Important Reader Alert

This is Sister Wolf’s webmaster here. She has a broken pelvis, and asks that everyone be as sad as possible until she gets back. I will be forwarding all comments to her.


the webmaster

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32 Responses to Important Reader Alert

  1. Suebob says:

    What the frack? Is it ok if I call you? Don’t you hate people who say “What the frack?”?

  2. dewayne says:

    what am i supposed to do while my girlfriend isn’t typing at me now? research?!!?!?!!

  3. enc says:

    OH NO!

    I hope she gets better soon!

  4. Imelda Matt says:

    Don’t blame me (or my TASER) I wasn’t anywhere near those stairs…xxxxx

  5. hammie says:

    Ah FECK!
    Get well soon. xx

  6. Graham says:

    Hey, I heard a while a go but just wanted to make sure you were feeling better, and that you will get better soon.

  7. Juri says:

    Get well soon! I’ll be mourning in sackloth and ashes until you do.

  8. Lady K says:

    Hurry up, missing your posts, can you not type lying down?

  9. Tobi Lynne says:

    Broken pelvis? Jeebus, tell Mister Sister Wolf to take it a little easier on you next time.

  10. stella-mayfair says:

    pleeeease, sister! get well, get well soon! all the best to you, we all miss your witty sarcastic super-ness, dear!

  11. K-Line says:

    Egads! I hope you are back to your mobile self soon…

  12. kari says:

    Damn. Be well. Stay mad!

  13. Sloth says:

    Holy crap! I hope you’re enjoying the painkillers at least. We look forward to your return. Be well…

  14. andrea says:

    so sorry to hear this- feel better fast!

  15. honeypants says:

    I’m so sorry! I love you!

    I will channel all my hormonal woes and emotional moments into sadness specifically designated for you! Please hurry and get better though! I’m sorry!

  16. Susan says:

    Go easy on those pelvic thrusts (back away from the d***) and make mister sister do all the hard work for now.

    Seriously, I wondered where you’d been. Love flowing, beads rattled, alms given, vibes sent, herbs smoked, sage smudged, bells rung, candles lit, and prayers ascended for your swift healing.

  17. Jools says:

    Oh Nooooooooooo!!!!! That really sucks big time. Poor Sister Wolf! I wish you the speediest recovery ever! Thank-you to your family for taking good care of you. xx

  18. Lora says:

    Dyslexic ass here thought it said “she has broken a pelvis”.

    Now that I know it’s your pelvis that’s broken, feel better soon!

  19. Swayframe says:

    Dang! May the quacks provide you with the best in modern pain-killing chemistry*, and may you heal speedily!

    *for free, natch.

  20. oh no! broken pelvis?! ow ow ow ow. xoxo hope you get better soon. and that you have many minions doing your bidding in the meantime. you are missed! best wishes and lots of love. may the god of healing pelvises look over you!

  21. Debbie says:

    Oh crap – I hope you will be OK…

  22. Ann says:

    OH NO! Please give Sister Wolf my warmest wishes and tell her I hope that her doctors have given her many excellent drugs to take while she is convalescing.

    Please tell her I love her and miss her very much!

  23. WendyB says:

    OMG! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  24. Sonja says:

    Holy god!!! A broken pelvis?!! I hope you are staying comfortable and healing quickly. And keeping yourself sufficiently entertained. thinking of you…

  25. Let’s hope the pelvis broke as a consequence of Too Much Fun. But lots of sympathy and best wishes for a fast recovery in any case.

  26. Andy your hair guy says:

    Are you still in the hospital? Are you feeling o.k. ? It sounds horrible. what hospital are you at? Are they being nice to you? If theres anything I can do let me know.

  27. julie says:

    Holy shit! I hope you’re ok. I’m actually quite intrigued as to how this could’ve happened… but mostly I just hope you’re feeling better.

  28. Sister Wolf says:

    Thank you so much for these kind words. I am sitting at my computer for the first time, and now must return to my bed of nails.

    I love you so much, and I hate everyone else, as you can imagine!

  29. Aja says:

    I’m so late in the game! Sorry to hear about your painful injury. Get well soon so you can get back to bitching. Hugs and well wishes~

  30. Sommar says:

    This is terrible. Anger will heal you!

  31. Eloise says:

    I just found out – heal soon with our love, you completely wonderful, inspiring and amazing person!

  32. Pingback: Triage |

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