Look at What I Didn’t Buy!

I have been craving a pair of sequin leggings ever since I saw some on the glorious Queen Michelle. But every pair I’ve seen online were either much too expensive or too shoddy looking. Then I saw these, on sale at Express for $59, minus another twenty per cent.

I started to order them, and even got to the penultimate step, where you review your order before clicking the click that completes the purchase. And here it came to me like a religious epiphany: I have nowhere to wear those sequin leggings, and I wouldn’t wear them even if I did!

The cold reality of that truth was impossible to refute. It would be a complete waste of money. I removed the leggings from my cart and left the website. It was the first time I’ve backed out of an online purchase. It was a fucking miracle.

If you knew me better, you’d know how many unworn shoes I have, not to mention the dresses and skirts I will never wear, because I’m just not comfortable in dresses and skirts. The fact that I’ll never wear them has not stopped me from my appointed rounds, however. My craving was all that mattered. As Vogue magazine used to put it years ago, things were there “to own and collect.” Shoes, sweaters, jackets, whatever.

The impulse to Own and Collect has cost me a fucking fortune. Some of it, I don’t regret. But there comes a point where you know you have six leather jackets…maybe you don’t, but I do. At least I wear most of them, unlike the $650 cashmere dress that I bought because it was marked down to $99.

Knowing that I can live without owning those sequin leggings is a revolutionary idea for me. It’s also a little sad, because it means I’m acknowledging that I’m just too old for some fashions. Nobody wants to see a 55 year old women in leggings. I certainly don’t.

Today, I was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a black wool motorcycle jacket when I took my sons out for lunch. I looked pretty good, I think. I checked out the senior menu, but it was all crap. I ordered regular food, and I didn’t think about age again until I smashed my head getting into the car.

I hope I can continue to not shop, It’s a very empowering feeling. It means I’m in control of something, for a change. And it means more sequins left for the rest of you!

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17 Responses to Look at What I Didn’t Buy!

  1. Tobi Lynne says:

    Just think how much more red lipstick you’ll be able to afford!

  2. Go forth and save – mind you I think you would have looked great in the sequin leggings and just think while Madonna has been spending millions on body and soul you’ve saved yourself a fortune.

    I think the need for commodities is coming to an end. The catwalks and fashion houses will be getting smaller.

  3. Sal says:

    You’re awesome for being so pragmatic and self-aware. Rock on, Sister Wolf.

  4. WendyB says:

    Those are some nice leggings. I’m all for creating the events where you get to wear what you want. I’ll throw a party just to wear a dress! 🙂
    There are other benefits to the party too, of course.

  5. David Duff says:

    “And it means more sequins left for the rest of you!”

    Thank you, and don’t think I’m not very grateful.

  6. But think of all the money you would have saved if you bought them!
    I would go to the Express site immediately, but I gave up a pair of latex leggings last weekend to my 19 year old niece. Weird how one day you suddenly realize your crazy leggings days are most likely over. Although I almost stole them off the kitchen table on my way out the door.

  7. Skye says:

    Well, if you feel like there’s nowhere to wear them, and you’re trying to curb some kind of impulse buying habit thingy then I applaud the decision to leave them on the rack. But damn they would have looked fantastic on you!

    I did not buy a pair of black wet look latexy leggings for $5 on the sales because I actually think the leggings thing is over for the time being, therefore the $5 was still not a bargain.

  8. Good for you, Sister Wolf! I have a similar compulsion to own and collect, regardless of necessity. I think I have 6 leather jackets too but I’m afraid to look. My unworn purchases are a constant reminder of my poor impulse control.

  9. GOOD FOR YOU! I’ve been weaning myself from “collecting things” this past year, and it’s not easy. But, the less you have, the more you value the things you do have. I always figured that was just some bullshit to make poor people feel better about being poor, but turns out there’s some truth to it. Who knew?

  10. Sister Wolf says:

    Tobi Lynne – God yes!

    Make Do – Chanel just fired 200 people, I hear.

    WendyB – I never thought of that. But I do take advantage of Christmas parties to wear my bright red CUNT t-shirt! It’s so festive!

    Sal – I don’t know about self-aware, but yes, I had a good moment of will power.

    David – You are welcome, it’s a pleasure to increase your sequin allotment.

    Skye – Yay, make the legging thing go away asap! (But keep wearing your gold ones.)

    Iheartfashion – Ha, tell your jackets Hi from mine. I hope we can stop at six!

    San Diego Farmgirl – I gave two entire collections away (my devil-obilia and my nurse-obilia) and it was a big relief. Now I have more room for my religious shit.

  11. Bex says:

    I buy dresses and skirts as well, and hardly ever wear them. Same with heels, I’d be like, “Hmm these are cute, I’d TOTALLY wear them to (insert occasion)” but I always chicken out and end up wearing the same old shit!!!

    PS those leggings are way cool!!

  12. No!! Put the damn leggings back in cart and buy them! You don’t need a special place to wear them, just wear them anywhere. If anyone can work them, you can Sister Wolf.

  13. Honeypants says:

    Wow! That is a big deal for you! And those are really really hot leggings! I’m sure you could totally make them work though. With a tiny black and white vintage band shirt (I think I’m picturing Mrs. Shreck’s Brian Eno shirt) and really amazing FMPs. I don’t see how it could fail?!

    But stay strong. I know it’s a turning point for you. I love you!

  14. K-Line says:

    Of course, you would have rocked the leggings, but the show of restraint is commendable!

  15. lindsey says:

    ohhhhhh….can we see a picture of the cashmere dress? pretty pretty please?

  16. susie_bubble says:

    But…but… you’d look so damn good in them…. *she says feebly*
    I dunno…I’m always FOR the buy, never against it…

  17. leigh says:

    You’re fifty five? what? and I just read all of your archives up till this one. you probably could rock those leggings because your blog is awesome.

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