Comments on: PAP Smear Official Business And I'm getting madder. Thu, 09 Dec 2010 12:52:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: links of london Thu, 09 Dec 2010 12:52:27 +0000 Exceptional document, bookmarked for future referrence

By: OMGGMAB Fri, 12 Sep 2008 15:24:24 +0000 Correction: Racism and prejudice are things that individuals must fight within themselves everyday.

I’m linguistically challenged today.

By: OMGGMAB Fri, 12 Sep 2008 15:21:13 +0000 Racism and prejudice is something that each individual must fight within themselves everyday. So no, Obama will not be able to heal the wounds of racism; he can lead by example and perhaps people will realize that the color of his skin is irrelevant to his abilities. When people begin respecting one another despite their ethnic differences, then racism wounds may begin to heal.

By: alias clio Fri, 12 Sep 2008 14:11:06 +0000 I feel no sense of moral superiority to anyone. Trying to change what you believe to be unjust laws is not a mark of one’s conviction of moral superiority. Anyway, I’m Canadian, so my views won’t make any difference to you.

I don’t see how “McPalin” can legislate a nation-wide ban on the morning-after pill. Isn’t that kind of thing determined by the states? Even if a McCain-led government were to bring in a series of very conservative judges, it’s doubtful they would be conservative enough to try to ban the morning-after pill. And, btw, it’s possible to use ordinary birth-control pills as “morning-after’ ones merely by taking them in large doses after unprotected sex; information on the correct doses is widely available.

Yes, I agree that Obama is a sane and reasonable person, but I doubt that “McPalin” are as mad as you have convinced yourself that they are. Sarah Palin never actually banned a single book; nor did she fire anyone for refusing to do so. There still aren’t any books banned in the Wasilla library, according to sources I’ve read. And her pastor does not permit “speaking in tongues” in his church.

As for Obama’s plans to help the poor and middle classes, if my understanding is correct, part of what ths plan involves is increasing corporate income taxes. I know that North Americans always believe that this is a good idea, but in fact it’s not nearly as effective as many believe. Want to drive more jobs out of the country?

Sweden, one of the most successful of social democracies, keeps corporate taxes low and maintains its social welfare programs by taxing individuals at extremely high rates. That’s one of the ways it has managed to remain a good place to do business. But I don’t see the average American voter accepting this approach any time soon.

I do think that some form of gov’t-subsidized health care would be a good idea for the US. Your present system is crazy – but you-all always insist on tackling these things on such a grand scale. The Canadian system began gradually, at first in one province only. Its success prompted widespread public support, so that doctors’ opposition, and that of the health insurance industry, was relatively easy to overcome. I doubt that Obama’s plan is going to succeed any better than that of the Clintons. Start small, though, and you might pull it off eventually.

Will Obama be able to heal the wounds of racism, merely by being a black President? It’s possible, but such damage is seldom that easy to repair.

By: Sister Wolf Fri, 12 Sep 2008 02:39:30 +0000 I will add that while Obama is not a saint, he is a sane and reasonable person with an impressive IQ and a real plan for helping the poor and middle class AND offers a chance of finally repairing the damage of racism in America.

By: OMGGMAB Fri, 12 Sep 2008 00:40:22 +0000 Listen Alias! Read the whole bill that Obama voted down before you judge! Lots of shit is addended to bills for which the congressperson may not want to cast an affirmative vote. No way that Obama voted to abort 32 week fetuses. Get the facts straight!!

And that really is far beyond the issue of reason. The issue McPalin would like to legislate is the availability of the “morning after pill” because morally, by some god, that is like killing a POTENTIAL life. GMAFB!! Perhaps you should watch a poor wolf or bear being run down by “humans” in a plane until they no longer can run and then the “humans” shooting them at point blank range for SPORT! Now is this better than preventing a potential human life? Contemplate that every living being in the universe deserves consideration.

By the way, I do not have to live by the dictates of those who believe they are superiorly moral to me. They know nothing that I don’t. Save their own souls, not mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Grandma, for the courage to say all of this on your behalf. I know you wanted to, but capitulated to the “wrong” right because you felt you had no choice!

By: alias clio Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:24:10 +0000 zygotes are not children

Perhaps not. But are not 32-week old “fetuses” children? Are not “born alive” products of abortion children?

Not according to your sainted Obama. He voted against protecting either.

By: OMGGMAB Thu, 11 Sep 2008 13:09:24 +0000 I sure was happy to see Sarah and the fam splashed all over the f’in place at CVS. She must have done a joint photo shoot for People and US (same ugly outfit in both). I could not get within 6 feet of the rack of mags because the evil laser waves were pushing me back. I was afraid I might be propelled into the abyss and subjected to pentecostals screaming that I need to be saved. I ran out of there as fast as I could, but not before sustaining a serious shock to my psyche – the realization that WE DO NEED TO BE SAVED – from the lying McPalin pigs! Pray them away from us, Sister!

By: Aja Wed, 10 Sep 2008 22:08:06 +0000 Last week someone near and dear to me said, “I fuckin’ love Sarah Palin. . . she’s such a hot mess to watch, it just gets worse and worse”. But after really reading up on her, I’m getting terrified. Especially when I hear a few of my fellow Americans are sipping on that kool aid.

By: Sister Wolf Wed, 10 Sep 2008 06:50:07 +0000 Mark – you are a credit to your college education. FIGHT WITH ME! Spread the word in NYC!

Ann – Send a photo of your pillows when you’re done!
