Pam Hogg: What a Fucking Cunt™!


Everybody knows that Pam Hogg was mean to our Susie B, and now she’ll regret it, but she’s still a cunt.   Maybe she’s mad because she’s old. She also looks like she needs something to eat.

As far as I’m concerned, Pam Hogg is Nobody. She’s certainly Nobody in the US. She needs to either reconcile herself to her unimportance or just wear an estrogen patch.

Ladies, here’s the deal. When you’re around 50, your estrogen level starts getting messed up. Soon, it will go straight to hell.   You’ll feel irritable. You will experience fatigue and hot flashes. You might even flip out at fashion bloggers.

In fact, Sister Wolf Herself has been known to harbor bad feelings toward certain fashion bloggers!   If they post endless photos of themselves looking wistful or seductive, if they use the word fierce or smitten or they’re just stupid exhibitionists, I feel something like a hot flash, only it’s more like a seething sense of Why on Earth Do You Even Exist.

To sum up: Pam Hogg is a cunt, and that’s that. Some women need either food or estrogen or both. Some fashion bloggers are not to be encouraged with comments of “Oh wow you are so cute and awesome and amazing lol blah blah blah.”   I think one is duty bound to leave comments like “Please just kill yourself.”

Miss Bubble doesn’t need help from me or WendyB, but we are still going to complain if some cunt is out of line.

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18 Responses to Pam Hogg: What a Fucking Cunt™!

  1. Danielle says:

    Yeah, I couldn’t believe it when I read her post. She’s so nice, too!

  2. WendyB says:

    I didn’t see anything about banning the word “epic” in here. Ahem!

  3. Jill says:

    I don’t ever want to piss you off! Hogg’s catsuit is fucking ridiculous and only media whores would want to be seen in public with one on. Susie totally rocked it. If anyone could, she did! I would think it would be great advertising for Hogg. Susie has like 30 million viewers a frigging day on her blog.

    Everytime I post of pic of myself I feel like a self absorbed twat. I don’t want to turn into one of THOSE fashion bloggers…the “wistful, smitten, seductive, look at me” crowd. Some are truly inspiring…others I visit to laugh and get a reality check of what I don’t want to do.

    On another note…I have a problem with food blogs using “tasty”, “yummy” or “lip smackingly good”.

  4. dust says:

    I just think she shouldn’t have taken off the picks. Did they threatened her or asked her really nicely?
    Take her to the court?
    No way!
    Those things cost money and some more money!
    Pam should apologize and give a catsuit to Susie for free, so that it is her property, which will make the picks OK, blah, blah…
    And whole world will be rad! ( now I loose a finger as punishment for using the word, ya, ya, I know the drill)

    But, you are right about a lack of any sort of a critic on blogs.
    Everybody is so pathetically defensive.

  5. Ann says:

    Just read all of that smack, and all I have to say is:

    Pam Hogg: What a Fucking Cuntâ„¢!

    I will never buy one of her designs, although maybe that’s the intention, because I’m not and never will be “slight.” That damn catsuit is as ugly as homemade soap and Susie actually made it look damn cute.

  6. annemarie says:

    I LOVE the uproar all this has caused! I swear to God, I haven’t felt this good since Palin was running for Vice President!

  7. susie_bubble says:

    Wow…. Annemarie, the mere thought…Pam Hogg running for VP???? Mind boggles….

    Well Sister W, what can I say, I hear you on all accounts of smitten, fierce…epic? Hmm….I like the last one used in an actual cinematic context…

    And of course, thank you…

  8. Lauren says:

    I need a large order of the extremely explicit conversation hearts ASAP!

  9. What beautiful anger in this post! godammit I’m with annemarie, love the uproar.
    Also brings up lots of interesting blogger issues, like, ahem, we need permission to post photos from dressing rooms? Oops!
    And how funny they go after one of the most interesting, loved, and successful of the fashion bloggers, of all the fashion bloggers out there! Well done, Ms. Hogg.

  10. Deni says:

    Fucking cunt! Actually, I don’t know anything about Pam Hogg; I just wanted to type out “Fucking Cunt!” It’s so therapeutic. Thank you SW!

  11. Sister Wolf says:

    Danielle- Yes, very nice.

    WendyB- Oh god, of course ‘epic’ and also ‘skinnies’.

    Jill – We are truly on the same page with this shit. Send me links to the food blogs so I can share your pain.

    dust – I still say ‘rad’ and sometimes even ‘slammin.’ I even like ‘dope’. In fact, I like to divide things into either dope, or whack.

    Ann – Ugh, a total fucking cuntâ„¢!

    annmarie – Feel the Hate!

    Susie B – Epic as in Gone With The Wind, is proper usage, or even an epic love affair. Not a sweater, though. No cunts may be mean to you, it’s a law.

    Lauren – Hahaha! Everything looks better with CUNT written on it!

    fashion herald – “Oops!” Hahaha! Anger is the New Black.

    Deni – My pleasure. Type it at least twice a day and follow by a full glass of water. xo

  12. My only concern is that this might have been the work of an overeager minion trying to “protect”, rather than Ms. Hogg herself. Making Susie take down those pictures was indeed pure cuntishness, but I have the feeling that Pam doesn’t handle all her own internet correspondance, and that someone’s head is going to roll a few days down the line now this shit has hit the fan.

    Brand-protection fail.

  13. *”protect” the brand, I meant. What a twerp.

  14. I wholeheartedly agree — Pam Hogg was a fucking cunt first time around, and it seems she hasn’t learned anything in the past 20 years. Bloody hell, of all people to pick on, Susie is the last I would have thought. She made those piece of shit catsuits look interesting for the first time ever.

  15. Mark says:

    Pam Hogg is a rancid whore. And those catsuits are stupid,

  16. a says:

    its not actually pam that said anything about suzie wearing the catsuit, it was her pr company. and just because ou dont like the catsuits doesnt mean they are shit, maybe research into how pam painstakingly makes them all by hand. she is a fucking icon and highly respectable. because she didnt let a fucking blogger unofficially promote her designs doesnt make her a whore. maybe you should all go and wear abercrombie and fitch or some other wank, overpriced yank shit and fuck the fuck up?

  17. CoreySioux says:

    a Says: HERE HERE!!! About time someone with some fucking intelligence dropped in on this fucking INANE string! A. & F., larf larf larf! Good one! Loving your humor in the face of these fucking fuckwits!


  18. Randy Wonder says:

    you the person who wrote this you strike me as a bloonming idiot. nothing better to do but waste your days bitching and complaining.

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