Please Stand By

Sister Wolf must attend to an urgent family matter. She hopes to be back before too long.

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26 Responses to Please Stand By

  1. Sarah P says:

    Much love to you & yours xxxx

  2. arline says:

    I hope everything is OK

  3. Jill says:

    Waiting for you return with bated breath

  4. andrea says:

    You know I am praying for you and yours,

  5. Moda says:

    Sending BIG LOVE and the best vibes to you and your family.


  6. I hope all is well!

  7. WCGB says:

    Honey, you know I love you and will stand by for as long as needed. xoxo

  8. Sonia Luna says:

    Sending love and good vibes your way!

  9. K-Line says:

    I’m thinking about you and giving you lots of good, helpful vibes. Kxo

  10. Ann says:

    Love you, SW. Call if you need anything at all.

  11. annemarie says:

    I am radiating all my love towards you Sister Wolf.

  12. Romeo says:

    Hopes and prayers to you and yours. XOXO, cunt.

  13. dexter vandango says:

    ..there are a lot of people out here who care what happens to you and yours. All the best..

  14. Aja says:

    Take care, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. xo.

  15. OMGGMAB says:

    All good thoughts and energy to you and your family, Sister.

  16. Susan says:

    Currently love is flowing, beads rattled, blessings offered, bells rung, candles lit, and prayers ascending until you and yours find peace.

  17. honeypants says:

    Lots of love and good vibes and crossed fingers!!!

  18. ali says:

    I hope you’re doing well. good luck and more good vibes.

  19. kate says:

    all the good thoughts in the universe to you, fabulous Sister Wolf!

  20. skye says:

    Hope you’re back soon and all is well.


  21. Tobi Lynne says:

    Hope all is ok, lemme know if you need anything at all.

  22. hammie says:

    HOW IS HE!!!!!!!

  23. HelOnWheels says:

    Sending all the positive energy & thoughts to you and your family.

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