Dana Loesch: What a Fucking Cunt!™

Watching right-wing psychopath Dana Loesch shouting down Van Jones and Piers Morgan on the issue of gun control tonight, I nearly had a stroke. My husband finally snapped, “If you can’t stand it, turn it off.” It was probably good advice but I ignored it.

Dana Loesch is deliberately and effectively enraging in the manner of fellow cunt Ann Coulter, but stupider, in that she invokes “the covenant with God” in her argument against gay marriage.

Here is what Dana said on CNN about the US Marines who urinated on the corpses of alleged Taliban members:

Can someone explain to me if there’s supposed to be a scandal that someone pees on the corpse of a Taliban fighter? Someone who was — as part of an organization murdered over 3,000 Americans? I’d drop trou and do it, too. That’s me, though. I want a million cool points for these guys. Is that harsh to say?

There is no point in this awful woman. She loves guns, hates gays, quotes scripture, and gets away with bad manners because she’s a woman. She’s an embarrassment to political commentators and the human race. A total fucking cunt.

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17 Responses to Dana Loesch: What a Fucking Cunt!™

  1. morgan kozlowski says:

    agreed Sister! C-U-N-T!!!!!

  2. Debbie says:

    Dana is a cunt but Coulter is the QUEEN OF THE CUNTS. I HATE all these right wing, Christian, gun toting, American loving hypocrites!!!!! And truthfully, I had to stop watching a lot of this crap because I would become so enraged because I could never tell these MORONS what I think of them. Diarrhea of the mouth … UGH!

  3. Hoochiegucci says:

    Dana is an amazing, intelligent, informed a visionary genius…. That’s the problem with you bleeding heart liberals…. You don’t seem to realize that America despises these disgusting Barbarians for acting like…. Well…. Disgusting Barbarians….. This is EXACTLY the kind of reprehensible thing they would do…. So…. Duh…. We SHOULD do the same to them!

    What’s next for you hairy arm pitted lesbian loving Fox News haters? Condemning the use of torture against these torture inflicting barbarians?!!! Are you CRAZY?!!

    Did your mother never teach you “do as I say…. Not as I do?”

    Have you no understanding of the SIMPLE fact that it is wrong and disgusting for bearded brown men who talk in tongues and praise Allah to act in these ways but absolutely acceptable — no– commendable, for Americans to do so?

    The simple fact we are disgusted by their morally reprehensible behavior obviously gives us the right to do the exact same back — it’s the American way…. What are you? An American hating communist? A France sympathizer (shudder?)

  4. herself says:

    One truly hopes that Hoochiegucci is parodying the expressed sentiments from March 30, 12:19 a.m.

  5. Marky says:

    It’s difficult to merely call Dana Loesch a cunt. She’s a rancid cunt.

  6. Sister Wolf says:

    herself – She is. It worried me for a moment, too.

  7. David Duff says:

    Anyone who shouts down Van Jones can’t be all bad.

    And have care, Madam, in how you refer to the Goddess that is Ann Coulter, you speak of the woman I love!

  8. Cricket9 says:

    I despise them both with all my heart – Ann Coulter probably more, for being horribly shrill. Mr. Duff would go deaf after 5 minutes of a conversation with his “goddess” (pardon, “Goddess”), but – different strokes for different folks, as they say…

  9. Greg Thornton says:

    and David, I’m sorry. I really, really am…

  10. Greg Thornton says:

    and David, I’m sorry. I really, really am…

  11. Tom I. says:

    I’m going to say something controversial. The Repugs are pretty smart, and not just because they are expert in fooling the gullible and appealing to the worst beliefs and instincts of a large portion of the populace. That’s not a very controversial statement. They are also pretty smart putting forth all these foxy ladies as mouthpieces so to speak. I think even the conservative women fall for them. I mean Hope Hicks, c’mon, the leggy blonde in the middle on Fox and Friends, and even Nikki Haley can present well. Now one might ask, what about Sarah Huckabee Sanders? There’s no way to put lipstick on that pig (sorry feminists, take it in terms of her beliefs and lies if that makes you feel better. ) Well, first, Don owed her Dad for delivering the Evangelical vote, what with Billy dying, and second, he put her there to torture the press corps he hates so much, both in terms of her physical presence and her adamant nonsensical statements.

  12. Wayne E Johnson says:

    Yeah, Dana is a cunt, a vicious, snarling cunt. Coulter is a cunt but she purrs her cunt-ness. And Sara Hucky Boo Boo? Inside her is not even room for a cunt because she is full of rancid sewage. I think the White House Press Corps needs to wear Haz Mat suits to be in the same room as her. But another part of my mind wonders: What happened in these cunt’s childhood or later life to make them so angry and mean spirited. You can see them practically glow and shake with anger and false pride. There’s only one cure for that type of spiritual and mental illness. You’re free to speculate.

  13. Mark-E says:

    If anyone deserves this title, it’s Dana Loesch. Rancid.

  14. Yankee Dude L says:

    Waune Johnson, so many Danas, Anns, and Honey Boo-Boos doing their gender’s part in poisoning the US. Alas, there’s only one Henry Rollins:

  15. Sister Wolf says:

    Yankee Dude L – He forgot to ask her, “Why the long face?”

  16. Yankee Dude L says:


  17. Sister Wolf says:

    Yankee Dude L – It’s my only Ann Coulter joke. Ann Coulter walks into a bar, the bartender goes, “Hey, why the long face?”

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