But You ARE a Baby, Motherfucker!™

but you are a baby

How sick are you of hearing Trump say the word “baby?” Bad enough that he uses it to insult others but now he’s going around insisting that he isn’t one.

BUT HE IS! He’s a big goddamn baby who can’t take any criticism, who doesn’t know how to say he’s sorry, who doesn’t know how heartbreakingly dumb he is, and who walks around with toilet paper on his shoe! BABY!

He has baby hands, a baby pout, a baby’s rage at Mommy, and let’s face it, all women are  stand-ins for his bad mommy. That’s why he’s so deranged about Hillary, Stormi, and Nancy Pelosi. Let’s not forget Dr. Blasey Ford, either. If you’re not Ivanka, you’re just a menstruating horse-faced pigdog.

Two days ago, he insisted that the “caravan” of people heading our way from Honduras and Guatemala are criminals, even terrorists, and felt compelled to use the B-word:

but you are a baby

If you have a twitter account, stop reading for a minute and go tweet at Donald Trump. Tell him he’s a baby. Do this for your country and for your blood pressure. Do it for the knot in your stomach when you hear his voice or see his face. Do it because you’re not allowed to kill him. Do it for every tired refugee hoping for a better life. Do it because he’s ruined democracy.

but you ARE a baby motherfuckerThen come back and tell me how it felt. I don’t have any stickers like the one that says “I Voted” but virtue is it’s own reward, okay?


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7 Responses to But You ARE a Baby, Motherfucker!™

  1. Mary Liz says:

    I hope you’re feeling better, Sister Wolf. Sorry that your trip to London was blighted by illness. This is INFURIATING…and his supporters believe everything he says. Caravan full of terrorists, 10% tax cut for the middle class to be in place within two weeks, Democrats will give all illegal immigrants a Rolls-Royce. I’m volunteering and donating money but don’t have much hope. The lower 34% of the bell curve is out there voting as well.

  2. Sister Wolf says:

    Mary Liz – Thank you, I’m still sick but hoping to not die from this. Thank you also for sharing my dread and outrage. Let’s cling to our shred of hope until November 7.

  3. Romeo says:

    How dare you. How can you call him a baby? Only big boys get to sit in the fire truck.

  4. Jane says:

    Yes, Donald is a big baby, along with his tantrum throwing toddler colleague, Brett.

  5. JK says:

    “Then come back and tell me how it felt.”

    It feels like Trump in 2020!

  6. Dj says:

    Baby, baby narcissist,baby gangster, baby conman, baby womanizer. See a pattern?
    He’s loathsome, but, the scary part is once he’s gone, his Base is not going away. They will continue to bray about the First Ammemdment!, their Rights, the wicked media, their Christian values. Thank you Trump for bringing out the worst in everyone the moment you said “Mexicans are criminals and rapists” . You opened floodgates that will never close.

    Other than that, hope you’re feeling better Sister, pneumonia is no joke.

  7. Suspended says:

    Poor babies, I’m certain they use more of their brain and have a better attention span than that cockalorum.

    I honestly thought he’d be gone by now. All these bullets flying around but never in the right direction.

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