Quintessentially English, the Snail Bracelet, delicately produced from a real snail shell, beautifully creates the suggestion of back gardens after the summer rain. – See more at: http://www.viviennewestwood.co.uk/shop/jewellery/bracelets/snail-bracelet-19425#sthash.gy1EXbN2.dpuf
Quintessentially English, the Snail Bracelet, delicately produced from a real snail shell, beautifully creates the suggestion of back gardens after the summer rain. – See more at: http://www.viviennewestwood.co.uk/shop/jewellery/bracelets/snail-bracelet-19425#sthash.gy1EXbN2.dpuf
“Quintessentially English, the snail brooch, delicately produced from a real snail shell, beautifully creates the suggestion of back gardens after a summer rain.”
No thank you, Viv. Over and out.
I love the concept of using insects and creepy crawlers etc in jewellery but the real snail shell doesn’t sit well with me. To add insult to the poor snails demise, it’s shell has now been marked as “owned” with a gold v.w logo. Not for me.
I remember bidding on a bracelet made up of these on Ebay years ago…I lost. In fact, this brooch is the only piece of Westwood jewellery that I lamented never owning. Back in 2002 it looked amazing crawling across the shoulder of a tweed jacket. It suited my foppish sensibilities. Now in 2014, I’m not so sure about it.
I used to love this brand but it became very cheap and commercial.
Does it come with the slime trail that the snail leaves too?
I am sitting here feeling very confused.
Viv is all about working with Lush and other companies about how GREEN and SAVE THE EARTHY she is.
And then this???
So, were they empty shells she “found” in her back garden?? Or did she put out a company memo that said “please bring in any empty shells you find laying about”.
Or are there a bunch of snails looking naked or dead this season??
So many issues with this.
Hate to say it, I love it…there’s all kinds of jewelry out there made from discarded antlers, seashells,etc., I draw the line at ivory and tortoise. Otherwise, I like the incorporation of natural elements. Don’t hate me everyone!
I have plenty of empty snail shells lurking around in dark damp areas of my garden. I am unsure what the objection is to here, but this is quite cute. If it’s a matter of taste then fair enough. I’m sure if Andrea dribbled on her clothing first or had a small child do it for her, the slime trail would look quite convincing.
I’m a little confused by and “ethical” stand point. You do realise these shells are a by product? The French alone eat 40,000 tons of snails per year.
Suspended – I though ‘escargot’ when I saw this! Then I thought, ‘Eeoow.’
I kind of love it…I will put myself in time out now.
As a cow, one who has learned to type with her hoofs, I say don’t exploit the weak because they are different from you. You may borrow designs from the natural (animal) world, but don’t steal their lives from them for a bauble, a coat, a meal. Yes, the French will eat anything, but that doesn’t make it right. One day the world will wake up and start respecting ALL life. Now, I’ll just mooooosey on back to the vegan blog, and hope human beings become more humane before there’s nothing left but empty shells.
I love it! I love Vivienne! The shells would be a by-product of snail farms – Viv’s not lurking around her garden smashing unsuspecting snails with a hammer so she can steal their shell.
Anything designed by Ms. Westwood should be trodden on just like a garden snail!
I like the idea of the snail crawling across the shoulder of the blazer, but the actual object by itself is hideous garbage.
Not as fugly as that vw penis hat Pharrell has been sporting
“Delicately”? “Beautifully”? “Summer rain”? Enough of the purple prose, Viv. It’s a SNAIL, for fuck’s sake. Looks a lot better in the back garden, eating your cabbage.
BTW, why people need to put their damn logo on everything? I hate visible logos.