Comments on: Just Admit It And I'm getting madder. Wed, 25 Nov 2020 04:03:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Finding Equanimity | Wed, 25 Nov 2020 04:03:53 +0000 […] more pathetic than denial? I am constantly pointing it out and deploring it. It’s part of my Just Admit It worldview. Everyone hates me for this bossy, superior stance but there you go. I want everyone to […]

By: Bevitron Sat, 24 Dec 2016 16:58:38 +0000 Demanding to know the truth, is that kind of like a version of what the PopPsych people used to call back in the early 70’s, “Now I’ve got you, you son of a bitch”? Or was that the one where you say something shitty to a person and they come after you…I always got those mixed up.

You said back in your Thanksgiving Epiphany number 2 that you shouldn’t ever get yourself in a position to hear what other people don’t like about you. I worry that prying loose the truth that makes you feel better can inflict collateral damage, be careful.

I’m going to keep on propping myself up with all the denials and illusions I need to face more days and I guess I expect everybody else to do the same. I figure the person who comes along and gets at my ugliest monster truths is gonna be some total stranger I bump into who’s feeling particularly insightful that day. Eh, if it happens, it happens.

By: Dj Fri, 23 Dec 2016 18:59:55 +0000 I like my secrets
Deny deny deny
I don’t want to hear explanations
Ones wrongdoing, inadmission, lying by omission is their burden, don’t give it to me so you can feel better

Merry whatever…..

By: Mr. Picodogg Thu, 22 Dec 2016 20:35:25 +0000 OK, we (the world) will get back to you about admitting it (everything) after the Holidays…no, of course, that’s stupid. I admit it. But, think about this, you see or know people you want to admit something, so you keep after them. They don’t want to tell you, so they keep lying and avoiding the truth. That…is…the…game. I look forward to everyone’s keeping playing their best game in 2017.

By: Romeo Thu, 22 Dec 2016 10:19:04 +0000 Oedipus: Greek wanking material that got elevated to world literature.
Adam & Eve: allegory for childhood and the importance of accepting parental authority.

By: Marshal Maddening Thu, 22 Dec 2016 09:21:50 +0000 I like wind chimes.

By: Romeo Thu, 22 Dec 2016 09:14:42 +0000 On the other hand there are instances when being indirect is… Like my recently evicted neighbor who is in need of serious professional help asked me to have coffee (and to see her crystal collection, and to go fishing, and to take a road trip, and to loan her money…). Others were present when she asked this so I felt like a flat “no” would be too impolite so I gave the softer “I’ll think about it” which everyone not-crazy should know means “no” and those who are crazy can interpret in such a way that they won’t be tempted to set your pets on fire.

I don’t think this applies to your situation, but maybe your friend does.
