RFK Jr: What a Fucking Cunt!™

This is a story of unmitigated fuckery, replete with cunts, bit I will focus on Robert Kennedy Jr as the Cunt in Charge, so to speak.

When his wife Mary hung herself last month, it was a tragic event that naturally shocked the public and was covered by the press with all due sensitivity. The Kennedy’s were in the middle of a difficult divorce and one could infer that Mary Kennedy suffered from depression.

But apparently,  RFK Jr couldn’t take the rumors that it was his womanizing and financial bullying that led Mary to  despair.

Now, his private affidavit in the divorce procedings, documenting his accusations against Mary and his reasons for wanting to restrict her access to the children, has been “leaked!”

And Newsweek (i.e. Tina Brown) has employed “Kennedy historian” Laurence Leamer to write a sordid piece on Mary Kennedy’s “Tragic Last Days,” based on the leaked affidavit and some out-of-context quotes. The Newsweek piece cites a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, which Mary’s family flatly denies, and RFK’s accounts of being punched by his wife, “a trained boxer.” He contends that he was so frightened of her on one occasion that he jumped out a second-story window to escape her blows.

As if. But the story is so much worse. And Mary’s family says, in part:

The scurrilous affidavit, which is the entire basis for the Newsweek article, was written by Bobby Kennedy as part of a contentious custody battle and was nothing more than a brutal psychological weapon in the divorce case. The affidavit, which Mary repudiated at the time, is full of vindictive lies. This latest piling on is proof perfect of the unbelievable emotional and psychological abuse that Mary endured during the last years of her life, and now in death. The false claim that Mary suffered from BPD is also an insult to those who do struggle with this serious mental illness.

Meanwhile, no one denies that RFK was rampantly unfaithful throughout his marriage, including a long affair with Cheryl Hines, the actress who plays Larry David’s wife on Curb Your Enthusiasm. (I don’t know why this fact bothers me but it does.)

Fuck RFK Jr and his funny voice. Fuck him for “leaking” his sealed affidavit. He’s just another Kennedy who thinks he can use his name and his money to cover up his bad behavior. Fuck Tina Brown for stooping so low to publish this shit. Fuck Laurence Leamer for making a career out of Kennedy hagiography. Fuck the Kennedy clan for refusing to let Mary’s family take custody of her body.

And fuck the housekeeper, on RFK Jr’s payroll, who says that her husband bought Mary some rope because “she said she needed it.” This after stating that Mary was always threatening suicide.

Poor Mary! May she be be somewhere peaceful, and free of the Kennedys, for all eternity.

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23 Responses to RFK Jr: What a Fucking Cunt!™

  1. candy says:

    It breaks my heart in pieces. Assholes!

  2. Lizzardbitch says:

    The only thing I will say is that having lived with a borderline sister and mother, this rings all too true. Sadly, I think you would have to be entirely bat-shit crazy to even be attracted to a Kennedy.

  3. Sister Wolf says:

    Lizzardbitch – It rings like BPD because it is RFK’s description. He admits to having read about about it so he is more than able to paint the picture.

  4. Sister Wolf says:

    Lizzardbitch – P.S. My mom, too, by the way.

  5. Richard says:

    He probably jumped out the window because she found out about him banging another woman. He sounds like cunt. Most politicians are cunts. None can be trusted.

  6. Ann says:

    I am SO glad you wrote on this – it is so sad. I feel terribly for Mary’s family. And out of all of this, I must admit that I am most infuriated with the housekeeper! That fucking remora. We can almost expect this type of behavior from a male Kennedy but there’s nothing I hate more than a sycophant. She knew exactly what she was doing, buying that rope. She should be charged as an accessory to a murder.

  7. Witch Moma says:

    Thank you, Lizzard & Ann for saying it well. The Kennedy males leave a trail of women’s carcasses behind them that’s decades/centuries old. Is there a decent one in the lot?

  8. David Duff says:

    Steady on, ladies, he’s only carrying on the old family traditions!

  9. Debbie says:

    The power of that family is frightening. And I didn’t know Cheryl Hines was seeing RFK, Jr. while he was still married!!!! What a c-word.

  10. candy says:

    Why do some of you blame the woman? suicide is a difficult subject. There is a big difference when it’s a spouse (man or woman)who takes their life,because in this case, talking by experience, the man pushed her to suicide. Not every mentally ill, depressed spouse commits suicide but in a relationship, someone has to push the other and in this case the husband did. I knew a girl,her boyfriend pushed her to suicide and when she died, he said “I don’t care” I don’t know if it was his way of dealing with grief or his true evil face. I think he was hurt. We are hereon this crazy planet dealing with evil entities and people comein each other lives toteach and learn. This manhas probably someone telling him that it was not his fault, she was just a crazy broad! yeahh right! my answer is : she didn’t have a support system and she felt alone,I amnot talking about a shrink or stranger,but family…that’s my take on it.

  11. candy says:

    I also think The kennedys are emotionally immatureand they make the people around them miserable!

  12. candy says:

    The husband made her feel like nothing, like shit and she belived it!

  13. Laura Thompson says:

    I never thought I would say ” Bless You for calling R.F.K. a cunt ” . But I do. I have never hated R.F.K. , but a wife hanging in the barn being sued while you have a mistress publicly using the kids as a taunt is too much.
    Why did all the therapist only diagnose her ? If it was marital therapy, how could His continual sex tryst be normal ?
    He claims her to be drunk & crazy & violent the whole marriage while he whimpers, says yes honey and is the perfect daddie to the kids.
    Hitting doesn’t start at her age of 34 : She had no history of this.
    He is an addict. Users cannot stay that long without enableling or using.
    All the therapist think He is fine.
    Why wasn’t the autopsy results for blood alcohol released ?
    Why wasn’t a brain MRI done previous to death ?
    Why wasn’t she tested for a biochemical imbalance, like lithium etc ?
    Why wasn’t she checked for a brain lesion after death ?

    I do not know what happened but I see….. a cunt… R.F.K. jr !

  14. candy says:

    Laura! wow, well written!

  15. Janet says:

    Have to disagree on this one, Sister. RFK, JR is no doubt a cunt and shouldn’t have participated in smearing his children’s mother in the media, but I don’t think anyone can “drive” a non-mentally ill person to suicide. She chose to take herself out and abandon her four kids. Regardless of her husband’s flaws or who bought the rope, she’s responsible for her own actions and for destroying a lot of lives in the process.

  16. Sister Wolf says:

    Janet – You are absolutely right: No one can “Drive” anyone to suicide. She was not in her right mind – a mind that must have told her there was no other choice.

  17. Pratt Evans says:

    I applaud your honesty and guts for stating the truth. A friend of mine, a very nice girl, got swept up in a relationship with one of Bobby’s cousins for over 5 years. He abused her emotionally and used her, but when he wanted to end the relationship because she could no longer put up with his addictions, dishonest behavior, and would not cover for him any longer. He went right to the Kennedy play book and started lying about this woman and pushing her so hard emotionally that she almost lost her life, like Mary. Unless one has been their and subjected to this mental and emtional go around, it is almost impossible to understand what happens to these women, i.e. read the biography written in 1970’s of Joan Kennedy to get a taste of what she has endured–gives a great picture into how life would be with Ted’s son, former RI Congressman, Patrick Kennedy. OMG, the worst abuser and phony of them all Anyway, my friend’s KM threatened her, had his staff threaten her and painted a picture of her that was based on complete lies. She has witnesses and the evidence but has been so sick for the last two years she has not been able to pursue what ever civil or criminal remedies that are available to her. Maybe, one day soon, hopefully with the Richardsons, she can help put a stop to this disgusting behavior toward women. This is so sad and since reading about Mary, my friend has been very upset and wants to help the Richardson family. You see, KM have to bring or destroy the nice women in their lives to keep them quiet. As my friend did, and I am sure Mary did as well, knew a lot of secrets and info that they wanted buried or kept quiet at any price. Only by the Grace of God has my friend held on until now. I know she prays for Mary and her family and hopes they have the strength for all of us to bring this Kennedy problem to an end and put them where they belong:poor and homeless or jail. The comments were great. Pray for my friend. Thanks

  18. candy says:

    Some people do push others to the edge and the edge can be anything…I think it’s very difficult in spouse relationship,she may have mental issues but he still is a factor in this. Suicide will never be a selfish act because the person is mentally tortured before the act and torture in itself is not something we would like to endure.

  19. Jeanne says:

    I can’t remember the source but I read an article of how rfk jr., his siblings & cousins were horrible as kids playing cruel pranks & terrorising shopkeepers in Hyannis Port every summer who didn’t dare complain and face the kennedy wrath or worse their ‘silent treatment’. As a typical kennedy wife Ethel closed her eyes to her childrens’ mischief letting them go rampant totally out of control & the house was always in a mess. *reap what you sow*
    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. joe kennedy used to bring women into the house right in front of rose kennedy. bootleggers, rapists, liars, thieves, suspicious deaths, moralising adulterers addicts & alcoholics…look the terms up and a kennedy male face appears. rfk jr. proudly continues the dynasty’s traditions.
    RIP Mary…its honorable how you put up & lasted so long with that family.

  20. This entire saga is as tragic as any Greek one. Hubris combined with the dark Irish Death-Wish make for so much pain inflicted on unsuspecting women mesmerized by the striking bright blue eyes and lured by the magnetic force of the Kennedy mystique. In RFK JR.’s case the mystique is a unique blend of narcissism combined with charisma, charm and a very high intelligence as well as insatiable libido. Women unconsciously will fall for an alpha male to mate with- that is why many of the Kennedy Men have been so successful in getting beautiful women to go to bed with them- and oftentimes not even giving them a chance to say no or for them to even know what is happening- it’s a very confusing state of mind to be in for a woman- especially if the women at hand is virtuous women, which Mary RIchardson Kennedy most obviously was.

    Everybody knows what happened to his father and uncle but nobody can really understand how traumatizing it must have been to have his father assassinated at the tender age of 14. So much has been written about how Bobby was the sensitive and nurturing parent and Ethel was verbally and physically abusive to Bobby after losing the love of her life- so life has been anything but easy for Bobby Jr.. It’s too bad that his tragic personality will overshadow all the incredible victories he has made for the environment and our planet- maybe he can write a book about all of this someday so we can all try to understand how the death of his beautiful wife can make some sense to us.

  21. Kerri says:

    Why any woman would marry into this crazy family is beyond me especially marry RJK jr!. She knew what she was getting into, he was married at the time when not only did she have an affair with him, she got pregnant to trap him. She sat back and watched him treat his first wife like shit, he even got the marriage annulled effectively saying it was never a marriage in the first place even though they had two children! Sorry but any woman who does that to another women is a bitch. I feel sorry for her that she was so obsessed with an man that she would condone that behaviour to another woman. Yet she seemed shocked that he left her and was having affairs! Once a cheater always a cheater and these Kennedys are the experts at it. It always surprises me that a woman who caused the break up of a marriage is surprised when it happens to them later.

  22. Eek says:

    He is irredeemably evil. He really is. His reputation is utterly ruined, as it should be.

    And that Curb woman is really sick and pathetic to stay with him. He should be shunned everywhere.

  23. kerrie says:

    Cheryl Hines is a total fucking cunt and so is that rotten Satan asshole RFK Jr. I hope those two bitches get what they deserve.

    Meanwhile, boycott every single show that ugly whore bitch Cheryl Hines is in.

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