Comments on: The End of Decadence And I'm getting madder. Sat, 29 Jan 2011 04:07:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sister Wolf Sat, 29 Jan 2011 04:07:09 +0000 Ms. Fitz – OMFG, what an experience. I’ve been watching the revolution in Egypt all day… then BAM! thank you for a great comment and link. xo

By: Ms. Fitz Sat, 29 Jan 2011 04:00:11 +0000 I am SO BORED by all this black depressing shit. I get it, its rebellious or what ever.. I want to see LIFE GIVING, EMOTIONALLY FACETED, SINCERE and most importantly INTERESTING imagery to come out of the fashion industry. But Sister, there are some of us within the confines of the industry who are creating new, exciting and uplifting images.. I think you should check out photographer Thom Kerr, his work exemplifies everything that is missing in the industry. Not all us youngens and souless hipsters!

By: RLC Mon, 27 Dec 2010 23:52:46 +0000 There was a great documentary on a few years ago called ‘Decadence: The Meaningless of Modern Life’ – worth checking out if you can.

I think one of the main problems – and one that is exacerbated by the internet and blogs in particular – is this constant comparison to other people. It’s getting harder and harder to just be happy with who you are and what you have because there are endless reminders of what you don’t have; people who are cooler than you, prettier than you, more successful than you; people with better houses and better shoes than you; people with more tattoos, more money, more street cred, more shrunken-head jewellery… It’s all a big competition, and I guess it always will be so long as the main objective of my generation is looking good to other people.

By: Marmalade Wombat Tue, 21 Dec 2010 11:41:15 +0000 I’d be more impressed if they dressed like they REALLY didn’t care what people thought; if the girls didn’t bother to shave or wax or pluck or tweak or torture themselves by wearing ridiculous heels; and if they also didn’t bother to buy buy buy if they already had clothes that fit in their closet.

By: SarahJayne @ Goldmine Trash Sat, 18 Dec 2010 08:00:46 +0000 I’m into a lot of the same things ‘hipsters’ are, but agree with many of the comments above. I have such a love/hate relationship with hipsters. On one hand, I like that they’re willing to try anything. On the other, the lack of authenticity grates on my nerves.

The internet has given rise to the ‘poseur’ revolution. Nowadays ‘hipsters’ can download all the once obscure music and film, and use google to fill in the blanks. Becoming an expert has never been so instantaneous.

I don’t think most ‘hipsters’ are REALLY into all the things they claim to be into either. They just run down the list of names to check off, to keep their bases covered and seem cool. The extent of their consumerist attitude even reflects in their misuse of free knowledge!

And to further enable their counter-cultural pillaging, the ‘edgy’ clothes gays, punks, and goths once got their asses kicked for wearing is now readly available at any mall. I can buy a sweatshop made spiked choker at Forever 21 for 5 bucks. Chances are, the gal who sells it to me will be the type of person who would’ve bullied me 17 years ago for being ‘weird’.

What pisses me off about the faux decadence is that when faced with REAL outsiders and eccentrics, ‘hipsters’ can’t hang. Ever notice how timid and overall well mannered ‘hipsters’ are? Stick ’em in a room full of loud, obnoxious, unfashionable, unpopular, confrontational, conventionally unattractive, rowdy people and HIPSTERS GET SCARED SHITLESS.

Perhaps that’s an extension of their ironic fashion though. ‘Hipsters’ love irony.


By: Nickie Frye Thu, 16 Dec 2010 22:18:20 +0000 I couldn’t agree more. There is so much filth & darkness in the world, & there are so many people who are down in the muck for one (legitimate!) reason or another. Why perpetuate it with all of these contrived & creepy images? People are having a hard enough time as it is, why spread darkness? I want to be uplifted, inspired, amused, & encouraged. Doesn’t everyone? I just don’t get the appeal.

By: inj Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:41:26 +0000 hurrah sister wolf, well said.

By: Brie Thu, 16 Dec 2010 03:37:05 +0000 I think we all go through stages like this…I did as a teen/early 20s age Goth but we grow out of it and move on. Sadly, there are people who don’t seem to and seem stuck in this mindset where they need to shock. There are some true visionaries in the art/music/fashion world that appear “scene” but are not but then there are loads of lemmings who embrace the sorts of things described in the post just to “be cool”. The lemmings drown out the valid voices and then make everything “yawn worthy”.

Sister Wolf’s graph is so spot on.

By: Layers&Swathes Thu, 16 Dec 2010 02:55:37 +0000 You know how much I love collective consciousness! I write about it all the time!

You’re bang on point. I think what irritates me the most is that its decadence in a classless form. Its looking ‘heroin chic’ and malnourished when there are people really suffering. Yet the luxury of looking that way because they can – not because they have to. Is that decadent? It’s those miserable gormless stares when their lives are to be envied by most of the world’s population. If you can afford to spend that much time on your art rather then in a rice field, smile every now and again for fuck’s sake. It’s all become so boring and… silly?

My ramble is so much better in my head but I will elaborate at some point on L&S….

By: Sister Wolf Thu, 16 Dec 2010 02:41:57 +0000 Layers&Swathes – Maybe we’re at the forefront of collective consciousness!!! Do your post and ask who else has arrived at the same tipping point or whatever it is…
