Comments on: Poor Piper’s Pickled Peppers And I'm getting madder. Wed, 07 Jan 2009 17:45:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Wed, 07 Jan 2009 17:45:21 +0000 “Oh! She must be including Levi, who wore a suit to the RNC and then went back to shit-kicking in the Ozarks or wherever.”

Actually, if you look really close at the pictures of Levi at the RNC, he wasn’t even wearing a suit. The jacket he was wearing didn’t seem to fit real well, like someone at the last minute realized since he was dragged to the event as a show pony, he’d probably rebel a bit and show up in a thermal knit shirt and jeans, and they yanked it off the rack at Sears.

And he was wearing gray slacks. Trouble is, usually when one wears an outfit like that, the jacket is very dark navy blue, and it’s a uniform for a lot of martial arts officials (like the ones at US Judo competitions).

Levi’s RNC jacket is a lighter color navy, which succeeds in just making him look like a dork.

And Bristol? Whoever bought that dark gray dress for her went by her size in June or July, because by September her breasts engorged and her belly pad (natural or otherwise) had expanded her waistline. The dress is about 2 sizes too small.

By: Sister Wolf Sun, 16 Nov 2008 20:13:36 +0000 Sarah P, I HEAR YOU!!! Nobody calls her out when she fails to answer the actual question or gives a preposterous answer. I think the run-on sentences just freak out the interviewer.

Every sentence out of her mouth is a miracle of lies and disjointed fragments. She should be taught in 3rd grade Enlish classes as a model of how not to construct sentences.

By: Sarah P Sun, 16 Nov 2008 15:48:29 +0000 UGH!!!!!!!!!! I still cannot stop myself from watching every interview. BUT FUCK!!!! Why is nobody, not one person saying no Governor Palin, Katie was not asking what news outlets are available in alaska? She was asking what do you read bitch!!!!! Why? Why is nobody saying the problem was not that you seemed “frustrated” by questions you thought were “silly”! Why is nobody forcing her to face the fact that we did not see frustrated coming through in the interview we saw stupidity! Not just someone sounding flighty. We saw a United States governor sounding like a fucking moron. Sounding worse than a high school student who didnt do the reading the night before. UGH!!!! I cannot handle it!

By: cker Sat, 15 Nov 2008 00:47:29 +0000 SW your parenting skills undoubtably surpass those of Willow’s mother so she would be much better off with you. Think of the fashion sense she would have with your guidance! Oh, well. Mark offers the girl a wonderful opportunity with loving fathers. Either situation would prove to be a better environment than the one that lovely young lady must endure now. I can hardly wait to hold baby “Mark” in my arms! He will be held like a child as opposed to a sack of potatoes. I am so excited! So, how do we proceed?

By: Mark Fri, 14 Nov 2008 23:24:58 +0000 Can PAP Smear help with all the paperwork?

By: Sister Wolf Fri, 14 Nov 2008 20:56:29 +0000 Hey, wait a minute here, I might want Willow. She’s so pretty and she may not be pregnant yet. But shit, my parenting skills are no good. Never mind.

I’m very excited about this, Mark and cker!!!!!!!!!!

By: cker Fri, 14 Nov 2008 16:17:33 +0000 Oh snap, Mark! Wonderful idea. I can take little Trig. I have 4 boys and Trig will fit right in. I would feel compelled to change his name though. As a mother of 2 learning disabled and special needs children and an RN I feel that I am uniquely qualified to provide a stable and loving home to Trig. When should I expect delivery of the baby?

By: Mark Fri, 14 Nov 2008 09:38:41 +0000 Those poor kids. I know a gay couple in Connecticut who would take them, educate them, teach them about fashion, and make sure they go off to top colleges. Actually, it’s too late for the pregnant one, and Track needs to go to rehab. I’m sure his SATs are too low to meet our parenting needs, anyway. Trig should go back to his real family. We’ll take the two middle girls. We’ll buy them clothes and handbags with our own money, tutor them to get them up to speed with the local schoolgirls, and provide a beautiful mid-century modern home. I smell Vassar and Wellesley, liberal lefty values, a healthy wanderlust, and two fathers who won’t impregnate them like their biological father would.

By: OMGGMAB Thu, 13 Nov 2008 19:21:16 +0000 Ah, Sleepy, you are correct! Trig should be on a milk carton now so his real mommy can claim him.

By: Make Do Style Thu, 13 Nov 2008 18:25:11 +0000 Yeah totally radical dude us bloggers! That freak should get a life and if Oprah breaks the code then she is ….well I’m sure she’ll stay strong.
