Arnold Schwarzenegger: What a Fucking Cunt!™

Godammit, I told you so!.

I can’t stand Arnold and I have never figured out why people believe he is anything other than a big stupid moron. The myth that Arnold is “actually very smart” is just preposterous! Fuck!

Way back in another lifetime, I lifted weights in the gym where Arnold worked out every morning. He was a loudmouthed bully who had a coterie of middle aged halfwits that followed him around and laughed at his stupid jokes. Arnold was an arrogant cunt who bothered women with comments like “I’d like to see you with your panties off!”

He’s what my mom would call a “lowlife.” We’ll never know why Maria Shriver married him and thus gave him a legitimacy that led to his political career, which in turn has left California in fiscal shambles.

Maybe the Kennedy women have a deep-seated need to be humiliated by powerful men. Whatever. I feel bad for Maria and her children, but WHAT THE FUCK WAS SHE THINKING?!?

Thoughts, rants, crap about how “personal lives are nobody’s business?”

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51 Responses to Arnold Schwarzenegger: What a Fucking Cunt!™

  1. harmreduction says:

    I almost abondoned my beloved city of St. Francis, (san francisco), when this cunt was elected governor. I since have sneered. when our august citizens decried his obcene budgets and the like; after all, they got what they votef for – TWICE!!!!

    I am now feeling a great deal of empathy for his wife and children…so very sad and tragic for them. I do not know if I could handle such a public betrayal.

    I really hope Maria eapes his fortune.

  2. harmreduction says:

    I meant – ‘rapes’

  3. Andra says:


  4. Andra says:

    This is a man with a very little dick…. remember that.

  5. Heidi says:

    Tiny dick and Nazi posters in his early days, if I recall.

  6. Kelly says:

    He’s a faux Republican with faux fiscal responsibility. He may, in fact, be the first tea-party member, but he was so beaten down by the state political machine that he ended up pardoning a felon. This just shows that decades of charades fucks with your mind so much you can’t think straight anymore.

    That last sentence applies to both of them.

    He was terrible for California. I have no idea what she was thinking. But some people gotta believe against their better judgment…until the truth comes out.

  7. Dru says:

    He can’t govern for shit, and Summer Glau makes a better Terminator than he does.

    What was the point of this man, ever?

  8. This guy says:

    I feel bad for the kids but as for Ahhnald I am pointing and laughing. It is EVERYONE’S business since he didn’t let same sex couples get married! Oh how very shocking, another republican “family values” jackass turns out to be a huge hypocrite, never seen this happen before!

  9. skye says:

    Lesson to all young women (all young people?): Rebellion against your family is a short-lived victory!

  10. regularstarfish says:

    Great point, “This Guy”!

  11. Tina says:

    Sister, you said it best. He is just a fucking cunt!!

  12. the real andrea says:

    I agree with all of you & SW. I always thought he was an asshole & he married Maria to make him look smarter and legitimate. I will never understand what she saw in him, because she is obviously smarter than him. It must be something with these Kennedy women and their Catholic-ness. Unfortunately, most of the public has a short memory and this probably will not affect his money making ability. I mean, Elliot Spitzer has a show on CNN and his wife is still with him!

  13. patni says:

    I heard his “look” described as walnuts stuffed in a condom.

  14. MG says:

    Did we not all know he was a total douchebag fucktard? He’s a misogynist bastard.

  15. patni says:

    he is an insult to pigs and cunts

  16. patni says:

    (Nerd Alert) summer glau may not have been the best terminator, but as River Tam she would fuck him up and not even remember. I am a big fire fly fan.

  17. He is one of a troop of cunts! What is it with these idiots.

  18. Dru says:

    patni – come to me, fellow Browncoat!!! Firefly turned me into a massive fangirl of anyone from that cast, and Summer Glau most of all.

  19. patni says:

    Dru… Its Captain Mal for me! all the way.

  20. Dru says:

    Yessir, Captain Tightpants. (he’ll have to duke it out for my affections with Dr Tam, though). Nathan Fillion can do no wrong in my eyes.

  21. Tina says:

    Did he once say it was his “goal” to marry a Kennedy? Am I remembering that correctly? What kind of fucking goal is that? Texas has had its share of shitty governors. Right now we have “who gives a flying fuck about education Governor GoodHair” Rick Perry….God we are all fucked!

  22. Visual Vamp says:

    Is this the same as the famous Sister Wolf Cunt of The Week Award?
    xo xo

  23. Cricket9 says:

    Oh, yet another one who can’t keep it in his pants – and it seems to be an open season on maids recently – WTF?!
    River Tam would totally kick his ass, fellow Firefly-ers!
    A bit of good new tough – Donald “I Wear a Hamster on my Head” Trump is NOT going to run for President. I’m officially relieved of duty and don’t have to worry about him anymore!

  24. I just don’t get the celebrity/actor/cunt turned politician scenario. Your mom’s right, he’s a lowlife.

  25. Andra says:

    Maybe Musclebound-little dick heard about the world ending tomorrow and decided to tell “all”.
    Look out for zombies and don’t forget to sell your pets.

  26. mustownmore says:

    I think personal lives are everyone’s business. The difference is when you are famous there are more everyones to know about it. Nothing to stop people gossiping about my bad behaviour, and the same should be true of anyone else. Don’t want gossip, don’t shag your housekeeper. Simple, really.

    But apart from my moralising and disagreement with British super injunctions…how tacky Arnie, really. Men. People. Life. I don’t know what disappoints me more.

    Probably had too much white wine tonight, oh well. At least I went home alone.

  27. Kellie says:

    total weasel face fucktard.
    it is going to be like Tiger-the gift that keeps giving. I am sure they will keep coming out of the closet he paid them to stay in!!!

    gotta be a respectable republican-only in the public eye!!!

  28. TexasArt says:

    Betting the wife knew … Likely hoping to be 1st Lady. Oh, well. Now, how about that nutjob on Bravo TV that likes to make sand angels … It’s all the same.

    : )

  29. Ann says:

    Makes my skin crawl. Always has, always will.

  30. sisty says:

    I’m sorry that you Californians had to live with him for so long — just repulsive on all fronts, from the personal to the political to the public and back again.

    But this little dick thing — is that just relative? Huge, grotesque muscular backdrop=appearance of tiny dick by contrast? Or are we talking the very real shriveling effect of steroids on the gonads?

  31. Bevitron says:

    Well, shit. I was looking for the tiny dick pictures and didn’t find any, but I guess I can consider myself lucky. I’ve never been able to tolerate that greasy, smarmy bastard. What WAS she thinking.

  32. Taylor says:

    God, I can’t imagine him at the gym. Wait… yes, I can, I just don’t want to. I hate him.

  33. Dru says:

    patni and Cricket9 – I bet you know and love this:

  34. Sister Wolf says:

    Skye – You are right on the money with your insight, as usual. Maria told Vanity Fair: “Everyone assumed that I was supposed to marry someone like a John Kerry, some preppy that had gone to Harvard or Yale. I didn’t want to marry those boys – I did not like them. I had been around them my whole life.”

    So she was rebelling. And is paying a terrible price for it.

  35. Sister Wolf says:

    Sisty and Bevitron – If you google “arnold nude” you can see those photos. Steriods do mess up testosterone levels, among other things. Remember when he had heart surgery and was given pig’s valves??? Then he furiously denied that he got pig’s valves.

  36. Sister Wolf says:

    Taylor – I hate him too.

    TexasArt- It’s hard to imagine that she didn’t know. The kid looks JUST like Arnold. It’s creepy. Is it possible to be in such denial for so long? That’s what interests me the most.

  37. Sister Wolf says:

    Harmreduction – and he topped it off by refusing to leave the house@ Maria had to leave with the kids.

  38. Cricket9 says:

    Dru – I didn’t know, thank you for the link! You know what – I probably would watch the movie “River Tam beats up everyone”, especially if they would throw a few minutes of Captain Mal in. Preferably sans clothes 😉

  39. patni says:

    Dru I had not seen it either! totally with cricket9 just a few minutes of captain Mal, naked, and another of the butt of Jayne.. and he certainly doesn’t have to talk!
    I would pay double.

  40. Dru says:

    patni and Cricket9 – I like the way you two think, and would fully support a few minutes of shirtless Simon thrown into that movie too 😉 .

    Sister- Arnold sounds like a real piece of work. I can’t believe he had the gall to make her move out (WTF?).

  41. Cricket9 says:

    Patni & Dru – ladies, we have a great idea for a movie! River Tam beats up everyone – especially Ahnold, Mal, Jayne, Simon wear very little… Let’s write a script, sell it and make tons of $$$. Then we can fix SW roof, hire houseboys, and so on. One thing I promise I’m not gonna do, is buy Hermes stuff!

  42. Anne says:

    I don’t think she was ‘rebelling’…she obviously loved him and she is a highly intelligent woman so I trust he must have some form of intelligence and other good points (though what they are I am clueless to know).

    Even if she married some guy from Harvard or Yale he could have cheated on her as well….so I don’t think this is a case of saying “her fault for marrying a tool”. I just feel very sorry for her. And I think ANY guy that cheats on a devoted partner is scum of the earth.

  43. Dru says:

    Cricket9 – I think we have the genesis of an entire, cracktastic movie franchise right there : watching fictional women we love being violent, with lots of pretty shirtless/partly nude men thrown in. We can proceed as follows:

    River Tam Beats Up Everyone
    Kara Thrace Shoots Everyone (different series, same principle)
    Buffy Summers Stakes Everyone ( -ditto-)
    …and so on

    I think we’ve hit gold, indeed. Though I’d even settle for watching any of the above read the phone book out loud, I love all of them.

  44. Dru says:

    And I would fully support the idea of placing Ahnald within kicking range of River’s combat boots in that first movie above. Or even near Cameron of TSCC.

  45. Cricket9 says:

    You’re right, Dru, we should think BIG! Let’s get to work!

  46. Aja says:

    Oh Arnold. So predictable.

  47. patni says:

    lets start writing! what the world needs is more femalecentric action movies!

  48. kirsten says:

    FIREFLY FANS! oh my god will you marry me? ANY OF YOU???????
    i have a bad sort of thing for simon though. mmmmm mmmm.

  49. Dru says:

    I’m all on board – whether we write fanfic or movies, I’m all for having more women beat up things and people. If Whedon, Moore, Tarantino etc can’t give us what we want, why not be self-sufficient and make it ourselves?

    kirsten – yay, another Simon fan! Hope you don’t mind sharing him though ;).

  50. tressie says:

    I didn’t need to know the details of the breakup…but now I do.
    But as a bona fide Lady of the Golden West, I just also have to ask of Maria…WTF were you thinking? When I married my loser ex, I didn’t have the kind of choices Maria had…(Kennedy power/money/etc)…I’ve never understood Cali for doing the Arnold 2 times, either….and I’m a native and certainly understand wacky….Maybe we were in a weak moment….That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it…..

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