a reliable source of facts, but more of the drama and craziness you refer to. I can’t understand how so many people are so upset over a few stupid comments Donald Trump has made: it is just words. Hillary has actually engaged in corruption. Everyone could successfully argue that words have power, but no one could win an argument that says words have more power than action. Thankfully, we now have some hope that America can be restored to order. And, just think of this, you will have four years, eight if he’s able to accomplish anything, to continue moaning and complaining.

By: JK Sat, 12 Nov 2016 07:57:52 +0000

By: Dj Fri, 11 Nov 2016 15:12:55 +0000 One more thing, we will miss Nixon compared to this boob.

By: Dj Fri, 11 Nov 2016 15:10:48 +0000 Here are my predictions

There will be not one but several big bombshells about Trump that will cause great consternation and constipation among his fellow republicans within the first six months of office.
He will get bored and/or overwhelmed with the rules and regulations of the office.
His counterparts around the globe will be cool, ruthless and uninterested in his “celebrity”. The Big Ugly American is not welcome.
His henchmen (Gingrich, Christie, Giuliani et al) will tear each other’s eyes out trying to be head pack dog.
Melania will go stir crazy and wish for Slovenia.

Here’s a silver lining: all the fingerpointing, blaming, insults, hatred etc hurled at Obama over the years will now be aimed at Trump, they have no one else to beat up. Have at it boys!!

By: Sister Wolf Fri, 11 Nov 2016 11:48:35 +0000 Muscato – I want to live in your little gaytellectual bubble, is there room for me??

Thomas – Oh god, four years. I don’t think I’m up to it.

By: Sister Wolf Fri, 11 Nov 2016 11:45:19 +0000 Over & Out – I personally didn’t elect the lunatic but I agree that the American electorate should be less ignorant. Any ideas besides passports?

Ize – Thank you for being a fan! I agree about the primaries and keep bitching about that. The Clintons aren’t saints but The Donald appears to be mentally and emotionally arrested to a degree that I wouldn’t bring him to a family dinner or leave him alone with a 16 year old girl. Our government is fucked up in fundamental ways, yes, but a Clown/Conman is not a viable choice for leader of the free world. I appreciate your activism despite our differences!

By: Over & out Fri, 11 Nov 2016 11:27:44 +0000 it would be amusing if this potentially four year long shitstorm were contained in the US alone, but unfortunately your elected lunatic has the potential to unleash misery on the rest of the world also. America, get a passport, do some travelling actually outside your own country (yes, there are others), learn some things about your fellow humans and next time, take the election if your leader a bit more fucking seriously. Over & out.
