Comments on: Weiner And I'm getting madder. Wed, 31 Jul 2013 23:15:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dj Wed, 31 Jul 2013 23:15:22 +0000 Weiner is revolting. Why are are these Peres like weiner, Elliot spitzer, that idiot South Carolina senator, and numerous others caught with their pants down and their dicks in their hands out and about in public in the first place?! I saw spitzer on bill maher last night, just as, may I say, cocky as ever. I miss the good old days when public humiliation meant something, I.e.,don’t do whatever that might get you in deep trouble and totally shame your family. Damn technology…men are pitiful

By: Andra Tue, 30 Jul 2013 23:34:05 +0000 Jane, my bloke is 82 and he can get it up – with no drugs. Of course I am a very sexy sheila and that helps.

By: simone Tue, 30 Jul 2013 21:14:10 +0000 And it’s not over:

New York Daily News’ Denis Hamill: “There is no one you are sexting now?”

Anthony Weiner: “You can quibble about beginnings, middles and ends but what we’re talking about is over a year ago.”

Quibble, I say! Quibble… about ends.

By: Sister Wolf Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:01:05 +0000 eekahil – Hahahahaha!

Madam Restora – I’m not reading them all either but I did skim them. I believe it is a bitter rant on behalf of elderly men who don’t have the perks of sex parties with young women.

By: Madam Restora Tue, 30 Jul 2013 02:02:25 +0000 What is Jane saying? I’m not reading all those words.

By: Suspended Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:31:13 +0000 You have to be right, Sister. For the sake of mankind, they need to limit his jail-time internet usage.

That last paragraph is something else with its robotic, born alone/die alone, if you get the chance, fuck over everyone paranoia/ethos. How you can pin such a depressing outlook to an “era” is quite beyond me. There has been and will always be selfish cunts like you in this world, Jane; making yourself miserable with a complete lack of love and compassion, your only affection in life is combing your yappy-little-rat-dogs hair.

Prepare yourself, there might be mandatory HUGS in the afterlife.

By: Sister Wolf Mon, 29 Jul 2013 09:10:32 +0000 Suspended – I think “Jane” is actually Berlusconi. There’s no other rational explanation.

By: Suspended Mon, 29 Jul 2013 02:09:18 +0000 Jane – Ask your average 70 year old if he’d like to spend 10% of his life in jail, like Berlusconi.

And really? Who asks average people anything? Hey, bore me more.

By: Jane Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:51:54 +0000 Madam Restora,

You might have heard about the antics of Silvio Berlsuconi, but do you know that he was born in 1936 and is therefore over 77 years old?

It is obvious that he getting it up (through some concoction of drugs) and having a good time for a man of any age, let alone one in his mid-70s. So what is the difference between him and your average 70-something guy in a developed country? Why is your average 70-something guy not having the time of his life, like Silvio?

Many of you might think that his considerable wealth buys him medical advances not available to others. However that is simply not true, as anyone with a half decent income in a developed country can buy Viagra, testosterone gel, get a little nip-tuck, dress well, eat well (high protein, low carbs) and remain active.

So what is the difference between Berlusconi and your average 70-something guy?

I put it down to attitude and world view.

Your average 70-something man is a broken, whipped, brain-washed and miserable creature who does not believe that he deserves the type of lifestyle lived by Berlusconi. Access to things and services is immaterial if a man doesn’t make use of them, either through ignorance or more tragically, conscious decision.

Ask your average 70-something guy if he wants to get it on with barely legal girls? Ask him if he wants to have sex parties, enjoy life and think/act like he is young again? In most cases, you will get a blank stare or unwillingness to do so for a number of reasons that have to do with his aging wife, his family, destroyed self-esteem and fatalism. Ironically, none of the relatives and acquaintances he supposedly cares so much for will return even a fraction of the consideration he gives them.

In this era of non-reciprocity, it is safe to assume that relatives, social acquaintances or society itself are not worth caring for. People who do so are stupid morons who deserve every deprivation, lost chance and scam that affects them.

By: eekahil Sat, 27 Jul 2013 02:13:00 +0000 And yet, he has a couple of snoozing cats, so there is that one non-jurkface part of his life.
Yeah, pathology – that is the word that’s eluded me. Thank you.
He is just so immature. Must have been busted & shamed while watching his mom put on her girdle or something.
