Comments on: Outing John Travolta And I'm getting madder. Wed, 07 Jan 2009 00:21:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Wed, 07 Jan 2009 00:21:18 +0000 Travolta is a pig. And so is that brainwashed whore he’s married to.

By: David Duff Tue, 06 Jan 2009 19:44:09 +0000 Autism? The new religion?

By: Nick McGivney Tue, 06 Jan 2009 19:27:50 +0000 Well done SW for getting this out. I just read that whyweprotest link and indeed it is scary. Almost as scary as the documentary I once saw on Clearwater Fla. It keeps me warm (in a good way) to think of L Ron Hubbard down in hell denying the existence of hell. RIP Jett, I knew nothing about you, but I know repressive fascists when I see them.

Kudos Sister.

By: Sister Wolf Tue, 06 Jan 2009 01:25:02 +0000 For a really fascinating and scary perspective, check out this forum of ex-Scientologists on the subject of Jett Travolta’s death:

By: Juri Tue, 06 Jan 2009 00:00:03 +0000 SW – Yes, the textbook definition of “spectacular care” is “the process of caring for sb/sth and doing such a sloppy job that the person ends up dead.”

I was once persuaded to accept a night job as a caretaker for a sleeping respirator patient. Thankfully, I learned very soon what a spectatular caretaker I was, and that I was actually “taking care” of a person, so I quit the job. She’s still alive.

John Travolta has been outed for his wigs/toupés/hair pieces on an almost weekly basis for years, but not so much about his way of treating his son. It’s a sad reminder of what does and does not matter these days.

Why is Travolta still alive? He was all right in Pulp Fiction and somewhat bearable in Saturday Night Fever, but other than that, where’s the purpose?

By: HelOnWheels Mon, 05 Jan 2009 19:02:39 +0000 This is so very heartbreaking. I have to believe that the Travoltas are beyond devastated, as any parent who loses a child would be. Regardless of how they felt and acted regarding Jett’s condition this is the worst tragedy that any person can suffer. I have to believe these things; otherwise, the Travoltas would be the worst, inhumane monsters on the planet. Having said that….I’m not saying anything that hasn’t already been said here:

If the allegations are true and they denied, ignored, or believed that Jett’s condition did not warrant/require/deserved certain/any treatments then they are ignorant/immoral/misguided/misinformed and may have caused the boy’s death because of their affiliation with this cult. Granted, nobody except the members of the family, Jett’s doctors, and staff know exactly what was going on with that poor child. I’m sure most of us know at least one family affected by autism and are enraged by the lack of even “decent/good/acceptable” care that appeared to be afforded to Jett while our friends/families struggle to provide the best care that their money can buy. I say without hesitation that the people I know, if they had the kind of money that Travolta makes, would be spending all of it to find and provide cutting-edge treatments to their autistic child…and not on several luxury jets, etc.

This story makes me sad and completely disgusted.

By: Ann Mon, 05 Jan 2009 17:24:03 +0000 This whole thing is so tragic, and so wrong. There’s nothing else to say about it. Denying someone medical treatment in the name of religion is as graphic an abuse as any other. As Sonja said, that sweet boy could have had the best care money could buy, thereby having a better than good shot at a very fulfilling life. The saddest part is that his death will be in vain – no way the truth will come out on this one.

By: cker Mon, 05 Jan 2009 05:06:44 +0000 I have to comment on the picture of the protesters. I loathe that type of mentality. Do any of those people have any idea what the world of a mentally ill child is like? Have they any idea of the statistics for the life expectancy of a child that has a mental disorder that is left untreated? While psychiatric medications may not be perfect and some are just out right horrible, without these medications many more children would be dead. Why not put your time, effort, energy, and money into good use and petition for the research and development of better medication, more funding for research to find the etiology behind these mental disorders/illnesses? Don’t waste time with a frickin’ poster – do something positive. I live it and know!

By: cker Mon, 05 Jan 2009 04:58:10 +0000 Just one more case in point that allowing anyone or anything to make decisions for you, lead you by a nose ring and claim to have your best interests in mind is a LIE. Cults cloak themselves in the guise of religion to draw in the vulnerable. They strip the individuals of their individuality and render them intellectually impotent thus making them unable to make rational choices and decisions for themselves. When does this become a crime? A child dying in such strange circumstances would bring in Child Protective Services in most cases. Why not now? Money, star power, influence? Scienctology needs to outed and people need to know how they brainwash the faithful. The results can be deadly.

Jett lived and died. Let’s hope his death will open eyes as to why this occurred.

By: Sister Wolf Mon, 05 Jan 2009 04:39:15 +0000 HEADS UP!

The spin has begun, with Mr. Travolta’s lawyer (and close friend) proclaiming that the police report was wrong…and that the boy received “spectacular care” from two nannies.

Not just care, but “spectacular” care. This is show biz, right?

Further, the lawyer has changed the timeline, after admitting that he hasn’t yet spoken to either of the nannies. He covers for them by noting that it “wasn’t unusual” for Jett to sleep for 12 to 15 hours at a time.

So far, the police say they are sticking to their original report.

We’ll see how long that lasts.

