Comments on: Sandy Hook Happy Meal And I'm getting madder. Thu, 02 May 2013 17:58:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: A good question... Thu, 02 May 2013 17:58:26 +0000 Instead of targeting personal gun owners, why not go after military spending instead? Whether or not guns are legal criminals will get them, and it’s important for law abiding citizens to be able to have them too. I own a lovely Springfield EMP 9mm that I’ve never had to fire outside of a firing range but does provide peace of mind as I am a single female who lives alone… also, I find guns sexy the way I would find a classic car or a motorcycle sexy. I fully support legal gun ownership. And I fully support cutting military spending – start with the government first not private citizens. I cringed when things like mass homicides happen because it inspires the gun debate with bias. Sure blah blah more gun control, sure blah blah legal civilian gun owner could have minimized fatalities. The problem isn’t guns it’s mental health care, but everyone flocks around the gun issue and nothing gets done to address the real problem.

By: moo-lissa Sun, 10 Feb 2013 15:34:44 +0000 Sister, Your writing is so fantastic. I really love reading your blog so much. I think you should post on Tumblr as well so that your ideas can be circulated with the push of a “Reblog” button. Thank you for feeling my rage and expressing it. I’ve really given up at the ripe old age of 43.

Also, is that Sea of Shoes Jane above?

By: Cricket9 Fri, 08 Feb 2013 02:04:30 +0000 Dear SW, I couldn’t agree more. I live in a place where I meet many American expats, most of them nice, normal people (with a high % of conspiracy theorists, but that’s another story). I’m baffled how they cry their eyes out for victims of the shooting, proclaiming in the next sentence ” we have the constitutional right to bear arms, and NOBODY EVER will take it away from us, we’ll sooner separate from the union than allow the government…” and so on and so forth. I don’t get it. At all.

By: Sister Wolf Thu, 07 Feb 2013 05:01:06 +0000 Lulu – Of course, I accept, xo

By: Lulu Thu, 07 Feb 2013 03:17:09 +0000 please accept my apologies for offending you, sister wolf
the last thing i want to do is cause you further hurt

By: Sister Wolf Wed, 06 Feb 2013 23:13:26 +0000 Lulu – First of all, I am offended by the use of my son by commentors who want to make a point about something. I have said so before quite clearly.

But moving on, my feelings about the Sandy Hook shootings is that a horrible event has triggered an orgy of faux sentimentality and manufactured responses shaped by the media. Even the poor parents have been sucked into making their children celebrities of a sort. The parents are in shock and don’t even know what the fuck is going on.

If the nation and/or world has turned its numbed hearts to Sandy Hook in order to revel in its own ability to feel something, I don’t have to buy into it and I don’t.

The world will get tired of this topic just as it got tired of Haiti, and forgive me if this sounds too cynical.

The target of my disgust in this post was the Super Bowl thing. That was pure Show Biz.

Believe me, I’m not rolling my eyes at your questions, I too have questions about humanity. Too many to list.

By: Lulu Wed, 06 Feb 2013 22:11:34 +0000 I don’t really understand your point, Sister.
People should be allowed to grieve – honor the dead, even – in their own particular way. I would never criticize the way you have honored your son on this publicly accessible forum. Your grief has been presented in such a raw fashion, and has made me cry and prickle and rage…and I don’t know you personally, or your son, or your family.

My best friend lives in the US, and she was entirely affected by the Sandy Hook shooting without personally knowing anyone involved. First, it confused me as to why she was so obsessed for weeks with this particular incident, but then I tried to brush my own reactions to it aside and listen to her, and then it became clear that the seed of her mourning was because her own daughter is 6 years old, and the issue of true random [not the hipster usage of the term] was in play: that sense of fear and relief and devastation of possibility, and guilt that it wasn’t her child, but that another version of her [as one of the Sandy Hook mothers],was going through this loss, and it was too horrible to contemplate…
and this attempt at empathy – even though it has its flaws – is what I think the whole concept of a shared humanity is about.

We can’t grieve for everyone, but we tend to grieve for those we can feasible imagine could be us in another time or place.

I do appreciate the sense of tackiness that you are railing against – I always “hide” the facebook posts of saccarin “if you have lost someone to this [insert disease here, usually cancer” please share on your wall” in the same way I roll my eyes at multicolored ribbons other than red [because AIDS has affected my circle of friends] or despair at the hypocrisy of charities that are really big business, or secretly sneer at posters about two sets of footprints – but can we really afford to be so cynical at public outpourings of grief that differ from our own elegant displays? And what qualifies us as judges of what constitutes authentic suffering or reactions to public or personal trauma?
At what expense do we turn our hearts to stone?
Are we compelled to do this in order to immunise ourselves against the sheer volume of grief in the world?
So many rhetorical questions that you too can roll your eyes at.

By: Jilllian Wed, 06 Feb 2013 21:48:31 +0000 Your comment about Lanza’s picture being Photoshopped intrigues me. Why do you think this? I thought he appeared to be serverly underweight or anorexic judging by the protruding bones in his face.

By: JK Wed, 06 Feb 2013 07:28:41 +0000 [Sad to say] I can’t do social media my Dearest Sister Wolf, “limited” as they say – but “they” cannot limit my friends. (And I daren’t even try to limit my friends even if any visit darest visit that ol’ coot Duff.)

I’ve scattered stuff throughout the latitudes and longitudes M’Lady, hoping to catch Andra’s attention – thankfully needlessly as it turns out – but do please, in the future, limit my exposures to nice girls.

I worries too much over nice girls, Nice Sister Wolf. & loves ’em as it turns out.

By: Sister Wolf Wed, 06 Feb 2013 06:51:15 +0000 Diana and Ali – I THINK that Jane is being a provocateur and not actually trying to make sense.

JK – I don’t have her phone number either – you can probably find her on facebook. She will appreciate your concern, I am sure. xo
