Is It Awful Enough Yet?

I don’t even know where to begin. I guess I’ll start with politics.

Who knew there could be someone more awful than Trump?? The more you learn about J.D. Vance, the more you realize that he’s the devil. He even managed to win Trump’s affection after comparing him to Hitler, using his diabolical shape-shifter ways. Apparently, Trump goes around noting to associates, “He’s so handsome! Those beautiful blue eyes!” Can’t they just rent a room? J.D.’s agenda is fucking nuts, and he’s smart and cunning enough to implement it.

And let’s not forget the Supreme Court,  co-starring “that cunt” Mrs Alito. Dominated by a cabal of Christian white supremacists, they are working around the clock to rescind our hard-won rights.

Do you guys have your passports ready to go? My own choice is Portugal.

Obviously, it was exciting to watch Trump dodge bullets, even though less exciting than if one had achieved its goal. I’m not saying I’m in favor of assassination; just that if he would die, we could take a deep breath and go safely about our business. Imagine our news media minus Trump updates? Heaven, right? But no, it’s only increased the nonstop focus on him.

Add to that the Biden deathwatch, with the will-he or won’t-he stand down for the sake of Democracy and humanity. Please, please, drop out of the race and let us nurse a flicker of hope for civilization!

Moving away from politics, in my personal life it’s the entropy. So I joined the YMCA and started lifting weights again after a thirty year break from all exercise. I can’t even spell exercise but that’s another story. So I’ve decided to devote the rest of my life to building muscle and incurring new injuries. While I’m enjoying the experience, I am also discovering all new provocations, like the people who just sit on the machine, scrolling through their phones while I stand by impatiently, thinking GET OFF THE FUCKING PHONE or just move aside! Kind of like we Dems are feeling about Biden but forget I said that because we’re not on politics anymore.

I’ve started naming the gym regulars but so far I only have the Counter Guy, who counts his reps out loud (!!!), Lana del Rey, Luigi, the Old Man, and No Legs.

As much as the phone scrolling of others is enraging, my own phone scrolling is worse than ever. Now I can watch people’s workouts on Instagram when I’m not watching make-up tutorials, baby donkeys, and Jew-hating mobs frothing at the mouth screaming “GENOCIDE! GENOCIDE!”

It feels like there is no escape from a sense of doom. Nothing is trustworthy or sacred. My wordpress blog is warning me about all sorts of critical problems I don’t know how to fix (if you’re a  webmaster, please contact me!)  There’s a lady on TV who keeps telling me to use deodorant in my “butt-crack.” It makes me want to cry.

On top of all this, I went to Costco and got knocked down by a guy driving one of those big carts. He helped me up and freed my shoe from a metal thing on his cart. I was very upset and worried about breaking my worthless decrepit bones. Karen-like, I found a manager to report the incident and filled out a form. I consider filing a lawsuit but I’m too lazy and it’s not my style.

Still, I do feel somewhat traumatized from falling. A few days later, in the gym, the Counting Guy was behind me in a tight space and suddenly passed me on the left. Startled and pissed off, I actually said out loud, “What is this, Costco??”

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4 Responses to Is It Awful Enough Yet?

  1. Pocketsound says:

    Sisterwolf! Like other times, we live in parallel universes, you the literate one, and me not so much. I joined a gym a week ago after decades of not building muscle, and when I saw your page, I was taken aback by not just your physique (which looks amazing) but by the fact that I am appreciating the exact same thing right now in myself. Muscle building is important when you are on the wrong side of 55 or whatever.

    I was actually thinking about you when I was pumping iron (true story; this was before I saw your post). I remembered a post long ago. I don’t remember the topic, but maybe it was a pregnancy scare, I don’t recall. Somewhere in there, you stated you had a tryst with “some loser that you met at a gym.” I saw a candidate. I giggled to myself and kept on pumping the iron.

  2. Sister Wolf says:

    Pocketsound – That is crazy! I love this synchronicity! Let me know how it’s going: the lifting and the loser!

  3. Sands says:

    Godammit I hate that Lume lady so much!!! Stop interrupting my hotel room Forensic Files binge and stop giving women more dumb shit to worry about!

  4. Sister Wolf says:

    Sands -EXACTLY! Also, where would we be without that Forensics guy’s voice??

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