Comments on: Mrs. Palin: A Moron to the Bitter End And I'm getting madder. Thu, 06 Nov 2008 12:57:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Duff Thu, 06 Nov 2008 12:57:50 +0000 Duff’s Law: The ferocity of response from those who habitually use vile and violent language is inversely proportional to the mildness of any criticism they experience.

Reading the thread above, Q.E.D., I suggest!

By: Sister Wolf Thu, 06 Nov 2008 06:32:26 +0000 Ah, what beautiful words have been written here!

Let us be civil to Mr. Duff, who has the courage to post his opinion here, as I’ve done at conservative blogs (where I’ve been called ‘the devil’ and worse!)

We are SO FUCKING AWESOME, let’s just admit it. We have done our small part to help change history and we all know how amazing this is. We have witnessed a miracle! Our national nightmare is finally over.

Who knew it would be so thrilling to envision a Black family in the White House! I love Barack Obama more every day.

Every racist conservative can not only kiss my ass, too, but furthermore, they can suck my fucking dick.

By: cker Thu, 06 Nov 2008 05:01:59 +0000 Duff you fucktard! Go commiserate with your cronies. You don’t have the power or the ability to dampen the hopes and dreams of those that have blogged here and found support during a trying time in our country’s history. It is the simple minds of people of your ilk that have brought us to the present state in this county that we all so enjoy – war, financial collapse, devastating foreign policies… Obama has the most daunting of tasks before him of any president since Abe Lincoln. The past 8 years have been wrought with inconceivable destruction brought about by greed, lies, and deceit. President Elect Obama has the integrity, wisdom, and heart to lead us out of the hell we are in. He has stirred the hopes and dreams of so many people around the world and you question his ability before giving him a chance.Kiss my white ass!

By: annemarie Thu, 06 Nov 2008 03:53:28 +0000 Yeah Duff, fuck off.

Nobody implied that Obama was a Messiah.

But his election was tremendously healing in so many ways.

It’s a real shame you can’t see that.

Kindly pour your bile elsewhere, fuckwit.

By: fashion herald Thu, 06 Nov 2008 01:40:06 +0000 honeypants – hahaha, exactly, dorky white bleeding heart liberal girl wanted to shake the hand of every ethnic minority I passed on the street today! And hey, we EARNED this one, let us bask in the joy of victory well deserved. At least for a couple days.

By: OMGGMAB Thu, 06 Nov 2008 00:57:15 +0000 You know David, we questioned your presence here before, told you what our mission was and why we blog here. You apparently are not happy sticking with those who are like minded to you, yet I am baffled why you show up here to attempt to take away our joy at what we consider a victory. I respect that this is not your victory. So go commiserate with your friends and then pull yourself up by your bootstraps to support the administration that a majority of American’s elected. Obama has never said that he will single handedly bring about change. Perhaps you missed the phrase “OUR ability to wrought change.” That means me, you, every American. Now that is realism.

And by the way, no religious or other analogies to entities real or imaged were used. Perhaps you are hallucinating (or should be.)

Enough said.

By: HelOnWheels Wed, 05 Nov 2008 22:38:19 +0000 Actually, Duff, we are not like-minded at all (thankfully for me!). I’m one of the excited readers on this board and I’m enjoying the feelings of joy and camaraderie and pride that I’m experiencing right now. Since we are not like-minded, and since I do not believe that you’re really “trying to inject a note of realism” but are merely being an ass, I have no desire or interest in “helping” you. And, I don’t recall anybody here asking for your so-called help. There, your burden is lifted.

By: David Duff Wed, 05 Nov 2008 20:31:30 +0000 ‘HelOnWheels’,
It wasn’t *me* implying that Obama’s election was the equivalent of the second coming of Christ and that he was possessed of the powers of ET having just succeeded in overthrowing Lucifer and all works, but the rather excited and excitable readers here. I was just trying to inject a note of realism and caution and as we appear to be like-minded (dread thought!) perhaps you should help. Honestly, it’s such a burden trying to help people the way I do.

By: HelOnWheels Wed, 05 Nov 2008 20:00:53 +0000 Hey Duff-us,

“for the first time in his political life, going to have to choose, and in doing so, is bound to disappoint and/or antagonise some of his erstwhile friends and supporters.”

How is that different from any other politician or political campaign? Somebody is always disappointed, not all promisses are kept. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

By: David Duff Wed, 05 Nov 2008 18:40:04 +0000 “a man of integrity who believes in our ability to wrought change”

Alternatively, an untried, untested, smooth-talking product of Chicago machine politics who is now, for the first time in his political life, going to have to choose, and in doing so, is bound to disappoint and/or antagonise some of his erstwhile friends and supporters.

“Stick around, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!”
