Translate This Kanye Quote And Win a Buick!

stupid wedding picture

Okay, you are all too young to know the reference to this title but I’m paraphrasing a joke by Lenny Bruce who was making fun of – oh never mind. The important element is Kanye, as he is all too eager to point out.

So, Kanye is mad, for a change, and he’s making a big fuss. Some crap about Annie Leibovitz and a wedding picture she didn’t take.

Okay, so Kanye rants,

“Can you imagine telling someone who wants to just Instagram a photo, who’s the No. 1 person on Instagram, ‘We need to work on the color of the flower wall,’ or the idea that it’s a Givenchy dress, and it’s not about the name Givenchy, it’s about the talent that is  Riccardo Tisci — and how important Kim is to the Internet.”

My god, it’s like heaven when that idiot opens his mouth.

But here’s the part that needs translating:

“And the fact the No. 1 most-liked photo [on Instagram] has a kind of aesthetic was a win for what the mission is, which is raising the palette.” [my italics]

For the Buick (i.e., the edification of mankind, in this instance) What does Kanye think he means by “raising the pallette?”

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18 Responses to Translate This Kanye Quote And Win a Buick!

  1. Neil says:

    I think Vincent van Gogh used his right hand to raise his palette, and while I usually use a hydraulic jack for raising pallets, my palate can actually be raised easily enough if there’s a ladder around, or a staircase.

  2. Sister Wolf says:

    Neil – Aha. My palate responds best to sweets, but Indian food usually hits the spot, too.

  3. Blighty says:

    Am totally baffled – is it a reference to orthodontics?

  4. Sister Wolf says:

    Blighty – hahahahahaha

  5. Kelly says:

    Kanye has updated “hoist the petard” for the modern age. It’s simply his way of telling us he’s the bomb, only with a heightened sense of color.

  6. Sister Wolf says:

    Kelly – On my, if no one tops this, you win that Buick.

  7. Bevitron says:

    (Re Lenny Bruce, I just remember “draw my ass and win a Buick!”)

    Now, who is this Kanye West?

  8. Marky says:

    I’m in heaven.

  9. carla fox says:

    I don’t know about the Kanye thing…..but I, for one, am glad to see that sleeves on wedding dresses will now be making a comeback after this!

  10. Dj says:

    Does it matter, he wakes up every morning, looks in the mirror and knows he’s secretly still just an asshole…

  11. Sister Wolf says:

    Bevitron – YES!!!! You are my soulmate, forget about Kanye, he is of no importance.

    Marky – Right? Can we teach Kanye Studies at Bennington?

    carla fox – I like how you managed to find a silver lining!

    Dj – But does he?

  12. Dj says:

    I’d like to think so……….

  13. Eek says:

    My god, Sister, it is like we were separated at birth. I am a fan less of AL photos than of gossip about her prof life. So I was trying to tune in and find out some delish stuff about why she dumped them the day before the wedding, and I collided violently with the quotes you have isolated. I tried so hard to read them and extract a meaning and, of course, i failed. but I felt that it was my failure since, in this day and age, so many people speak this way that this is nearly a dialect that I am too unfashionable to understand. At least I am not alone in my complete incomprehension.

    I would still love to hear the AL story, but I sense we will never get it….

  14. Kellie says:

    Pailette is French for “sequin”.
    Is it a typo, or a pre-admission of his raising his sequins to his being gay???

  15. Dana says:

    They are a priceless gift. The Fug girls make my day with every Kimye post, like this one:

    Perhaps he’s simply a victim of the mixed metaphor, in this case, raising the bar plus refining the palette. And of being an ass.

  16. see jane date says:

    On the subject of two people with questionable personalities publicly displaying their relationship….Jane Aldridge of Sea of Shoes is starting to make ‘I have a boyfriend’ comments in her posts. I know you can’t talk about these things but I can. Can’t wait to watch this one fizzle into nothing because he is probably a gay ethnic just like Ronnie and Amit. Gasp! Maybe she’ll marry this one and move back into her mother’s Trophy Club house. She is a Texas girl after all and they marry young!

    Who the hell would ever be with that girl…high maintenance and spoiled with a speech impediment and NO personality. She is literally obsessed with herself and her mother…how would any man find common ground with her? Pale, bony and I’m assuming has the sexual prowess of a wet rag. She has the maturity and life experiences of a fifth grader who lives at Disney land. I am truly baffled.

  17. dust says:

    They wasted 4 days of their honeymoon to photoshop their wedding photo into this overexposed blurry crap. Pixel by pixel? 4 days?! Amateurs!

  18. Suspended says:

    I miss the days of slating Jane Aldridge. She, like Kimye, was a fountain of never ending entertainment. I bet she’s still over there swinging her hair, looking casually over her shoulder whilst sucking in her cheeks….heading on down to Sunset Boulevard.

    I can’t believe Kanye is that dumb and self absorbed…or straight. I find it all too befuddling.

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