
Every blogger wants to have readers. That’s why we’re here. Me, I want to express myself, and I like to get a response. Otherwise, I’d just keep a journal.

It’s good to follow blogging etiquette. But it’s also good to break free and say whatever you want. Lucky for me, I’ve already said I’m a cunt, so I’m already out of that closet, so to speak.

I’m also on record as not liking certain bloggers and types of bloggers. Most people are more circumspect in their opinions. Now, however, I smell trouble and I love it!

Queen Michelle got lots of her readers stirred up when she implied a lack of respect for another blogger called luxirare.   Naughty Queen Michelle! Now people are all huffy, but most don’t want to have to take a stand one way or the other. Even luxirare jumped in and pretended to be hurt!

I CAN’T STAND luxirare and here’s why: She is too pretentious, her grammar is poor, and she features aggressive photos of singularly nauseating food. It doesn’t help that she mentions her mom’s old Chanel stuff. If your mom owned lots of Chanel, she should have taught you some manners, like don’t boast about your privileged background. (I miss my mom and I miss her crappy cheap handbags too.)

Luxirare can live without me being a fan. She’s got a million sycophantic readers going “OMG you are so amaaaaaaaazing!” and the ultimate fashion-girl accolade, “You are seriously killing it.” As far as I’m concerned, luxirare is a moron with a high end camera. Next!

Wait a minute, while I’m at it, I’m not crazy about Sea of Shoes or her vaunted Mom. If you add up what they spend on shoes, you could bail out General Motors and finance a health care program. There are too many $800 shoes going on, and nothing on their minds except for “Look at me! Can you believe me?!”   I don’t see any accomplishment, I just hear cash registers going Ding!

Now what? Do you secretly hate any blogs? Do you secretly hate me? Let’s hear from you.   If you can’t take a stand on something as harmless as blogger aesthetics, what good are you?!

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172 Responses to BLOG WARS!

  1. How funny! I think blogging is fun in a way that writing for a paper or magazine isn’t. I steer away from the pretentious and did feel a tad sorry for Susie getting caught up in it all as she genuinely liked her jacket and is sincere in her admiration. Luxirare is marketing herself, her wares and her lifestyle. I sort of got the fact she is quite well off due to her up bringing because whatever your background is tends to come through when you are writing your blog. So after a couple of visits I became bored by her blog. The best thing about Queen Michelle’s post is she was trying to confidence to someone who had compared herself to Luxirare and hit the nail on the head never compare just be and do.

    Now, your blog never bores me – my amusement and horror in equal measures means I’ve dumped the BBCi weather check first thing to read you! Come on the weather is important on this temperate isle. I do give petit garcon his breakfast first mind you. You are seriously killing it for me!

    I do secretly hate a blog but if I tell you here I might upset one of my friends who doesn’t. I’ll facebook you the name!!

  2. Queen Michelle says:

    I get so many emails from so many girls asking shit like “should I post photos of myself even though I’m not as thin as Fashion Toast?”. What???! Getting these emails so regularly and then getting this one just totally pushed me over the edge.
    I see so much competition in bloggers and it bugs the shit out of me. I, believe it or not, actually didn’t mean to show disrespect for Luxirare – the chick who emailed me chose her for some reason. If it wasn’t her it would have been someone else being held up as the epitome of perfect blogging. I just didn’t feel that what someone else is doing should matter a fuck with what she wants to do.
    It’s like looking over the fence at your neighbour who has a better car or nicer flower beds and feeling like your life is shit because you don’t have that. It’s pointless and boring and annoying. It seems like all the fun is being sucked out of blogging.
    To be really honest, I wanted to tell the girl to not blog because if she’s this neurotic before she starts then she’ll be a million time worse when actually has one. Yeah, don’t blog. Blogging sucks.

  3. Mie says:

    Luxirare may be intimidatingly pretentious, but what really ticks me off is how many hits Norwegian less than eloquent blonde haired bloggers get when they post photos of dime-a-dozen tacky outfits, or not so much the clothes as their abnormally voluminous teased out hair and puffer fish facial expressions. Following this, they jot down some astoundingly badly spelled babble and finish off with “what do YOU think, my lovely cutesypuffs?”, or words to that effect. Being Norwegian myself, I am forced to face this nonsense. Especially, it infuriates me when they actually post a pic of some creative or perhaps tad edgy piece of clothing, and comment “personally, I don’t think I could EVER wear it, but what do YOU think, cuddlyflops?”. and for this they get several hundred thousand hits a day – it is truly baffling

  4. Sister Wolf says:

    Make Do – Can’t he wait for breakfast??

    Queen Michelle – I did say that you “implied disrespect,” and clearly anything less than expressing awe is not good enough. I totally agree that anyone who worries about starting a blog should not start one.

    Mie – Her pretensions don’t intimidate me, although the food = nausea. I hear you about the Norwegian girls. I only know about one of them, and she’s always ready to kill herself over shoes.

  5. Maja says:

    Personally, I’ve grown tired of the fashion blogs altogether. There’s only so much materialistic nonsense and pictures of barely legal bubbleheads with their bums out and their Chanel 2.55s on display a girl can take before she turns to blogs about grandparents and cupcakes and, I don’t know, scuba diving.

  6. arline says:

    I am so happy you exist!

  7. Constance says:

    I think it was really stupid of Susie(a great blogger) to be offended by something as harmless as a comment in someone else’s blog, it’s a tit jacket FGS, no wonder some people were taken aback by the elegy.

    Karla’s Closet is an endless source of fascination to me, in a car crash king of way.

  8. annemarie says:

    I find it all terribly amusing, except for Luxiare’s blog, which is boring.

    Sea of Shoes– OMG love!! “Wearing Dries and bondage Givenchy today, off to lunch now, later!” Hahahahaha! You don’t think that’s funny? Come on, it’s hilarious. They’re about as fierce/killing-it/insane as a pair of Afghan Hounds!

    I like this one but I’m not sure for the right reasons. This woman loves clothes and writes well about fashion, but jesus christ, her outift posts are awful! How can someone so interested in the aesthetics of dressing continuously wear such unflattering, boring shit? I like her all the same though, I like her hapless attempts to keep up with the trends, and I like that she doesn’t try to style herself like an editorial spread.

    This is one that I hate though:
    She’s a rich kid with a predictably fashionable wardrobe and seems to be as thick as a plank. It is stupid and I am ashamed to hate a young and silly girl when all my hate should be reserved for people like Palin and those who genuinely harm the world, but this one bothers me a lot. In addition, she continuously rapes my language, which must be total laziness since I am sure that, living in London, she has lots of English-speaking friends to fix her grammar and spelling.

    I find Queen Michelle’s posts (not just the latest one) to have a self-righteous and overly-defensive tone that also bothers me. And I’m sick of people trying to sell other people badly-made crap, so I actually don’t think that girl should have been encouraged.

    Thank God Sister Wolf exists to call these fuckers out. You’re like Tereisias.

  9. annemarie says:

    “There’s only so much materialistic nonsense and pictures of barely legal bubbleheads with their bums out and their Chanel 2.55s on display a girl can take before she turns to blogs about grandparents and cupcakes and, I don’t know, scuba diving.”


    I do love Susie Bubble though. She gets impunity here.

  10. OMGGMAB says:

    What these fashion bloggers need is a good education from J. Peterman. Great stories, descriptions, and no models. Classic.

  11. minzhi says:

    I basically hate blogs which name start or end with the word ‘fashion’, and bloggers who will or can post nothing else then what and how they dress daily and which bag or shoes they are going to buy next or a bunch of pictures which I prefer to see them directly from And yeah, I hate thier endless Chanels and LVs. If I had that much cash to leave so many Chanel for my daughter, I would have left them twice amount of Vivienne Westwood. At least she teaches us to protect the rain forests.

    I have amaaaaaaazingly poor grammar! But I’m trying very hard to learn and not embarrass to write them wrong(should I?) And reading sister wolf’s blog really helps! And she never fail to amuse me. Not like Elenita.

  12. andrea says:

    I have often thought of blogging (and I actually started one but abandoned it) because I live in NY and I have been obsessed with anything to do with fashion and personal style since day 1. I came out of the womb that way. My Mom used to say that I changed outfits 5 times a day when I was young. So, I have my daily reads, and reading about (mostly) fashion online has filled a niche for me. Now I don’t have to wait for the next issue of a magazine to see what’s what. Anyway, there has always been a huge disconnect between what people look like on the street as compared what is shown in the magazines and on the runway. It was also nice to see that there are others out there like me, who think about what they are going to wear 24/7. But, I was made to think that fashion was “shallow” growing up. And that it wasn’t even a career option. Personally, walking around NY gives me TONS of inspiration, and I thought it would be fun to put it out there. I certainly have a lot to say, and I have to admit, I am well connected NYC-wise. And I am fortunate to have a very successful husband, a wonderful guy who I love and who loves me and gives me everything. (I have a part time job and I had been a stay at home mom for my daughter). But when I was growing up, I was taught that it is not good manners to broadcast “look how great/beautiful/hip/modelesque/fortunate/lucky/amazing I look. (hand to face or hair). I have the REAL Margielas/Rick Owens’/Givenchys/Pradas, etc. Don’t I look like a Vogue photo shoot?” When people complement me, as a woman did in the subway recently regarding my multiple compartment Comme des Garcons bag that I was carrying. She asked me who made it and where did I get it. I told her, but I didn’t tell her that it was from the boutique and it was $$$$$ and it was only one of 2 in the world. I never want to make someone uncomfortable that they might not be as privileged. But it seems that in our new internet world, and in my daughter’s generation, putting it all out there is the rule. I don’t want people to know how much money I spend on my stuff. Or that I am keeping Barneys in business. I guess I would have to admit that I’m of a different generation (old???). But I do love Queen Michelle and Susie, because they are not just showing off, their blogging comes across as an intellectual exercise, an inherent part of their very interesting personalities.

    Another thing about many of these bloggers, is that they live in suburbia. They seem all dressed up with nowhere to go. Why would you need to put on a pair of YSL tribute boots to take the dog out for a poop????

  13. andrea says:

    Oh, and also, I was so excited to see that there was an email that you posted in my inbox this morning! I really look forward to your blurbs- you often say just what I am thinking. Keep it up. And tomorrow is my birthday. I can’t decide if I should go to work or treat myself to something. Any suggestions?

  14. andrea says:

    And another thing I left out. Your blog is EPIC!!!

  15. Queen Michelle says:

    Annemarie you perhaps mistake self righteousness for plain, old fashioned honesty. I call it like a see it and if you don’t like don’t read it. End of. It’s easy to chuck around remarks when you are some random hiding behind a computer screen but it’s harder to actually put yourself out there and open yourself to critism. It takes bottle and anonymous commentors have none. Oh, wait was that “overly-defensive”? Damn!

  16. annemarie says:

    Yes, it was!

  17. WendyB says:

    Sometimes I hate myself — does that count?

  18. e says:

    Do you why Susie Bubble is so well loved and protected by her fans? Because she’s NICE. And unpretentious.
    Thanks for your honesty in this post, as usual.

  19. dust says:

    The blogs I don’t like, i don’t read.
    Blogers are as defensive as we are judgmental. Just read again the comment and note the tone that is used to write about the some people that we’ll never personally meet. How pretentious is that?
    Sister, you are allowed some pretentiousness, you pack it so well. Wanna be your intern.
    Queen Michelle is my favorite bloger, I wonder if she needs and intern…?

  20. Jill says:

    I read this peeking between my fingers…hands covering eyes.

  21. Lauren says:

    I bow to your blog Sister Wolf–I’m still trying to muster up the courage to break out of the cunt closet myself!

  22. I find The Sartorialist pretentious and personally repellent, but I continue to look at the pretty pictures on his blog anyway. I’m also shamelessly addicted to Jak & Jil and Garance Doré. Fat- and body-positive blogs also irritate me, but that probably says more about me than them. My own blog started to annoy me so much I had to stop writing it.
    Queen Michelle and Susie Bubble and WendyB somehow manage to do outfit posts without seeming boastful and obnoxious, and write well about fashion, with original content, rather than just posting endless purchases and photos from And you, Sister Wolf, consistently kill it.

  23. WCGB says:

    Well, I’m a bit off topic here since my comment is not re: the sartorial end of the blog spectrum… But I’ve got a crazy person (and I do mean mentally ill) in my own town (Pasadena) who has never met me, spoken to me or e-mailed me. She’s calling me a hate-filled, bully troll, neo-Bircher (HA!) on her blog. (Oh, I’m also an “evil blog diva” along with the editor of the Pasadena Star-News). When I posted about “Blogging with integrity” which is a real thing started by other bloggers (not me), she didn’t get it. Today she’s accusing me of inventing it as a front.

    THEN there are the jerks who make anonymous comments on her blog and help inflame her paranoia. She’s Pasadena New Progressive at A true, chronic train wreck.

  24. Susan says:

    Thank you. Shoes and daughter of Shoes, I don’t get it.

  25. Ann says:

    Sea of Shoes – my GOD! That blog hurts my heart. There is no reason to speak with such excessive pride over your possessions. It is pretentious in a most epic way and I weep for that young girl’s future.

  26. WendyB says:

    I heart you, Iheartfashion, and I have been missing your blog. Come back, bitch!

  27. sugar kane says:

    I’m in Finland, and the fashion blogosphere here is pretty similar to or worse than how Mie described the Norwegian scene, not to mention the style reality in my dreary town, so almost ANY blog that takes fashion creatively and seriously – in a fun way – is heaven in my book(mark)s. Being in my thirties and constantly broke, I somehow naturally ignore most of the blogs based on consumerism and/or written by barely legal bubbleheads. (But I confess I find Sea of Shoes Jane very sweet!)

    So basically I’m just full of love for bloggers as diverse as Queen Michelle, Punky B. or Luxirare. I’m actually quite proud of this”hate-free” attitude of mine, naivete is my fashion statement!

    That said, I do enjoy reading well-written bursts of hatred such as yours, so thank you!

    (Sorry for my poor English!)

  28. Aja says:

    Ahhhh, I feel like a raging fire in my heart has been put out after reading this. I don’t hate on anyone personally but it’s good to see that someone picks up on the same things I see. I never really read Luxirare so I don’t know much about her (I think I’ve visited once).

    Sometimes I feel like a disgusting narcissus for posting pictures of myself on a website, I’ll admit it. But I try and pepper it with good humour. Truthfully, I think people should call it quits when it stops being fun.

  29. jtut says:

    I love to love or hate all bloggers….isn’t that what they are there for?

    When I first started using this here internets, it seemed to be mostly thirty something mommy bloggers, like dooce and her crowd, whining….and then whining some more. Shut up I wanted to say, when I had kids…oh, I am old and bitter…we didn’t even have electricity, we were just home alone with screaming kids. So we went OUTSIDE, and did stuff with them, and life was a lot better than being on the computer and thinking your kid is going to be happy while you type, stupid!

    A few years later, and now it’s teenagers and twenty something skinny long legged creatures posing with pouty expressions on their faces. And I am tempted to slap the pout right off them and take away their allowance. At the same time coveting some of their outfits and their legs without spider veins in them.

    And then their mothers too?? At first I thought sea of shoes mom might be cool, she was old but stylish..her wardrobe didn’t come from Chico’s. Turns out she’s ten years younger but looks as old as me with a gaziillion times more money, apparently. I’m glad to know there are other people out there who are saying” Where do they get all their fucking money??” and “What can you possibly do all day in those heels?” And maybe like me, are secretly wondering if she is going to turn up on one of those Oprah shows where people hang their heads in shame over massive credit card debt. Can they really be paying CASH for all that?? That alone is entertaining.

    I have kind of a girl crush on you, sister lone wolf in a sea of bad bloggers, since you posted your video. Not only are you my age and not redoing your suburban home so that it will look like France in the 18th century (like it seems others our age are blogging on and on about), but you are, well, you are like me. And I’m coming out of the cunt closet enough to admit that I really only like people who are like me.

  30. Bex says:

    I confess that I followed a couple of said blogs until I started to feel bad about myself for not having the shit that they had or looked the way they looked.. Solution? DELETE! Fucking sad that I should be envious of some teenager.

  31. Deni says:

    I only read YOUR blog consistently. Via Stumble I found Immoral Minority just a few days before you blogged about Gryphen. I’m not really into fashion, so I don’t care about it (truth, I can’t afford much so why lust over something I can’t afford).
    I love your thought process; I’m intrigued by your writing. And when I have a half a second I post some banal remark just so you know I’m reading you!

  32. K-Line says:

    I’m with Iheart about Wendy and Wendy about Iheart! And I’m afraid to say who I hate. The ‘sphere has eyes, man 🙂

  33. Well, since you didn’t provide a link I’m not sure if I got the right Luxirare, although it’s a pretty unusual name. But I googled Luxirare, and looked at a blog by “someone” that may or may not be the person you’re referring to.

    I have to say, I loved it. I thought the photography on her blog was done with consistent excellence and attention to the items being showcased. And I just have to hope and pray that you don’t find lollipies (I like that term better than lollipop pies) nauseating. It’s pie on a stick? Even if you hate pie, you’d have to be pretty much devoid of a human soul to miss how novel and humorous the idea of pie on a stick is.

    Her grammar wasn’t excellent, but it wasn’t terrible, either. I like to spell check my blogs because I’m really an English nerd, but I still miss words sometimes and I’m certainly not going to pan an entire blog because the girl forgot to put the apostrophe in the conjunction of “it is” once or twice. I’ve seen worse: one girl I read consistently uses the word “and” in place of “an.”

    Lastly, I found nothing pretentious about her writing style, her subject matter, or her blog in general. Her style was a little out there and 80s, and I would probably never wear a single thing she was showcasing…but I thought some of her ideas were amazing and interesting. And so what if she mentions that her mother owned Chanel? Did she berate someone else’s mother’s lack of Chanel, or do you simply expect all people who have something you don’t to feel guilty and keep quiet about it?

    I didn’t read the shoes thing, because I’m not a huge shoe person. Still, I’d bet there are thoughts in the heads in question other than “OMG SHOES.” So maybe they don’t post those other thoughts on the internet, because they’d rather post shoes. Is that really such a problem? I used to have a blog based on plus-sized fashion, and all I talked about was picking outfits that fit and flatter, and colors that make your eyes and hair stand out. Does that mean I have nothing else in my head, simply because I don’t feel like sharing it with the likes of you and the rest of the world?

    Basically, you’re entitled to your opinion. And by posting any part of their lives on the internet, both the shoe people and Luxirare have opened themselves up to your criticism and scrutiny. But they didn’t explicitly provoke it. I don’t begrudge your right to say these things, I just wonder what exactly it is that drove you to do so.

    Since you actually came out and asked for my opinion, I have to say I think you probably take yourself too seriously, and expect other people to take themselves way too seriously as well. The fact that you wear a title like “cunt” as a badge of pride is pretty sad. A cunt is just a sexual tool with no personality attached to it, or a really awful person nobody can stand. Same dual meaning as bitch. Being a woman, that’s pretty cool, until fellow women start calling themselves “cunt” like it’s a good thing and dragging other women through their criticism because it makes them feel powerful. Then you start to wish you could disassociate yourself a little bit. So, thanks for making me wish I could be less of a woman today.

  34. annemarie says:

    Sister Wolf is a cunt. You, on the other hand, seem very nice. I love what you say about healthcare:

    “Now, what if Joe X doesn’t want to pay for the needs of those who can’t do it for themselves? Well, a lot of people would say Joe X isn’t a very nice person, which may or may not be true. Either way, he’s being forcibly removed from some of his property in order to pay for something he doesn’t want to pay for, thus violating one of his rights to meet the needs of people he’s never met and has no real reason to care about.”

    You are a truly enlightened person. God be with you and Joe.

  35. Aja says:

    On second thought, I’ve decided to become clean with my dislike for privilege spoiled bloggers. “Look at me, look what expensive stuff I can buy. These shoes are sick”. It’s sooooooo irritating. I just can’t relate I guess. I come from a family where my mother purchased all my clothes from Kmart and TJ Maxx growing up. I have always loved fashion and because of this, my love for fashion has grown enormously through out the years. I have always lusted after beautiful things. And now that I can sometimes afford to buy some cool shit, I don’t take it for GRANTED. I don’t dislike them because they have more than me or whatever (I can’t buy another shoe, they’re creeping out from under my bed), I hate them because they come across as spoiled and entitled with no real thoughts. I have worked for a fashion label and a magazine on very poor paychecks to feed my love of fashion (starting as an intern, at each place). I absolutely CANNOT relate with people who don’t have to work hard for the things they love. And I hate Kanye, Vogue, UO and everyone else for applauding the lets-salute-privilege-spoiled-girls movement. You know there are people who go to fashion school so they can have some crappy underpaid job at UO designing shoes. But no no, we’ll just hand it over to someone who has no experience except for with a credit card. I know you never really understand until you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes (pun completely intended), but I’d rather hear about normal things like working hard at a job to buy something nice or gasp volunteering at a soup kitchen or getting the deal of a lifetime at a killer sale, then how many pairs of $900 shoes one has in their closet. I know, it’s fashion it’s fun, it’s frivolous but some of this shit gets old really quick.

  36. Aja says:

    PS- “Hate” is a strong word. “Dislike” is more where I was going.

  37. Sister Wolf says:

    maja – Agreed.

    arline – Wow, ditto!

    Constance – I need to go back to Karla, I recall that same feeling!!

    annemarie – Ooooh, thanks for amlul. She’s killing it with the douche boyfriends or whatever they are. And her reverence for Madonna!

    OMGGMAB – Maybe when this phase exhausts itself, we’ll be back to that.

    minzhi – So true about Vivienne Westwood. Good point.

    andrea – Go to Saks and see if that D&G red lipstick is any good. That’s my best advice. Or try to buy a monkey coat. Happy Birthday!

    Queen Michelle – No one ever wins an argument with annemarie. Not even me.

    WendyB- It’s a start.

    e – I think SusieB does have an ‘everyman’ quality about her….she is our little sister, our best friend, the girl next door, it’s just hard not to root for her. I do feel protective of her, even though she hardly needs it.

    dust – Hey, I wanted to be YOUR intern.

    Jill- You’re SUCH a girlie girl. I’m jealous of that.

    Lauren – Come on then! Do you want me to send you a Cunt Award thingy for your blog??

    Ihearfashion – You killed it all the time! I really wanted you to be my friend. Get back to yr blog, why don’t you?

    WCGB – Oh god, I have had a similar thing with a crazy Russian Lady! Do you have a link to her? I’ll go and see….

    Susan – HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I didn’t get it either. It’s just “Get a load of ME!”

    Sugar Kane – Well, I’m full of hate, I can’t help it. Your English is fine. xo

  38. Sister Wolf says:

    Aja – Yep, I hear you.

    jtut – Get back to blogging so we can be together! Fantastic and inspired rant!

    Bex – You shouldn’t be envious of anyone, when you are so cute. You are killing it with the cuteness. And you know I mean this.

    The Raisin Girl – You lost me when you said I take myself too seriously. I’ve been scolded by several analysts for not being willing to take myself seriously. And really, you do seem like a cunt, actually!

    annemarie – Are you responding to the Raisin Girl?? Is she against national health care??!?

    Aja – I also can’t stand the entitledness. I think rich people should be taxed heavily, and living in LA, seeing the vast gulf between the haves and have-nots, I feel that way more than ever. The other thing is, I just hate ignorance.

  39. Aja says:

    I agree about taxation and that won’t change regardless of how much or how little money I have in my life. What drives me really nuts is when I make some small mistake on my taxes and get an angry, threatening letter from the IRS. Meanwhile the wealthiest people of our country have lawyers, accountants, hell . . . steal retirement from their employees and sometimes get away scott free with blatant cheating. And we hear about it in the news and sometimes they receive a slight slap on the wrist. Tax them all up the wazoo. To me, if I am lucky enough to make 5 million dollars in this life time and the government wants to take half of it, that’s fine. I couldn’t spend that money anyway (unless I were spending really foolishly and if so, shame on me). I will always live in a modest house, buy some nice things and travel, regardless of whatever tax brackett I fall in. That’s all I want out of life. And my Target ballet flats will continue to sit right next to my Marni platforms in my closet. I know exactly how many long hours I worked to pay for both.

  40. HelOnWheels says:

    Ms. Raisin Girl,

    You seem like a very nice person, in almost an annoying people-pleasing kind of way. I don’t know you but this is my impression from what you’ve written here and my brief scan of your blog. Hey, what the hell, humanity is interesting in its variety.

    I’d like to discuss a few things from your tome of a comment:

    “Even if you hate pie, you’d have to be pretty much devoid of a human soul to miss how novel and humorous the idea of pie on a stick is.”

    I just LOVE how your measurement of soulfulness/humanity is a perversion of a perfectly good dessert. To think that all these years I’ve been mistaken in thinking that it’s the good that you do and how you treat people. I’m such an idiot.

    Did Mother & Daughter Shoes and Luxirare hire you as their PR person? I’m curious because you seem very protective and concerned about the opinions expressed about their blogs (mind you, not opinions about them as people – impossible as we don’t know them personally – but about their blogging personas) on SW’s blog.

    SW takes herself too seriously?? Oh, thank you for the chuckle! Actually, you prove that YOU take yourself way too seriously when you write something like this: “thanks for making me wish I could be less of a woman today”.

    Thanks for enlightening us, Ms. Raisin. Now, since SW doesn’t need me to defend her I’m going to post my “Blog Wars Hate & Love List” and then go plan my marriage to JK. SW is officiating and I am taking reservations for the position of Slutty Bridesmaid.

  41. Gosh I could have served petit garcon his breakfast twice over with all this. I literally nearly pooped my pants so gripped was I by the debate, however I ran and all was ok.

    I have had to admonish myself due to writing hastily and thereby missing out the word ‘give’ in my first comment tres lax. I’m not sure if I’m pleased or sad that I haven’t made a hate list – oh that’ll be because I don’t sport Chanel bags ‘what me muffa had’ nor pose endlessly in outfits because I’m too busy researching and writing my MA. God I’m dull – don’t read my blog!

  42. HelOnWheels says:

    I don’t have long lists of blogs I love or hate. Actually, yours is the only one I read several times a day, SW, and that’s my drug of choice. You make drinking my morning coffee a dangerous endeavor sometimes. I’m thrilled that Godammit exists. But I really can’t stand Roomi, The Shoe Family, Couture Carrie, and the majority of privileged happy-shiny “style” bloggers, especially ones that only post buying guides and photos from runway shows. Yes, it’s nice to covet but I don’t care what they “OMG die for and MUST have”, especially when they lack all imagination in creating their looks. Since I hate them I stop reading them and can’t give you a better list.

    I do love Susie Bubble, Kingdom of Style, I Hate Your Fashion, Shakesville, mimi smartypants, Margaret & Helen, and many others. Blogs elicit strong responses, don’t they?

  43. Sister Wolf says:

    Aja – yes and more yes. The tax system is absurd. Remember when the Right wingers were screaming “He wants to redistribute the wealth!” like it was a plague. Fuck yes, redistribute the wealth! It is obscene for a tiny per cent to be so rich, mainly off the sweat of the “working class”, ie everyone else.

    HelOnWheels – I cannot believe I forgot to address the question of the pie and my humanity. Thank you for clearing this up. I’m with you on the pie, 100%. Do not fuck with pie, leave it alone! Re your wedding to JK, god I’m excited!! annemarie is probably up for the slutty bridesmaid, but it’s up to you as the bride, of course.

    Make Do- Oh, you and your silly MA. Forget that crap and start putting your hand to face. Your priorities are pathetic!

    HelOnWHeels – YES, we now see that people are very emotional about blogs! I like to see this. It’s all good. I have not seen Couture Carrie but now I am intrigued.

    The blogs I check every single day include SusieB, KOS, Andrew Sullivan, Huffington Post, WendyB, Stella’s Roar, and now I’m drawing a blank. I love Juri and Braindance, to name two unsung heroes. I am always looking for someone smart or funny or interesting.

  44. susie_bubble says:

    The love of bloggers can go in different directions…. well you know how i feel about Luxirare and I respect that you don’t feel the same way…. whatever happened to just being free to love/hate in whatever way they deem sensical…. why is it that people need to be sycophantic to the extreme…. even my most favourite bloggers can falter and I’d like to think that my readers can step up and say “Susie, that post was rubbish!”….. it’s ok not to like something ALL the time or to not like a blog because every other person likes them…. all in all, this is confusing even to me….

  45. I love Susie Bubble and I hated that awful jacket. It never occurred to accuse her of anything like lavishing praise on someone just because they gave her a freebie… of course someone whose style I usually adore can wear something I hate from time to time!

  46. Jill says:

    Jtut says…”redoing your suburban home so that it will look like France in the 18th century” This is why I’m a decorator that rarely blogs about interior design. I’m soooo fucking tired of Tuscany, Provence, Texas Hill Country Chic, Palm Beach Cool…blah, blah, blah! Fuck! Fuckers!! Be creative…stop being a bunch of design cows! Whew…I feel better.

  47. Ann says:

    HelOnWheels – please accept this post as my application for position of slutty bridesmaid. SW can vouch for my easy appearance and moral vacancy.

  48. SUPA KiD!!! says:

    Wow, from what I’ve been reading this past few days this issue has been growing and growing every time more… I knew there was competition, but i really didn’t think it was that big of a deal. I have a blog which I write every day… I DON’T have readers, maybe a friend or two, but I don’t really care, cause I just do it to have fun and keep it as a memory journal. People should get a grip, have fun, or drink some medicine tea for the nerves.

  49. I’m very curious as to what kind of crazy traffic you’re getting from google when you use “cunts” as a tag…must be entertaining to see your key search words!

  50. Ebony says:

    I’m going to commit the ultimate faux-pas, the epitome of blogging blasphemy. I HATE FASHION TOAST. Oh, and Karla’s Closet. Ah, oui, and Childhood Flames, too.
    Yes, you are really pretty and skinny and you can afford nice clothes, well done Rumi. Perhaps it is because I’m english but DENIM KNICKERS DO NOT COUNT AS CLOTHES. Especially when paired with a lacy bra and a white vest with armholes so big it may as well be a jersey harness.
    Blogging should be about originality, and Susie Bubble is the most obvious example to use here, as she actually has some integrity, some STYLE and also good old British modesty.
    As I am now ranting, I’ll add that wearing black all the time may be an individual’s style, but if that IS your their and that is how they dress, what compelled them to start a blog in the first place? They’re about the least interesting subject matter possible. Narcissism is not cool, not cool at all.

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