Comments on: The Doctor’s Office And I'm getting madder. Mon, 13 Aug 2018 21:16:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Tue, 16 Feb 2010 18:41:29 +0000 Mother of God! I believe those women did indeed resent you for being thin. They resented you for not immediately supplicating yourself to them. They resented you for not instantly respecting the tiny bit of power they have on this planet. I say, fuck them.

And that doctor! What a fucking cunt (TM). Wow.

Here’s my medical maltreatment story:

Night sweats and beyond-human-comprehension headaches. A left hand that was so painfully cramped that I couldn’t unfist without wincing and yelping. Day three, my urine darkened. So I went to ‘urgent care,’ thinking I had a kidney infection–I’ve had them before.

Four hours later, I was called into see a grouchy cunt nurse, who looked as if she had partied hard all through the ’80s. I told her that I had a history of kidney problems and that my urine was dark, so I thought I might have a kidney infection. She scoffed, and told me not to diagnose myself. I told her that I wasn’t diagnosing myself–that’s why I came here, to be diagnosed and treated. I might have said it with a tone. Whatever the case, I was sent back to the waiting room for another two hours–because of, I think, the gouchy cunt nurse, who pretty much emptied the waiting room three times before she finally called me back.

In the back, I was seen by a no-affect PA, who began to take my blood pressure and temperature and then was distracted. He looked like an uglier version of a young Robby Benson. He left that squeezing cuff on my arm and the thermometer in my mouth for eleven minutes before I finally removed them. He returned for a moment and said only, “You took it off.”

Next was the doctor, a balding, nervous man with a pasty pallor and breath like rotting dead squirrels. He confirmed that there was indeed blood in my urine, but that I had no kidney infection. That was $1700.

The night sweats and dark urine continued, so I went to my own doctor, a GP. He was out of town, so I saw his partner. He told me that my urine was dark because I was dehydrated from the night sweats. When I asked him about the night sweats and the cramped hand, he said the sweats were most likely from a flu virus and the cramped hand might be because of my cholesterol-lowering medication. He advised me to stop taking the cholesterol-lowering medication.
That was $350.

A few days later, I noticed a bull’s eye rash on my arm. I had Lyme disease. I live in Fairfield County, Connecticut, the Lyme disease capital of the world. All those fuckers at the hospital and my GP’s partner never brought it up–even though this was July, the height of Lyme disease season and the nadir of flu season.

The really scary thing is that if I hadn’t have gotten the bull’s eye rash (like a large percentage of Lyme patients), I would have never known I had Lyme disease, and it would have gone untreated and perhaps progressed into chronic Lyme.


By: Sil Mon, 15 Feb 2010 19:17:29 +0000 What a shit of doctor. I have now one of the really less doctors in Spain that are kind, and use the brains God (supposely) gave them, and I have not changed my adress at Health Care Sistem just because if I do I will get another doctor. Come on, now I have one I trust a bit…
Here sometimes you wait more in ER than at regular doctor.

Get well soon!!!!

By: Ann Mon, 15 Feb 2010 14:38:04 +0000 Your doctor blows. Where did she find her staff, in that nursing home that held Max captive last year? And while there may be a time to be stoic and a time to be vulnerable, which was it you were supposed to be as you lay dying in a room with uncomfortable chairs and shitty periodicals?

Maybe you can get yourself some cancer, like me. There is no wait in a waiting room when you have cancer! It’s like walking into Neiman Marcus with a black American Express card – you are immediately taken seriously and waited on hand and foot. It’s almost a fair trade.

By: Alicia Mon, 15 Feb 2010 02:56:44 +0000 It amazes me how you haven’t gone on a mass choking spree. It really, really does.

By: dust Sun, 14 Feb 2010 09:19:21 +0000 My doctor at the moment can handle only one disease at the time, so if I come with a question about my chronic condition AND ear infection, he gets totally confused and useless.

By: SwanDiamondRose Sun, 14 Feb 2010 03:58:11 +0000 i like my scrambled eggs when they’re still a bit visceral.

i gave up on my doctor. i think her vision of the future destroyed her mind. really. last time i saw her she lightened the mood with “the world is descending into chaos’. her and many other well-moneyed professionals have bought land up north in BC, Canada. and have created a self-sustaining community. so as to protect themselves from this impending chaos thing. not reassuring. and i moved. and i hear people don’t have doctors anymore. welcome to the future.

sorry about your crap doctor visit. they should just set up a torture rack in that office.

By: ching Sun, 14 Feb 2010 03:57:30 +0000 hey boop, you’re really nasty for saying that. i’m a medical student and i think from where i come from (South east asia), we’re generally pretty humble and are the ones constantly getting picked on by everyone in the hospital. please don’t say such things, it’s really ignorant and a generalization.

anyway sisterwolf hope you feel better. i hate long waiting room times. the longest i waisted for one time was in the emergency department– a total of 3 hours. so i totally understand your pain. take care now.

By: Juri Sat, 13 Feb 2010 22:53:30 +0000 Sisimae, I hear you – Swine flu was lots of fun in Scandinavia! I suppose I had that in September – judged from the symptoms. Sweden, Finland and Norway chose to vaccinate everybody, and people were fist-fighting in the vaccination cue (in Funland, at least) when the vaccinations begun. It was lots of fun reading about that in the papers.

In Denmark, on the other hand, we were told to stay at home so that we don’t come and contaminate others. It doesn’t matter, since the swine flu was just a hoax, but as soon as a real pandemic hits Denmark we’ll all be dead. When push comes to shove, this cuntry can’t govern its own arse.

By: Bevitron Sat, 13 Feb 2010 22:36:23 +0000 Sister, I seriously think you’re on to something with your thin theory of execrable office treatment. As one whose weight is either going up or going down, I’ve been on both sides of the flabbage and sometimes hell hath no fury like a plump girl out-thinned.

Anyway, let me tell you a tactic that’s worked for me (twice) im situations similar to yours – a walk-in with no appt…. I had the usual coughing, fever, & sore throat. When the sliding-glass window person told me about the looong wait ahead of me, how the drs have patients with appointments, etc., I got all Mimi (La Boheme) and humble and said how sorry I was, I realize I’ll have to be worked in, not a problem – laid it on real thick – then I sat in chair in the corner with my alarming cough (not an act) and they took me back real fast. To be fair, though, I once used the aggressive, disgruntled approach and it worked too. But most of the time, nothing works.

The steam-breathing is an excellent idea – it always helps me. So, are you better? I hope you’re better. Eat oranges and blueberries (if you can afford them) and drink Vodka.

By: Sisimae Sat, 13 Feb 2010 22:21:47 +0000 That is disgusting. In england, we are encouraged or told not to see a doctor if we got a flu. Because if you want medication, forget it. If you want any kind of examination, forget it. Because they just really haven’t got the time or the money to deal with you unless you are dying. I was once left in emergency room for 12 hours, with some condition that I cannot pee. My stomach was like a watermelon, but they still won’t see me. It sounds gross, but that’s the way it is. They thought I was lying.
