A Christmas Party

© Stephan Andrade

I went to a Christmas party at the home of one of my husband’s friends, even though I was close to backing out at the last minute. Backing out of things has been my m.o. for most of my life, but I’m making an effort to get out and socialize. God knows I’m sick of my own company.

The host was a lovely and talented young man who can play any stringed instrument and cooked up an incredible feast, including a salmon mousse. His apartment is right beneath the Hollywood sign, and was cozy and festive. I greeted him and his family and went straight to the food.

I met his mom for the first time and fell in love with her. She confided that having retired, all she does is read 19th century novels and watch murder TV! THAT’S ALL I DO, TOO!!! She has read all of Trollope, twice. I would marry her if I could.

A guy named B overheard us talking and later came up to me to say, I know you like 19th century novels but do you also read any modern novels? I replied that I have no interest in contemporary fiction because I’m too much of a book snob. You’d think that would be the end of it but no.

He proceeded to mention a few writers I’ve never heard of but even their names were middlebrow. He asked, Don’t you want to know what younger people today are thinking about? I said, “No, I have younger friends so I already know their perspective.” He didn’t like this answer and then told me about Jennifer Something, who has written three novels, and went on to describe the plots of each one.

I stood politely trying not to have a heart attack from anxiety and frustration. Why was he torturing me? When he finally paused, I asked him if he likes short stories, thinking maybe we had that in common. He said he occasionally reads the fiction in the New Yorker. Now here was something I had an opinion on! I said, “Don’t you think that the New Yorker fiction is always” but he turned and walked away.

I sat down next to a nice woman I’ve met before and we talked about the stress of being online. We agreed that the current climate is especially tense and divisive. She noted that it annoyed her how many people denied there was a “genocide going on in Palestine.” As a Jewish Jew, I countered with, “Yeah, and the people who don’t believe Israeli women were raped and tortured!” Luckily, we agreed that miniature donkeys are adorable.

Later, I met a lovely couple who had family in Jerusalem. The husband, who was French, confided, “I hate Netanyahu” to which I interjected something like Duh, it’s a given, “but I hate Hamas more.” We talked about the worldwide explosion of antisemitism. They both has interesting jobs and asked me what I do. I blurted out, “Nothing. I am nothing.” Luckily my husband was in earshot and he leaned in and said, “She’s a writer.”

I noticed a very thin woman dressed in black and wearing a big fedora. Women who wear hats are one of my pet peeves so I instinctively disliked her. I heard her say, “This is my husband, Steve.” Suddenly, I recalled an awful woman on Instagram who used to keep referring to her husband Steve. I remember that Steve bought her a $10,000 engagement ring. I sat down with my phone and went to Instagram. Yes, it was that awful woman! I was so pleased with myself that I looked around to see if there was anyone I could gloat to. Obviously, I restricted gloating to my husband.

Back at the food table, I started talking to a debonair looking guy in a black shirt who had silver hair and a matching beard. I asked him if he was a musician, since most of the guests were musicians as well as the host. He said yes, and we started talking about song lyrics. He was saying something about how you often didn’t know what your lyrics were really about until you performed the song. I went on a short rant about how a bad lyric. or even a stupid word in the lyric, ruined the whole song for me. I ended with, “a stupid cliched lyric is like an electric shock!” He looked kind of bemused.

While driving home, my husband praised me for ignoring a guy named Richard, who I hate with the force of a thousand suns. I was flabbergasted. I said, “WHAT? RICHARD WAS THERE?” I  was stunned. I couldn’t believe I never noticed him!

I asked my husband if he knew a guy named Jackson, who I discussed lyrics with. He said, “Yeah, that was Jackson Browne.”

What a night! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and even to those who don’t. xo


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9 Responses to A Christmas Party

  1. Alison says:

    Oh SW, thank you for making me laugh out loud, something that almost never happens. Probably not where you intended people to laugh, but does it matter? (“who I hate with the force of a thousand suns” – love it)

    I thought you were already married! Kora might be sad to be usurped.

    Who talks about all this shit at parties? Doesn’t anybody blather on about themselves anymore?

    p.s. I’d heard the name before, but I had to google Jackson Brown. Just to remind myself…that’s how narrow my world is ?

  2. Sally says:

    I’m glad you went to the party. Wishing you all the best for the New Year Sisterwolf. I love your writing so much. Long time fan of the blog, Love from Sydney, Australia.

  3. TOM ISENBERG says:

    Excellent write-up, Sister Wolf. I’m glad there were people there you liked and you didn’t see the most hated person. Very cool talking with Jackson Browne. Perhaps you’ll discuss music with Dylan at the next Hollywood party though I’m sure you’d recognize him (unless he is wearing one of his incognito disguises though perhaps even then). Given that he’s just written an entire book about songs, their music and lyrics, I’m sure he’d be interested in your opinions about song lyrics. And as a fellow Jew, this whole Palestinian thing is so off-the-wall it rates right up there with MAGA-ism in term of the fools these humans be. Fucking mindless idiots, the fucking protestors and everyone else who are all of a sudden Mideast Experts. It’s surprising they all aren’t fully-tenured Professors in Middle Eastern Studies at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. And as Putin kills, maims and rapes his way through Ukraine, not a peep. Why not? Good old Antisemitism. Happy Holidays! Xo, Tom

  4. Sister Wolf says:

    Alison – Haha, glad you laughed! I never tell Kora about my crushes on other people, and luckily she doesn’t read my blog. As for party talk, I’m going to learn to scream, “Excuse me, I have to pee!” and see how that goes over. xo

    Sally – Thank you so much, you are the best! I always appreciate your encouragment. Happy new year to you too! xo

    Tom Isenberg – The antisemitism from the progressive left is especially egregious, but I’m aware it’s a must within their tribe. To be white in their viewpoint is the original sin. Sadly for them, they don’t get that Jews aren’t “white” but rather a peoplehood whose ancestral homeland is Israel. Here’s a book recommendation for you to help you get through this: “Jews Don’t Count” by David Baddiel, who manages to be very witty about antisemitism from a British perspective. xo

  5. Mary Beth Panneton says:

    You met Jackson Browne and didn’t recognize him? I suppose he doesn’t look the way he did on his 1976 album cover.What a great description of an interesting party, even
    with annoying people there who tried to make you read things you don’t want to. Glad that you avoided Richard. It’s a pleasure to see your writing again, I’ve missed it!

  6. Sister Wolf says:

    Mary Beth Panneton – Right?? He finally got old, like the rest of us. Thank you for your support! I couldn’t keep that party to myself. xo

  7. Mary says:

    Wait! is Richard = Pervy?? ! How could you not knife him? What a c**t!

  8. Sister Wolf says:

    Alison – no apology necessary! and yes, it’s a terrific book. xo

    Mary – Right?? Lucky for him, and for me, that I never noticed him.

  9. Jane says:

    So glad you are here……

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