Comments on: Jesus loves Gay Marriage And I'm getting madder. Tue, 18 Nov 2008 16:52:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Iheartfashion Tue, 18 Nov 2008 16:52:21 +0000 As a Christian, but decidedly NOT of the rabid right wing variety, I can’t understand all the brouhaha about gay marriage. In my experience, gays are more likely than straight people to stay married, having endured so much just to get there. Any 18 year old can have a drunken, middle-of-the-night wedding in Vegas to someone they just met, so how is marriage “sacred” now? Personally, my hetero marriage isn’t the least bit threatened by my gay friends marrying (or adopting children). I just don’t get it!
As the bumper sticker says, “Focus on your own damn family!”

By: Sister Wolf Tue, 18 Nov 2008 01:59:54 +0000 Susan -thanks! How can we get this going, you’re the genius?!

HelOnWheels – your sister rules! Great place for Track!

annemarie – thank goodness for your Catholic training.

cker- you’re the best! I will buy Marky a little jumpsuit like Elvis.

fashion herald – I wish I knew! Do they think ‘marriage’ is a limited resource?? Sorry you missed out on Trig. Maybe you can talk Mark into giving you Piper.

By: fashion herald Mon, 17 Nov 2008 19:50:53 +0000 i love how the religious “heteros” guard their marriage rights so hysterically. why are they so threatened?
and i’d snatch up Trig in a heartbeat, but guess i’m late to the party again.

By: cker Mon, 17 Nov 2008 05:04:02 +0000 annemarie religions give the faithful a reason for their insanity. The faithful are sheep – sheeple who don’t have an original thought or idea and will blindly follow what they are told to do. Power, control, and greed are what drive religions. Hey, wait I thought that was what drove the GOP! Hmmm, they must all be insane!

I can’t figure out how people can be so paranoid about gay marriage. I just don’t get it. This is intolerance at its finest.

Love the pic of Barack and Rahm! VERRRY nice!

I can’t wait to see baby Mark! I would be happy to unite Bristol with Mark. Mark should know his sister/Mommy.

By: Bex Mon, 17 Nov 2008 00:10:59 +0000 Huh, California, of all places!!

By: annemarie Sun, 16 Nov 2008 23:03:02 +0000 And as for the title “Jesus Loves Gay Marriage”– that is SO TRUE Mommy!

As anyone who has seen Pasolini’s The Gospel according to St Matthew will know, those twelve disciples were so fucking hot.

And then their the “absent father” thing and his intense love for his mother– Jesus was, like, soooo gay. I can’t believe I’m only realizing this now.

All those new Evangelical religions that broke away from the Holy Church of Rome– clearly they were running away from the Catholic Camp. They banned pictures and stained glass and iconography and, worst of all, the sacrament of CONFESSION, which is totally super-shitty because that means NO MORE SIN– Booooooo!

These religions have nothing to offer anyone except a place to feed off their own self-hatred.

By: annemarie Sun, 16 Nov 2008 22:45:54 +0000 I don’t quite understand the Prop 8 debacle though I have heard that the Mormons are to blame and I am willing to go along with that theory. But I am, by nature, an optimist and I am convinced these assholes are becoming more and more irrelevant.

They can’t spend the next four years looking at pictures of Rahm Emanuel whispering in Barack Obama’s ear (HOT!) and continue to deny their man-love. It’s just not possible.

By: HelOnWheels Sun, 16 Nov 2008 22:45:21 +0000 Maybe gay couples should refuse to pay state and federal taxes. Is this not taxation without representation? And domestic partnerships are just another chapter in the joke that is the so-called “separate but equal” classification. I get so enraged that I can only speak in obscenities.

I think my sister can take Track and rehabilitate him. He could use a set of caring, loving, intelligent, nurturing parents. He would thrive. My nephew would love to have an older brother to whom he can teach things like reading, math, history and with whom he can play hockey.

By: annemarie Sun, 16 Nov 2008 22:36:23 +0000 The anti-gay thing is just beyond the beyond. I don’t get it at all. The anti-abortion thing I MIGHT get– I could make that jump in my head and imagine what it might be like to really believe in the sanctity of life and all that. But the anti-gay thing is just a head-fuck. It’s creepy is what it is.

By: Susan Sun, 16 Nov 2008 20:52:20 +0000 Listening to your radio chat. Nice job.

When are you getting your own online video chat thing? Vlog or Podcast or sumthin’. We could log on with you and all get mad as hell together.
