61 year old fatwa-survivor Salman Rushdie parties with actress girlfriend Pia Glenn, 32.
She admits that she’s impressed by Rushdie’s Booker Prize. He, on the other hand, ———————- (complete this sentence.)
61 year old fatwa-survivor Salman Rushdie parties with actress girlfriend Pia Glenn, 32.
She admits that she’s impressed by Rushdie’s Booker Prize. He, on the other hand, ———————- (complete this sentence.)
…likes a woman who can twist him into a little pretzel-shaped knot.
….likes her booby prize
Looks like he is about to be eaten alive (but rather smug about it).
. . . is impressed by her post-modernist analysis of the gognitive logic of the truth and meaning paradigms which counter the social philosophy paradox found in the sub-text of, er, the Kama Sutra.
What David said!
…actually has a fatwa.
. . . has a great plastic surgeon who gave her boobs as big as my head! I only have to stand on a small stool to reach them.
An aside: Is it me or do her boobs look totally lopsided?
proof–as if it were required–that literary genius in no way precludes clownish, testosterone-driven behaviour in the males of this particular species. I cringe.
Better to be milked and abandoned by an unattractive woman. You miss them less.
A lot of guys think the larger a woman’s breasts are, the less intelligent she is. I don’t think it works like that. I think it’s the opposite. I think the larger a woman’s breasts are, the less intelligent the men become. (Anita Wise)
Somethings not right, her boobs look lopsided, or is it just me?
that she’s a condi rice lookalike
She does look like Condi Rice’s prettier younger sister! And whoever taped her into that dress didn’t do a very good job of aligning her breasts.
— forgot to renew his cialis prescription and wishes Pia won’t mind a less carnal, more scholarly weekend for a change. Otherwise he’ll have to call Paul McCartney and ask him to pay back the 10×20 mg he borrowed for his honeymoon with the one legged bandit.
Jelousy is a terrible thing.
She admits that she’s impressed by Rushdie’s Booker Prize. He, on the other hand, was impressed by “Rushdie’s Hooker’s Thighs”.
Hiya dear Sistah!
john malpas – Who are you jealous of??
-Pia Glenn plays a sexed-up Condi Rice in Will Ferreil’s show about George Bush!-
-And her boobs are disturbingly lopsided.
… is as impressed with Sister Wolf’s ass as I am. And all.. it seems, are getting swelled heads. As to whether Mssrs. Rushdie, Duff et al. resemble JK’s salutation and concurrent admission of admiration – well.
JK’s head is swelled. Duff is probably too decrepit ( meant with memsahib in mind “discreet”), and Rushdie has more to worry about.
Especially if the girl’s tits are uh, uneven.
is trying not to lose his head.
Her implants are so very crooked and poorly inserted. Was there something else going on? I’m distracted…that picture is so full of bizarro.
I’ll be your wing man ANY DAY of the weak, Salmon