Just kidding, there is no path forward; we are screwed. Our fate is sealed and there will be no place on earth that is safe from his malice, incompetence, and those sickening hand gestures. Weren’t we naive to believe in our fellow Americans? I know I was. I even told people I had a “good feeling” about the election.
Even though it sounds stupid and sanctimonious, I’ve been researching visas. Meanwhile, I’ve been advised to keep my head down, stop watching the news, and just try to have fun.
That won’t work. First of all, I don’t like having fun. You know those commercials where people with Chron’s disease, HIV, psoriasis and cancer, take some meds and end up at an outdoor concert, street market, hiking trail, or nightclub? None of that fun looks appealing to me. Swimming, jogging, birthday parties, gardening, camping, not for me.
I can’t ignore the news either. Not when it’s full of wonders like Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence. Lots of people consider her a Russian asset! Get the joke, libtards?
This might be fun though: Can we try to categorize Trump’s appointees and cronies? We can have idiots, monsters, cunts, and Matt Gaetz. And people with brain worms.
Or, as an antidote to politics, how about ethics? And death?
Okay, this Australian right-to-die activist, Philip Nitschke, designed a 3D printed device called a suicide pod, in which a person is killed by nitrogen gas in around seven minutes. He insists that it’s a peaceful send-off, and that his machine gives people true agency by enabling them to initiate the process of dying themselves, without relying on “prejudiced” medical professionals to judge whether their reason for wanting to die is legitimate.
Nitschke just wants to help, alright? He’s not some evil madman! That’s why years ago he came up with a euthanasia machine he called Deliverance, which connected a laptop with a syringe. Answering “yes” to a series of questions—Do you know that if you press this button you’ll die? Are you sure you know this?—on the computer would trigger the syringe to release a fatal dose of drugs. Four people used the machine to die, Nitschke claims, before the territory’s law was repealed.
In September, a 64-year-old US woman became the first person to die using the suicide pod in Switzerland. Several people were arrested shortly afterwards on suspicion of inciting, and aiding and abetting suicide. Nutcase Dr Florian Willet, president of The Last Resort, was the only person present at the send-off, ahem, but he was in phone contact with Nitschke. Further use of the pod, which has a long waiting list, has been suspended pending a review.
“It’s not just some medical privilege for the very sick,” said Nitschke. “It’s a fundamental human right. If you’ve got the precious gift of life, you should be able to gift that gift away at the time of your choosing.”
I don’t know, I think he’s a fucking cunt. Why else devote your life to promoting death? He’s 77 now, but I bet a zillion bucks that when the time comes, he won’t be using his contraption.
And speaking of death, on election night, one of my nephews lamented that he can no longer pray that Trump dies on the toilet. How sad that he must give up that dream! But unless JD Vance dies on the toilet, we all need to hope Trump survives. Who would have thought?!
Rebecca Whitworth – You are too nice! I appreciate your encouragement. xo
I cut off my balls, mixed them up in a fruit smoothie which I fed to the dog, then I took the dog poop and made a sculpture of Trump that I dressed up in a tutu and keep on my nightstand so the first thing I see when I wake up is a poop-Trump drag queen made out of my balls! Sometimes I feel like I’m the only sane person left in this country.
Where u at? We need you!
Hugh G – Um. Keep up the good work!
Lindsay – Oh, thank you so much! I am paralyzed with rage and dismay. Let me try to rouse myself. xoxo