Comments on: The Needle and the Damage Done And I'm getting madder. Tue, 19 Apr 2011 05:06:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hallie Tue, 19 Apr 2011 05:06:22 +0000 THANK YOU. This is what pisses me off about shows like, say, Intervention. Why do they never, ever show THE WORST. WORST. addicts? Why do they never show festering abscesses, amputees, or someone digging shit balls out of their ass because they are so constipated from heroin? Addicts are depicted in two ways in the media: 1) beautifully tragic 2) terribly sick, but still family-friendly enough to induce nothing more than a “tsk tsk” from Granny. Ineffective.

By: Dru Mon, 28 Mar 2011 16:06:36 +0000 Not surprised that that came from a man who is his current girlfriend’s “weight loss coach”.

“Sturdy but beautiful”, yeeesh.

By: b Mon, 28 Mar 2011 14:33:42 +0000

This makes me mad, at least some commenters think so too

By: Constance Mon, 28 Mar 2011 13:34:44 +0000 Carrie, I’m sorry but you can’t simply decide to censor images because some people will perceive them the wrong way.

I do not believe in free speech the american way, that regardless how many people you will offend or hurt directly, your right to express yourself is above all, but people simply cannot be made responsible for the way some people will perceive things in general. An image that for someone can be edgy for other can be disgusting.

By: Carrie Sun, 27 Mar 2011 16:45:18 +0000 Oops! typo in my rant above! The end of paragraph 3 should read “100 fucking percent NOT.”

Sorry, like I said, got a little emotional there and didn’t proofread before posting!

By: Carrie Sun, 27 Mar 2011 16:42:14 +0000 This is a very complex and fascinating subject, so thank you as always SW for providing an intelligent post that makes us employ some fo-real critical thinking skills!! (Not that I don’t also enjoy the ease of thinking through the ugly shoe posts – for the 10 seconds it takes to nod my head and ‘yep, fucking ugly’ at ’em.)

My opinion here is difficult to articulate but I do want to try. The crowd I grew up with during the 90s, my teen years, was extremely diverse in terms of age, gender, sexual identity, personal style, and political leanings. What almost everyone had in common was drug use. Basically, my hometown was just small enough that the entire counter-cultural scene was an extended community where everyone knew everyone else and co-existed rather peacefully. It was also just big enough (and located on a drug-running trajectory between Florida and the northeast) to be saturated with inexpensive drugs of pretty much every sort imaginable. Some of us stuck with the classic booze and pot preferences, with lighter experimentation into other categories. Many, many, many others fell prey to much heavier habits and quickly the story of addiction – with its entourage of violence (from domestic abuse to outright drug-related murder), sickness, and death not far behind. These drugs, particularly heroin, became a part of the narrative of our lives at an age when most kids are worrying about prom dresses and the SATs.

I can specifically remember one friend discussing his reasons for trying heroin the first time (by this point he was several years an addict, and around 19 years old). He was a talented musician, and welcomed that first syringe as the missing link of authenticity he needed to fully give himself over to the rocknroll lifestyle. Were glamorous images of heroin use (whether in the form of a photograph or otherwise) at play in drawing that once-handsome, once-talented, once-potentially-relevant young musician to drug abuse? Was ‘good judgement’ or ‘freedom of expression’ around to keep him from hungrily embracing that needle and becoming the now-pathetic, now-stunted, now-entirely-hopeless addict I recently bumped into on a visit back home? 100 fucking percent.

This is just one of dozens of examples I could give to illustrate my point here. At least Kevin is still alive, which is more than I can say for many others. You know what isn’t sexy at all? Fucking dying.

My thoughts on censorship don’t even enter into this. Those images DO romanticize drug use, and some who see them WILL receive the message this way. Those are the facts, and folks who choose to take these photos or post them on an ‘edgy’ tumblr ARE participants in a heroin-positive sphere of influence whether they want to admit it or not.

I’m not sure if my argument has made much sense here…I’ve ended up frustrated and in tears as I write this because to me the consequences of all this are way too real. This is something I’ve been confounded and scarred by for two decades, but rarely tried to put into words. Hope it makes sense at least a little bit…

By: MG Fri, 25 Mar 2011 22:10:30 +0000 I mean, I guess this is America and they can post whatever they want but I think everything should be done in good taste. That is not good taste and it is somewhat offensive. Drug addictions aren’t a joke, nor should they be taken lightly. I don’t think that it’s art, I think it’s egregious. If you can’t find something better to post and a better way to express yourself then get off the internet. Drug use should never be romanticized.

By: Constance Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:04:22 +0000 I think people have the right to post these images and sorry Sister but i do not think at all those images are romantic. You are presuming that the effect everyone wants to achieve when they post pictures is pleasure, and that is not always the case. The same way i do not think a movie like Trainspotting for example glamourises drug addiction(It was heavily criticised for doing so), I was a teen when it was release and seeing it would have been enough to put me off drugs.And yes I did love the characters.
I can’t conceive someone shooting drugs as something positive, although I can understand how someone can turn shooting drugs into something artistic. It’s always up to the individual how they will perceive things.

By: Marla Wed, 23 Mar 2011 02:51:45 +0000 I hate the glamorization of drugs, just like that heroin chic trend in models a few years back. Go ahead honey, fix that shit and lets see how you look in a few years. A strawberry, or a crook of some kind, with lots of mug shots. Lets see those photos.
Just because one are against censorship doesn’t mean one should show an endless loop of Daniel Pearls beheading just because you can. There is a thing called human decency, taste, dignity and concern for mankind. Try thinking about others for a change instead of what you want and your bullshit vision of art.

By: Sister Wolf Wed, 23 Mar 2011 01:03:51 +0000 kate – I hate his movies too! What a cunt. Just a terrible filmmaker. Ugh. I enjoyed his first movie, “Pi” but it’s been pure hate since then. Darren something.
