Introducing The Thigh Girl

A thoughtful reader named “A” had an uncanny hunch that I would appreciate a blogger who I’ve just named The Thigh Girl.  I don’t know what her deal is, but it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see that she LOVES her thighs.

She has every reason to love her thighs. They are shapely and firm looking, and free of unsightly hair. But what does she want from us, a Thigh Award? In every outfit post, she offers at least 10 photos of the same outfit,  with little variation in her facial expression, which I will have to call Pensive.

I can’t bring my self to read her commentary about her outfits but I did click on her “about” thing. She tells us in no uncertain terms that her hair is naturally red, godammit, and she’s never died it. Take that! Wait, maybe she’s speaking directly to Sea!!!!!

In any case, it is a thigh-driven blog and as such might be just the thing for people who are sick and tired of Roomi.

Several people have taken it upon themselves to chide me for stooping to mockery in my time of grief. They can complain all they want, but I need to keep my mind from wandering to a place of bottomless despair. I will stay in denial as long as possible. Maybe longer.

If you know any stupid whores with blogs, now is a good time to share them with me! THX

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166 Responses to Introducing The Thigh Girl

  1. SACRAMENTO says:

    Sick of blogs with girls like that myself: I could send you million, but I am too kid to do that to you, he, he.
    keep in touch
    Sacramento, yes I am called like the American town – State. Or the other way round…
    Sacramento from the very hot South of Spain 40 º today

  2. WendyB says:

    I swear that BEFORE I read this I wrote a post for later this week remarking on people showing 10 photos of the same outfit. I SWEAR.

  3. Sister Wolf says:

    Sacramento – Just send ONE then!

    WendyB – Oh my god, you stockpile posts?!?!?!? How dare you! I was going to use 12 instead of ten….maybe you can use 12, if you don’t want a lawsuit.

  4. alittlelux says:

    seems like she really loves her ass too.

  5. Hayley says:

    The bleachblack whores have released a video ad (aka porno) promoting their hideous Jizz, have you heard?
    And by the looks of the comments, they can’t take criticism either.

  6. Cybill says:

    Okay I’ve just read thigh girls about page – and now I have a question. How come she has graduated from two different universities and does not have a qualification? What does she have? How does American education work? Here in Australia you go to university to get a qualification you can’t do anything else, whats going on over there?!

  7. Elaine says:

    Blatant consumerism on ugly stuff and the worst writing imaginable.
    Please rip them apart because their egos are almost too big for the internet to hold them.

  8. urbain says:

    I don’t know what you can find between her legs but better to look there: her eyes are expressive as a goldish and her hair is suffering from chlorine abuse (this goldfish swimmed in a pool).
    a while back I checked Madonna’s daughter’s blog (blame on you) and link by link, a cascade of link after I found a weird soliloquy. After the vagina monologues, here the handbag monolog wich it does make sense in french. In french slang, we have this classy expression for ‘vagina’, a fur wallet.
    Even if the fur wallet is a not-more-among-us outfit today. Blame the germ free generation. Hair power and macho female!

  9. urbain says:

    Handbag soliloquy (french/english) at:

    tokyo banh bao aka tokyo steamed pork bun?

    a pseudo for hentai (pervy) manga

  10. Dru says:

    ^The handbag is a cheapie (ok, comparative cheapie) from ASOS! It’s not worth hating her for it, it’s actually rather nice to see a girl appreciating modestly priced goods as much as others do designer stuff.

  11. Vee says:

    this girl is almost too easy to dislike/scoff at –

  12. Roze says:

    Dear Sister W, you just made my week, no, MONTH!
    Elizabeth Berkley has a younger sister 😀

    Sea, start eating your shoes one by one as per now:
    this utterly mousy-haired (get a haircut, it looks SLEAZY!), blowup doll-eyed (mascara indeed, never heard of cleanup), pornstarlet-hipped (BF sure loves the butt), totally vacuous-looking heiferette is you squared: she’s also dumber (just look at eeet) , more accomplished (double graduate), has more animals and no bossy Mom telling her what (not) to wear (not that it makes any difference in the disastrous outcome) so even her dress sense is waaay worse than yours. And her posing, totally out of your league. I’m sorry Sea, meet your nemesis: Thigh girl.
    I will be following the Thigh’s posts as diligently as I do yours…
    However, Sea does do one thing right: she keeps her mouth shut when she’s not talking (our is it that Thigh has polyps in her nose?)
    Oh, and of course you are far more artistic than this country vet.

  13. Nausicaa says:

    ^Roze, I’ll bet you money that Thigh Girl has NOTHING on this one:

    I don’t know whether to feel sorry for her or scared.

  14. jenn. says:

    ach. why do all these bloggers (lookin’ at you too, Rumi) look like they’ve fallen into american apparel, stuck some heels on, and called it an outfit? and then get “fame” off the back of it?

    …maybe i’m just bitter.

  15. jd says:

    When did public displays of vain narcissism become something to strive for?

    I don’t know whether to laugh at that girl or cry.

    @Nausicaa – ugh, that blog is so sad. I ditched facebook due to having friends with similar photo albums. Seventeen billion of them on repeat.

  16. Annika says:

    I feel bad for Margaux/the killing moon blogger. She is quite nice but looks ill.

  17. Sofia says:

    I’m thinking of starting a blog dedicated to my elbows. It may be a bit niche, but if I draw on a Chanel logo somebody might be interested.

  18. Elizabeth says:

    I feel so sad that Porcelain Blonde is no longer blogging. Do you remember her, Sister? She is revolting.

  19. jd says:

    Eeeek now I feel bad for hating on that Margaux/Killing Moon girl – she actually is anorectic. They’ve dissected her on the Fashion Spot, and me pointing won’t help.

    Who is/was Porcelain Blonde girl?

  20. oops says:

    I think you’d like, a snarky blog “about webutards, webutantes, and web wannabes.”
    As far as fashion bloggers, I used to follow BryanBoy but I stopped reading after he said Gemma Ward should be a plus size model (

  21. Elizabeth says:

    JD – she was an Australian blogger who was all like “look at my new Chanel bag! And my other new Chanel bag! And my new Hermes scarf! And my other new Hermes scarf! Look at my Tiffany ring that my boyfriend bought for me! And the other Tiffany ring that my boyfriend bought me! Look at the fancy hotel room I’m staying in! I’ve got so much money! I buy so much stuff!”

    I had to laugh though when she was wearing knock-off YSL cage boots – what, she couldn’t afford the real thing?

    Also, she used to bang on and on about her skincare regime and her makeup yet her nose and forehead were perpetually shiny.

    I’m petty, I know.

  22. Cricket9 says:

    So little time, so many stupid bloggers to check on. Off to work now 🙁

  23. Nausicca says:

    jd- I don’t hate her, I just feel bad for her. And I’ve seen the TFS weight thread on which they discussed this girl, it’s really sad- she didn’t always look like this, but seems to have lost a lot of weight off an already slim frame in a short time.

    Porcelain Blonde, if I remember correctly, was a pretty nice, sweet girl who happened to have an unfortunate penchant for random designer trinkets- like Hermes enamel bracelets and Chanel costume jewellery, and for putting designer names in bold font (which I found annoying, though I didn’t mind that she had the stuff). And then she stopped blogging after doing a post about buying some new fur and people got really mad about that (I can see why, she basically said she didn’t want it to be vintage and implied she didn’t really care how the animal died).

  24. Elizabeth says:

    Nausicca, she came back, and her blog was public for a while, but now it’s private, unfortunately. I miss her. She was Australia’s Sea.

  25. Ann says:

    Thigh Girl does have lovely thighs and ass, but little variation. Ho hum. Hot pants and a tee shirt and rad shoes do not equate fashion!

    Hayley – that bleachblack video…holy SHIT. Total overload in every sense of the word.

  26. RedHeadFashionista says:

    That is the worst red hair I’ve ever seen. it’s just BLONDE!
    And I agree with you about the excessive pictures of the same outfit, it’s just…..annoying. I agree with Jen – giraffe legs and tight t-shirts do not justify 10+ pensive pics.
    PS BryanBoy can be such an ass.

  27. Aja says:

    I like The Killing Moon Girl. She looks like fun and reminds me of kids I use to hang out with on the beach with when I was a teenager.

  28. Over It says:

    While Sea and her mom “acquire”, this little chippy “snags”. I want to beat her with her Dior Croc Wedge Sandals.

  29. anne says:

    “Several people have taken it upon themselves to chide me for stooping to mockery in my time of grief. They can complain all they want, but I need to keep my mind from wandering to a place of bottomless despair. I will stay in denial as long as possible. Maybe longer.”

    SW–your blog is fascinating and I do keep coming back, but sometimes the amount of hate you or your followers have send out has bothered me quite a bit. BUT I just want to say that I thought you stated it very well in the quotation above. thank you. I’m so very sorry for your loss.

    Do you think, in the long run, hate is sustaining because it gives one an object or a focus, or is it just a different kind of trap? I don’t say this to be disrespectful or start a big argument. obviously there are very different opinions here.

    that said, I do enjoy sea! I think she’s attractive and it’s fun to see what she does with her $$. hey, I feel it’s legit to be interested in two pretty opposite blogs.

    again, I send you my very best. I hope you are able to be strong in your grief.

    PS–I have seen thigh girl’s blog before and it is indeed awkward.

  30. Honeydooo says:

    @Hayley. Oh my God! That BleachBlack video is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve seen in a while. It’s like a pretentious Skinemax movie trailer. Is this really what the fashion industy considers to be “sexy” and “edgy”?

  31. Nausicaa says:

    missy- I wouldn’t really call Betty or Louise (Pandora) whores with blogs, they tend to keep their clothes on and Louise even has enough of a sense of humour to link to that brilliant blog that parodies her and the other French fashion blogger girls.

  32. Sheri says:

    Tall, thin, vapid girls without a cell of sincerity or interest.
    Clicked, looked, lost 5 minutes I can’t get back.

  33. the real andrea says:

    When I was younger (much, as this will probably age me) I had a doll called “Poor Pitiful Pearl” who was poor and dressed in rags. Here is a link to a picture of her:

    Sorry the link takes up so much room! I would love to see what you think of my comparison. Doesn’t thigh girl look like Poor Pearl?

    And the endless posing- I think that the difference between us and the fashion bloggers is that for them, (and others in their age bracket, because I do think it’s a generational thing) narcissism is considered OK. I was brought up not to be narcissistic and that is what feels wrong about it.

  34. Annie says:

    Thigh-girl’s hair does not look red to me.

    As someone who has red hair and grew up with the awful teasing and mean-ness that ginger-headed children have to go through, I think I have the right to take my stand now against those wanna-be redheads. And I take that stand NOW against thigh-girl.

    As for her look, I call it startled/hesitant/sleepy, depending on the photo.

  35. annemarie says:

    Fuck all of you for making me waste an hour of my life clicking on this shit.

    THIGH GIRL– I love how she says she graduated summa cum etc from two universities. she can barely string two sentences together!

    KILLING MOON: jesus. take it away. AWAY.

    But Bryan Boy’s comment on Gemma Whatserface…don’t see anything wrong with that. Please explain someone? Is it offensive that he called her plus-size? But she is plus-size. And gorgeous. Big fucking deal.

    I think she’s based in LA. Please meet up with her Sister Wolf! You’d have such a laugh together!

  36. Virginia says:

    I first found this website because of the tie-in with Italy. Thinking it would be a fun filled Italian adventure I checked it out. You should too. Try not to be too disappointed.

  37. jd says:

    Oh my God LMAO at Poor Pitiful Pearl!
    Please put her in a knit onesie with major camel toe on display. She is the image!

    I am the age bracket of these fashion bloggers, and I definitely do not feel that this narcissism is ok. I think ‘who ARE these people??’ when I look at some blogs and try to imagine myself, or any girls I know, standing around taking/having pix taken of themselves, pouting and preening. Pretending to be models, but not working or getting paid. NOBODY I know would dream of doing such a thing. I am from a small country, if you did, you would be ridiculed. I am embarrassed for some of these girls when I see their blogs, and I think ‘do they have no friends to tell them it’s cringeworthy if they can’t work it out for themselves?’.

    @Virginia – that’s so funny! Those poor ducks don’t know where to look.

  38. Suebob says:

    If I had a body like the thigh girl – and I wish I did – no one could stop me from admiring my taut little self all the livelong day. And now we have the internet to thank for allowing narcisissm to be spread far and wide. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

    And as far as what you are doing with your time – what IS the proper response to the unthinkably horrible? Just wondering.

  39. *gemmifer* says:

    Oh, PLEASE! When, at 26, I lost my mother to cancer, I was desperate for any distraction to keep my mind off of my grief… if I was internet savvy back then I would have spent 24 hours a day looking at everything from the intellectual to the inane. Cope with your terrible loss however you want, and screw anyone who criticizes you!

  40. urbain says:

    –> Dru
    I don’t have hatred for such frivolity, just irony.
    She loves her cheap bag but worships in secret Prada, ô cheating heart!
    So it’s ‘same same but different’ like my Hindi friends say.


  41. Stella Mayfair says:

    @ annemarie:
    the man repeller blog is the shit! thank you for the link, now i know what to do tonight: i’m going to read everything and get drunk.

  42. annemarie says:

    Stella Mayfair– you’re so welcome!

  43. Nat says:

    I’ve been following the Thigh Girl for awhile. I often see her as the first commenter on a number of blogs like BleachBlack and Jak and Jil. She has a great bod, but I end up getting impatient and sort of angry as I scroll down to see the same pictures over and over. She spends a lot of time snagging things, but if she didn’t snag it, she got it from her boyfriend. At least half of the items are gifts from her boyfriend. I like that she loves animals–live and breathing.

  44. Braindance says:

    Thigh girl, a lesson in camel toe that none of us needed to learn.

  45. Siouxsielaw says:

    Seriously, I love the outfit with the leopard print tights. No, seriously. She looks like she is on her way to an anime convention, but playing it safe. Love it. She just needs a little kitty cat collar with a bell, and it would be an A+.

  46. Thigh Girl says:

    Sister Wolf, I have been following your blog for a while, but never commented. I knew you would be featuring me sooner or later. Thank you for all the traffic! xo

  47. rebecca says:

    That’s five minutes of my life I’ll never get back… I never want to see that blog ever again.

    Re: Stooping to mockery in your time of grief. Your blog is called “Goddamit I’m Mad”. Were they expecting fluffy kittens and I-love-everybodies?

  48. I don’t care for the outfits, but she does have decent thighs. And why do bloggers feel the need to tell us where they purchased every item and how much they paid? Does anyone care? Just asking.

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