Comments on: The Crazy Mothers Club And I'm getting madder. Sun, 10 May 2020 00:42:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Crazy Mothers Club VIII | Sun, 10 May 2020 00:42:48 +0000 […] of you with crazy mothers, try to forgive them. Those of you who are crazy mothers, it’s never too late to apologize or […]

By: MyMomIsACrazyBitch Tue, 18 Aug 2015 04:36:15 +0000 My mother was divorced by my father. She took us to live in a battered women’s shelter for a year until the divorce was final. I was 8 with 2 little brothers. You can imagine the nightmare.
After the divorce my mother turned lesbianWhore drug abuser. 2 years into this lifestyle she gave us back to our Father. My father was a drunk that terrorized me. After 6 years my mother shows up and takes my brothers, leaving me behind.
I moved in with a 26 year old man when I was 16 to escape my dad. I ended up pregnant and when I left the man kept my child. He told her I had postpartum and was crazy. Not true. It’s not that I didn’t care, I couldn’t cope. I raised myself after that. Went on to be one quite successful.
At the end of my grandparents lives I decided to move to the state my mother was in after she begged me to “come home” and there began her reign of terror.
One of my brothers she convinced he was mentally ill ended up overdosing and dying. My other brother lives with her to this day she literally wipes his ass makes him dinner every night let’s him drive her car and tells everyone how amazing he is. He sits on his ass playing video games and drinking all night. Sleeps all day.
I got married and they both terrorize my husband trying to get him to divorce me. They stalk me on social media even though I have them blocked they hack my accounts for ammunition.
Everything that goes wrong for them is my fault. They only thing they care about is our money.
She’s called the police on me claiming elder abuse. Tried to take my child away from her father due to “grandparents rights”.
I invited her to Thanksgiving once where she broke a very expensive Buddha statue in my driveway saying it was evil. She’s Buddhist. She talks of nothing else but her religion constantly day in day out and how positive she is.
She tells the family many long exhaustive stories about me that they believe.
I’ve had to block her from every aspect of my life.
I’m 45 now she’s 66 years old. We went to Hawaii this year and she was mad seeing it on social media like I needed her permission to go somewhere. She abandoned me at 10 years old but still thinks I need her validation.
I recently made amends with my father which has her seething about choosing his side. My father is a normal person and I’ve realized it’s my crazy mother that destroyed my life.
My mother at 66 still talks to me like I am 10. Not realizing I’ve grown up to form my adult life and adult opinion. I felt guilty for years that I hate that crazy bitch. I’m over it now.
She can follow me on Instagram.

By: Brett Wed, 21 May 2014 03:02:18 +0000 Haha, wow I’d love to join this club. My mom is constantly aggravating me, she comes in my room and yells at me to get onto my homework even though I’m on my way she is way too involved in my life she also loves to cuss at me and she will rant screaming I wish you were dead all the time threatening to kill me. She also abuses me physically, hitting me with space heaters, beating me with shoes, she likes to mess with my head a lot saying I said things that I never said. I’m not very good at explaining her as some of the people on here but I definitely have a crazy mother.

By: sally Mon, 05 May 2014 20:48:19 +0000 I can relate to you completely Norm. My mother this morning asked me a question, didnt get the answer she wanted and threw a temper tantrum. i was half asleep and didnt know what was going on. I also am in transition period which is the only reason I am here. I get so confused between the feeling of pity and wanting to get as far away and never see her or speak to her again and cut ties forever. But then I feel guilty about it. I think its the only way though. Today was a final straw. I just dont know how to deal with her. She is very selfish, very emotionally unstable. Always crying, yelling. Complaining to everyone. Ruining my relationship with family bc she always wants pity from people so she makes up victim stories so they will baby her.. and usually I end up the villain part in the stories. Things that are so far from truth. I have to just let go of her whole side of the family i think. Her multiple doctors have her on several medications. mood stabalizers, anti depressents ect. I saw a letter from a doctor once saying something about mild scitzophrenia but I read that many people with that are calm. She is FAR from calm. Its like a ticking time bomb that can explode at any given moment for no reason. I cook her dinner every night. Clean, give her things.. all stuff to try to buy myself a day of peace by making her smile.. but thats about as long as it lasts. Then its ” your a horrible horrible child, I dont want you here, you treat me as a slave, you never do anything for me” and throws my presents on the floor. I dont know what else to do. I feel horrible about talking to my dad about it. He left her years ago and doesnt want to deal with it anymore. He zones out whenever i mention anything… but its such an in my face thing now its hard not to ever mention whats happening. Im 31 years old. Moving out of the country with my fiance who is not from this country so we have no other options. I feel so bad for him being in the middle of it. She only just met him and is screaming at him as well. She threw a book at my face today. I almost called the police because I was scared…. but seeing as this is her house.. I didnt think it was fair no matter how bad it gets. Im the one that should leave. However, when I do, I want soooooo bad to just remove her from my life, but I know I wont be able to because I will feel guilty and sorry for her. I dont know what to do! How do you deal with people like this? She honestly believes her lies and no matter how nice I am she still thinks im a monster and is incredibly manipulative and mean and just takes my things, uses me. Im scared to even leave any of my things in my room here…. last time I did that she sold some of it for money.

By: sharon Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:09:53 +0000 I can relate to nearly every single person who has posted on here. Like mentioned by one other, I’m not saying anything because even as a 36 year old married adult… my mother is likely reading this. She is unbelievable kinda crazy.

By: Norm Tue, 04 Mar 2014 20:35:06 +0000 Ok, I might be wayyyy to late but like everyone I searched somewhere along those lines and found this. Currently, as in right as I’m typing this, she has been going off non-stop for an hour. I’m voice recording, because I’d never done or thought of it before just to see it as observation/fun and how long this last. I was literally sleeping when she asked something about a little thing so I said no and just snapped. What a shitty morning to wake up to. I haven’t been able to sleep soundly at night and eating well because I have to avoid her. After such a long time, well all my life, I’ve been trying to please her and I could go on and on but I’m finally realizing it’s not me. I grew up thinking there was something wrong with me, always fearful and always careful. I’m the only child and we’ve moved several times growing up. She pushed all the people around who I could talk to and I guess I’m finally up. I was very lonely throughout my childhood but I’m proud I hanged on. These confusing feelings: pity, frustration, sadness, anger, etc. all too familiar. I asked, what’s a kid in that kind of situation suppose to do? I had no bother, no sister, no cousins around, maybe a friend or two, and no dad growing up. I adapted and somehow manage to survive without breaking. It’s difficult right now because I’m in a transition point right and I just separated from the military which I joined because I wanted to move out so bad(good move). I’m ready to cut my ties with her as soon as I can. How do I do that without feeling bad? She was a good provider to say the least but I stopped feeling for her, if I ever did, a long long time ago.

By: fabian brown Sun, 13 Oct 2013 00:56:04 +0000 I’m mad at my mam as she is constantly a fat old twat that can’t stop having kids.But, hahaha! she tried to have child number 8 and my step-dad is a fat ues-less piece of shit that can’t even get an erection over the fat bitch that i am forced to call mother.

By: natandkim Mon, 08 Jul 2013 02:01:55 +0000 Oh man! I would love if there was support group for people with bat-shit crazy moms could sit around & connect with one another. Thank you for creating this blog!

By: Bekha Tue, 02 Jul 2013 05:56:38 +0000 I lived for years thinking I was the insane/bad one, am only just now realizing how insane my mother is. She’s a psychologist who failed to recognize I had all the symptoms of PTSD growing up, sexual abuse to be specific..she now won’t recognize these as symptoms of what they are in spite of the fact every single source I’ve ever consulted evinces said symptoms, all of which I have [documented by the shrink she dragged me to, who diagnosed me as autistic at eight–a diagnosis which anyone who spends more than five seconds with my chatty, extroverted self would recognize is bullshit!]..she insists I had a ‘psychotic break’ during a period of extreme depression brought on by finally recognizing all the physical pain I was in from the years of starvation, physical tortures as well as crippling psychological abuse I experienced at her hands growing up–continues to do so, in spite of the fact precisely zero of the ten or so mental health professionals I’ve since consulted agree with her [the one lady who did basically said that my mother said it didn’t happen, I said it did, I had no evidence, ergo it didn’t–which is malpractice, btw, if anyone ever tries to pull that crap on you go STRAIGHT to the Medical Board of wherever you’re at, do not pass go, do not collect $200]..she treats me like I’m half as important as my three-years-younger sister, who she consistently expresses shock and disbelief that I don’t take more interest in–in spite of the fact she raised a tyrant in the girl, not to mention that she expected me to help out with my baby sister the instant my sister was born, when I was LITERALLY three years old, and was “disappointed” that I wasn’t more interested in learning how to change a diaper etc. at that age-! She sees me as an extension of herself, there for her to beat up on or take advantage of in whatever way she can in exchange for her grudgingly providing me the bare minimum to stay alive..she has zero hopes for me ‘n disguises this with ‘I will support whatever you do’ psychological b.s. as well as continually pushing me in the direction of careers I continually tell her I’ve no interest in, either because she wants me to fail or because she thinks she can force me to force myself to become something I’m not in order to succeed in these careers..she is the reason I’ve spent years trying desperately to believe in my own worthiness, only to be brought down time and time again by my own isolation–mostly because I’m so terrified there’s some lingering mental illness in me that’s just waiting for its chance to take root that I’m afraid of letting anybody close to me. Plus I don’t know how to explain to people why they can’t ever meet therapist thinks I was adopted since I look nothing like her or her husband, which I can only hope is true–accepting that, I finally feel a kind of peace. I just wish I had realized that sooner–I wouldn’t have accepted her idea that I had some obligation to her, I would have called CPS ‘n gotten myself the heck outta there sooner, or at least tried, or gotten emancipated.
As it is, I’m sad for all the time I lost but grateful I didn’t live my whole life feeling indebted to a woman who if anything completely let me down.
I’m sick of feeling my whole life revolves around her emotional instability.
Like most crazy people she’s incredibly talented at attracting an audience.

By: Sarah Tue, 09 Apr 2013 20:02:37 +0000 After spending the past 24 hours unable to eat, sleep or think because my crazy bitch Mom is ruining my life, I took some comfort reading these posts. After treating me with disrespect and manipulating me my whole life, I finally found a way to remove my crazy mom from my life and start my own family, which is functional and happy. This REALLY pissed her off and now she finds ways to break the seal and pop back into my life so that she can leave a hot turd for me to deal with. What the fuck is wrong with these mothers? After becoming a parent myself, I just can’t imagine treating my own child this way.
