On a campaign stop in Pittsburgh, Mitt Romney sat down at a picnic table with some locals who offered him a plate of cookies. His reaction was to ridicule the cookies, observing prissily that they looked like they came from a 7-11 store.
Can’t this cunt act normal for one goddamned minute?!?
Eat the cookies, motherfucker!
More video and analysis here.
Ha ha, exactly! What a moron. Seriously. This man is beyond dim.
“Can’t this cunt act normal for one goddamned minute?!?”
But he did! He obviously, and probably quite rightly, didn’t like the look of them and said so. I thought you admired honesty in your politicians!
David – Common courtesy may not seem important until you encounter a person who lacks it. To paraphrase Derek & Clive, he is a fucking, fucking cunt.
Cookies, smookies……this cunt belongs to a cult that thinks it is their duty to baptize dead Jews…he gives me a case of the red ass…..
I love it when a woman calls a man a cunt.
While I abhor Romney and 99.999999% of his agenda, I never thought his ‘out-of-touchness’ was an issue ’til that whole business with his wife not working came out and the GOP was demanding an apology. This guy has NO IDEA what it’s like to struggle economically or socially and he clearly has no empathetic capabilities. This cookie incident is just one of many more such incidents to come.
So, yes, What a Fucking Cunt!
I’m sorry, does he normally only eat cookies that are made of Unicorn tears??? What does a 1-percenter’s cookie look like? Fucking cunt indeed!
Moreover, eat the cookies & like it.
With the gray sideburns & obviously dyed head top he’s beginning to look like Pauly Walnuts on the Sopranos.
Please tell me “Eat the cookie!” was a VC Andrews reference…
Turning away an offering of food is so rude and insulting. What an asshole.
And shut up David duff! Respect should come before honesty. There is no way you can justify his actions here!
he was not programmed to discern quality in comestibles…
If I were one of his campaign people I’d urge him to act on his deepest convictions and adjust his campaign slogans accordingly (after paying his slice to Dead Kennedys): Kill the poor!
Romney, you still got my number or shall I send it again?
Guess the dimwit needs one of his aides to pay attention to the local favorite food spots and brief him so he can say something like “these cookies must be from the Bethel Bakery, they look delicious.” What a shit head!!!!
pretty darn awful.
It’s Schadenfreude-alicious to see such cuntly elitism exposed on camera, but knowing mitt’s monumental arrogance and lack of empathy indicate actual clinical psychopathy takes some of the fun out of the spectacle.
so he tries to drum up support by mocking the people around him?! seriously?
i fear not only for americans, but also for the rest of us if this idiot is elected. he doesn’t really seem “all there” which is crazy dangerous.
(ps jlynn – loving the word ” schadenfreude-alicious” haha)
mudwerks Says:
“he was not programmed to discern quality in comestibles…”
You win
Mittens is such a smarmy jerk- imagine if he drank.
… as if he’s ever seen a cookie from 7-11, much less been hungry enough to eat one.
LAWD have mercy. There’s a zillion ways to turn down a cookie and not insult them or the offerer – “oooh, these look absolutely delicious but I’m gonna have to wait a bit before I dig in” etc. The details reveal, oh yeah.
Don’t know this’ll assuage anyone’s feelings but I’m advised by a Mittney staffer Mitt prefers Subway’s chocolate chips on doctor’s advice following his Mormonish dutifuls after the Eye-Tailian Meatballs Six-Inch on whole wheat.
Something tells me Mitt’s “staffer” wasn’t relating the whole story when I asked what cuntry his favorite olive oil originated from – the blonde Eye-Tailian lady replied “Athenian” — when I asked if that was an EU cuntry, the sole reply I got was “this is a ruse to get Duff properly greased for his reception.”
My guess is, David must be a W’Mittster campaign advisor if the blonde olive oil UK Sales Minister knows so much about which and how cookies are to be gotten off. It all sounds Greek to me though I know it’s a frequent subject on D&N.
I received all of my confirmation cakes and graduation cakes from Bethel Bakery and have been a customer for over 30 years.
One of the best bakeries around – period. This man will comes into a working class blue collar town and insults it’s people because he doesnt have the brain to know when to say thank you.
I am so glad I am democrat.
also my dictation seems to be off… very tired – I am educated believe it or not…!
Richard – nearly everyone I have ever called a cunt was a man, my favourite form of the insult used to be ‘cunt motherfucker’.
Sister – For most kids where I grew up, criticising the decor/refreshments was drummed into our heads as being the height of rudness. I can’t believe five-year-olds knew better than a grown man, he is badly in need of some lessons in common courtesy.
I try to avoid watching or commenting on stupid things politicians say, because I don’t have enough time in my life, but you’re right – it’s about common courtesy. If you are watching your weight, admit it – say “Gosh, they look lovely, thank you so much, but you know I really have to watch every calorie, so I’m afraid I have to say no.” People will understand. But “I’m not sure about those cookies? You didn’t make them?” Gah. Rude.
oh, Mittens. Endearing yourself to all again.
Keep up the good work.
The worse you make yourself look, the better.
I don’t even now how to say it … his serious inability to relate others unlike himself …mind-boggling. Just rejoice because he’ll never be president.
I dislike his out of touchness but I guess I don’t understand what the big deal is. I read that he was trying to be funny (didn’t work out so well). Like kind of implying that he only wanted home made cookies. Still, it’s pretty funny none-the-less because he sure knows how to open wide and stick his foot in it. I think with all the craziness of this year (Trayvon, that douche on the radio), I’m finding it challenging to be offended by Mitt Romney though there is still plenty of time . . .
The man is an ugly fuckwit!
For laughs
This one slays me (and I have no idea who Newt Gingrich is…that’s a good thing, right?)
You’re spot on in your ASSessment of him
My Mac crashes when I’m trying to see the video. Probably just as well, can’t stand Mittens anyway.
may the day never come when mittzi is offered a dish of camel’s (eye)balls and insults the house of saud. even the shrub knew better.
But I like 7/11 cookies. So what is his point?
How utterly rude! The look on the locals’ faces says it all.
So what do you feed your gerbal you silly useless twit
And your wife still follows you around ? Do you even consume any thing that other humans eat.
And watch out for that Pepsi Soda. It can lead to heroin and excessive gerbalization
Mitt seems to make a habit of being a complete dickhead and he’s done again whilst in London with the Olympic gaffe….oh dear Please for the sake of the world , America , please don’t vote for this IDIOT in your elections………And to make matters even we have in the UK some complete jerks running the country , David Cameroon and his poodle Nick Clegg, Tony (I should be in jail) Blair, Gordon Brown, and the that stupid WITCH Margaret Thatcher who started all the mess that we are now in the UK
Exactly, Mitt Romney is an utter and complete cunt. How come when I press play the video says “This video is private” ??
you shouldn’t use the word cunt in a derogatory manner. Just saying.
What a fucking cunt.
Well go figure, a dumb ass comment from a dumb ass person. The man is running for president and does not even know why the windows in a plane are sealed. Someone please put him out of his misery, it should be illegal to be Mit Romney and his wife should be drug out and beaten for marrying him.
Romney is a sub servant cunt for hire, sucking on the teet of the koche brothers and that slimey jew Adelson.
Mitt Romney is a walking talking cunt! When his mum was giving birth to him, the doctor was like “WOW there is a cunt coming out of this cunts cunt”