Ann Coulter is a Whore!


Oh god,  ‘whore’ is  just a schoolyard taunt. I’m  only kidding! What I meant is that she’s a cunt.

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6 Responses to Ann Coulter is a Whore!

  1. james tempio says:

    when her party finallyy ditches her, I’ve always said, she’ll quit the hormones, start seeing Bill Maher again and return to being a nelly gay man.

  2. Mark Poirier says:

    “Cunt” is not strong enough, either. “Rancid Twat” is pretty good.

    Can I hate on Bill Maher for a second, too? His hair is so disgusting that I can barely stand to think about it. What a douche bag.

  3. Mark Poirier says:

    One more thing: I’m pretty sure I knew Ann Coulter in high school, only “her” name was Andrew Coulter, and he played varsity basketball until he was kicked out of school for raping a timid boy named Ian.

  4. Alan Oviatt says:

    I have been reading the comments about Ann Coulter’s comment about John Edwards. I just have to laugh. Where does your hatred come from? Because Gore and Kerry lost? Oh that is right, Bush stole the elections. Take two deep breaths, step back and reread all of the hate filled comments about her. Does it make you feel better to call her names? That just seems to put you slopping around with her down in the gutter. Some of the names you have called her are far worse than “faggot”. Back when I was young and stupid, a faggot was a cigarette, to be gay meant you were happy. Society certainly has decended into the depths of depravity, and you just prove it by the things you say and the hateful attitudes you posess. You expect to have the right to free speech, (allowing you to use the awful names you have called her) but deny her the same right. You expect the world to be tolerant of your views and beliefs but deny others that same right. Maybe it is time that we all calm down, take a few deep breaths, start using some basic commen sense and treat others like we would like to treated. Then we can calmly and wisely discuss the national and world political needs and come to some simple common sense approach about solving our problems. Let’s all grow up a little!!

  5. gene halford says:

    ann coulter’s a cunt thits all i have to say

  6. Urwrst Nightmare says:

    This site demonstrates the result of liberal hate speech… This is what happens when children are given access to a medium as powerful as the web. This moron was for Edwards and he hated Colter… Colter is here and Edwards fucked around on his lovely DEAD (of cancer) wife. This is liberalism at it’s finest.

    Take the fucking site down you moron.

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