Sea has taken a brief respite from shoe curating but the posing and self-adoration continue unabated, like the tides.
Sea acquired an ugly cockroach necklace in an effort to establish her quirkiness, and she heaped on the black eye liner for a Clueless Goth effect. She and Mom snagged a lame python jacket after a harrowing close call with not snagging it! Whew! Thank god it all worked out.
Most noteworthy is the garbled language skills that Sea has been curating! Here is her observation about her taste in interior design:
“I guess the baroque-psychedelia of Foster’s Home has my eye trained on the more whimsical touches of the mansions from the Gilded era. I got this book at Dolly Python yesterday and love to see l that so many of these suffocatingly extravagant rooms have touches of candy colors like mint green, bubblegum pink, and robin’s egg blue.”
Hahahaha! “Suffocatingly extravagant?!?” Suffering succotash! That sounds like a description of her own living room!
Okay, you know the drill. I’ll go first:
Dear Sea, You’ll never believe this but I have the same black sweater from Lucky Jeans so we’re almost twins! Do you ever wonder what you would think about if you weren’t wealthy? Did you know that most women have a deep-seated dread of being like their mom? I like how you defy this fear by trying to look like a thirty-something divorcee circa 1980. If you need more cockroaches, let me recommend my kitchen! Love, SW
Haha, never thought I’d live to see the day when Sister Wolf hates on “Marie”
OMG I paint a hall for a day and do some work and I miss ALL THIS.
Damn firstly I’m cross on the ice cream front since becoming a flexible vegan I think I might have to pass on it. I’m filtering out all the ice cream mentions more torturous than the vagina ones.
What is it with vagina talk? Seriously do young things think because you age ones vagina does too? Mine is like a gagging for it 16 year old and I’m not 16. I could give any frisky young thing a run for their money on vagina stakes. I much prefer this fact, you know frisky vagina, to the idea of cockroach jewellery. I never experience the same thrill from jewellery as I do from sex. Although ice cream has come close or maybe that was ice cream and sex.
Anyway I’m going far to off point. Annemarie please tell me off. In fact Annemarie just keep commenting full stop.
Dearest SW, you know I’m right up there under your armpits xx
R- how funny you should mention Kanye West, since he’s the very person who catapulted young Sea to Internet starlet status in the first place with a stream-of-consciousness rave. Your own half-assed attempts to attack Sister using her son’s death only prove that YOU are the one who’s scum.
Also, give up with the attacks on the Sister and the commenters already- they can be mean, yes, but they’re also a thousand times funnier, cleverer and more incisive than anything found on your daughter’s/girlfriend’s/whatever she is to you (assuming that you are either Mother of Shoes, Ronnie or some Avenger of Sea) comment space on her blog (can’t say I blame her for turning it off though, the commenters might have gotten her the buzz in the first place,but blind fangirling on increasingly mindless consumerism is boring).
MakeDo, please take a look at pure food and wine’s sarma melngailis’ raw vegan vanilla ice cream recipe:
(it is the last recipe on the site)
it’s so good it’s unreal.
Oops, I meant to say Sister up there, not “the Sister”- but I hope the gist is clear.
Stella Mayfair – thank you!
Gretchen – you need to see someone about …something
PS I posted my last comment same time as Gretchen – Gretchen still think some thing’s not right but at least you have basic decency which is very redeeming.
Why do people keep on insisting on telling a person how to grieve? Pro wolf or anti wolf, does it really matter in the grander scheme of the universe?
A mother has lost her child, something mothers do every day, but made none the less tragic because of it’s regularity
A girl flaunts her wealth and superior attitude (the latter being something most teenagers have) and a woman highlights the vacuous nature of it.
Does that really give people the right to tell her about her son and their relationship? Is nothing sacred?
Would I like it if my blog was put under the microscope and ridiculed? No.
Would I write such a blog that invited that? No
Is Sister Wolf brave/stupid/mad for calling people out on the net?
Does she deserve the intensely personal attacks because she does? No
Sea of shoes does take a battering here, but if her friends/fans/family cannot see how she has made a self fulfilling prophecy, then they too need to read more, and shop less.
It is a story as old as ‘celebrity’, maybe it seems mean and unjust because of her age; in which case, encourage her to go to school!
It is so hypocritical to pile the abuse on a grieving mother, when you are berating her for what you yourself are doing, in a far more poisonous and vindictive way.
I hope you anti Wolf posse never have to live through the brutality of a suicide, it’s dark side. Far worse than being called a fat faced spoilt dumbass.
I had a friend, we all went out on the saturday night, he bought the rope monday and hung himself in the woods. How many years do you think we all sat there, thinking, how come we didn’t know? What did we miss?
If you have an opinion on how a mother should grieve, or what happened prior to a person’s personal nightmare, keep it to yourself, you don’t know what you’re talking about. YOU WERE NOT THERE.
Call sister out for things you can prove with objective and insightful observations, not the death of her child.
Keep your chin up Wolf, not all of us are bastards. Xxx
The end of Braindance’s 2 pence worth.
Braindance your two pence worth is worth it.
Annemarie, help the gretchen thing is a nightmare on elm st but without anything interesting to hold ones attention even for a second. Do you think she missed out on an education. Can’t understand a bloody word of it. I’m confused by sentence construction and I’m dyslexic. Please interject!
I think there’s something very wrong with the Gretchen person. The posts are schizophrenic. I can’t make sense of most of it and I constantly deal with individuals who know very little English! She wrote that she only went to community college but her posts leave me wondering how she was allowed to graduate high school. I think there are more issues there than Time magazine.
@ Braindance – Brava! Beautifully put.
Gretchen, by all means, keep the vitriol and stupidity coming. You are doing a fantastic job making most of the readers of this blog, many of whom have expendable income and a taste for interesting fashion (when it doesn’t involve dead Blattidae) avoid your store like the plague. This simple little post which actually had nothing to do with you now has over 160 comments, not to mention countless lurkers who don’t post comments. Most of us are fans and personal friends of Sister Wolf and as you can see, we do not take lightly or stand for people talking shit about her or towards her. Just think of all of those eyes reading your swill and opting to not only stay far away from your store, but encouraging others to do the same. I personally make multiple trips to Dallas annually to visit my in-laws and while there, I go on many shopping excursions with my mother-in-law. Be assured we won’t step foot in your shop, and my mother-in-law and all of her friends have already been advised not to as well.
That’s fine that you have Jane and Mom among your fans at the moment, but they and their sheep will move on to the next thing in a week or so and you’ll be old news. They won’t remember you, unless you choose to sell yourself out and become one of their sycophants, pitifully clamoring for their attention like a discarded lover. The admiration of the Sea clan is much more temporary than the boycott of the Wolf clan.
Feel free to bleat some bullshit that you don’t want our money anyway. Your contribution to this blog has more than qualified you to teach a class in alienating potential customers.
We cancelled the cable to save some money and to save our minds. (I was watching too much reality tv) But after all of this, I’m not missing it one bit! Thanks everyone!
Sister Wolf, you are courageous, open, honest, and most importantly you are true to yourself.
You were and are a good mom, don’t ever question that. Max was always grateful to have to by his side and you were always by his side!
I’m just blown away by the cowardice and low blows by a few of the visitors to your blog.
And as far as his fiance goes, the further she goes the better.
Stay strong Sister!
I think there’s some chocolate-cherry soy ice-cream I could indulge in, but then there’s sugar in it and I’m not sure if it’s clarified with bone meal.
Oh Ladies! Be nice!! You wouldn’t like my store anyway. That’s ok! If you have a change of heart, you are always welcome to stop in and roll your eyes!!
for such a goddamn fashion victim i find it insulting that she blankly refers to the legendary kristen mcmenamy (in the chanel fall 2010 post) as “the model.” i guess when you’re born in 1998 it’s no use trying to catch up
Behold, Dolly Python:
HAHAHAHA!! Thats my good side!!
<3 braindance !!!!!!
i don't think there's anything gross about insects, but i'm from the woods. as someone else posted, bug-in-lucite jewelry ain't exactly a groundbreaker, but gretchen's is a pretty iteration. maybe one day jane could study entomology or choose anything else useful; it's nobody's business what she does with her life, but in a general sense, it'd be better for everyone if she didn't exemplify and glorify the having and spending of money as the total expression of her life. it's okay to express dissatisfaction with her ideals. i have a fat face, but it's no big deal because i have like 23463 other qualities and skills that i put first. gretchen's crazier comments seem to correlate to last call at the bar; i also suspect cocaine, just because.
I know Jane personally, and also know the staff at Dolly Python, and I have a music booth there and love all the customers, things, and owners who make the store a joyful place. Get off your Hate Bike, you stupid stuck up, judgemental morons, and stop dissing people you don’t even know. If heaven is for people like you, I choose hell.
Claudia, you are so mean. Be nice. Your not at all being fair. None of you are. Why? Because you judge. You don’t know me, you don’t know Jane. You don’t know what we do privately outside of this public site. I could have helped your elderly mother pick up her groceries when she fell in the street. I would you know. I would even help you. Murder me now. Tear me apart you all do it so well!!
“Get off your Hate Bike, you stupid stuck up, judgemental morons, and stop dissing people you don’t even know.”
IRONYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! (this should be said in the same way Peter says “guilty” as seen here:
Just like the rest of your ilk, you are telling us to stop doing the very thing you are doing. Hell, most of us aren’t dissing any of these people. A lot of us came for the ice cream social. Some of us came to enjoy/lament Ronnie’s lackluster commentary. Some of us just don’t like cockroaches covered in resin.
^ Is it all that hard to use the comma correctly?
Srenna (Anners) Says:
August 5th, 2010 at 10:46 am
^ Is it all that hard to use the comma correctly?
— I meant Bucks’ comment.
@Srenna – That’s nothing. Have you seen the misuse of your/you’re? It’s horrifying!
@ Gretchen – Oh, FFS! Everybody judges, EVERYBODY. Don’t f*cking tell me that you don’t. You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t. We’re “judging” Sea and you based on the evidence presented to us: Sea’s superficial, consumerist blog and your psychotic posts here. You want us to have a different opinion of you? Well, then you should consider posting something that’s not schizophrenic, that makes a modicum of sense, and that isn’t an ass-kissing of Sea or a plug for your store. Mm-kay?
This part: trying to look like a thirty-something divorcee circa 1980.
Is the best. absolutely right on. I still find myself visiting Sea often if nothing else but to roll my eyes. It’s like a circus side show act …you can’t stop watching.
I am amazed by the negativity everyone is drawn to on this site. Why focus on hate and things that make you so angry? Maybe I’m missing the point of this site?
Well, here’s that photo of gretchen dolly python, thank you Iron Chic. I’m not sure if this is illuminating but surely it means something
Gretchen/dolly – Okay, I get it. Your pals on myspace have names like Fuck-a-Face…that’s where this picture of you comes from.
I see you have a sort of mentality that is alien to me and my readers. I think we are through hearing from you. Just as you won’t allow me to comment on your facebook wall, your function here is kind of dubious.
Would you mind just going away now? Thanks.
ALicia – Yep. They are so awful, they would stoop to trying to ruin someone’s very ice cream!
Sure Sister. But, you accomplish nothing. Nothing at all. Enjoy beating up on others. Our lives will go on the same way they always have. GOOD JOB!! Jane is right. You masturbate to this bullshit.
Well people, you heard it here first. Our valued source, gretchen dolly python verifies that jane is…. what? Kind of dicey? Preoccupied with my vag?
Thanks gretchen! xo
Sister – crazy bitches aside, I was fucking serious about that ice cream before.
You need to make yourself a batch of world famous Burnt Fig Jam, Honeycomb & Caramel goodness ASAP.
How hard could it really be? (Haha, read: how much does a half-decent ice cream making device cost in the US?)
Enough with the grammar Nazis already. That argument is irrelevant. Proper grammar hasn’t been used on the internet since 1992. “On the internet?” Have fun dissecting that one, turds.
As for Jane, I’ve sat at her dinner table. It isn’t gilded, and she doesn’t sweep up crumbs to her admirers and serve them on silver trays. I’ve also been through her closet. It’s fucking awesome. No, I’m not some rich sycophant who lives to kiss her ass. I’m just a fan. And yes, a friend. When I first looked at her site, I didn’t get all butt hurt because I couldn’t afford most of what she wears. I thought, “this girl looks great.” You guys know she has a FASHION blog right? Oh, I forget, you all shop at The Limited. Pull your pleated khakis out of your fucking camel toes and stop being such babies because you live in Ohio and are living scared, mediocre lives.
You bored, wasteful cunts have nothing better to do than rag on people who have creativity (regardless of financial status) simply because you are lacking just that: the creativity to be recognized beyond your peers. Don’t live in fucking glass house if your shit stinks. I think Gretchen from Dolly Python told me that one.
P.S. I can’t believe you wimps are crying about dead cockroaches. Entymology is so chic. Get with it, losers.
Also, Jane is EIGHTEEN, and displays a lot more maturity and tact than most of you, whom waste your time conjuring up the personalities of people you’ve never met so that you can “masturbate” (to quote the subject of such a hot topic) to your own insecurities as a sense of validation.
As for me, I’m as immature and mean as they come. So fuck off. Suffocating Extravagance Forever.
P.S. Jane’s mom is GREAT, and she will out-dress the shit out of your grandmother’s mother.
Thanks for that enlightenment, Monique. What am I thinking trying to educate myself by going to graduate school? I should give everything having interest in academia or any desire to help other people to become a self-obsessed consumerist collecting the most undesirable and loathsome pieces of clothing man has ever made because they have a designer label in them. That’s real living right? I’ll be closer to nirvana once I snag or curate something trendy or inaccessible to the general public, right?
Sorry, I’d rather have a life that involves making my own money and living beyond the realm of my mother’s personal aesthetics. I have a hard time calling someone who simply pulls expensive designer name’s out of their mother’s closet creative. Monique, perhaps if you ventured outside of the periphery of creative to see true innovation you’d understand why few here are impressed by Sea’s cesspool of clothing that only looks attractive if you’re a cocaine addict circa 1985.
I don’t know what to say.
I’m honestly not fond of being in Ohio, but when other people dis it…
I start feeling a bit defensive. Then I wonder why I’m being that way when I feel ambivalent about it myself. It’s like a family member who annoys you- but if someone outside your family insults them you get mad. But only a little bit.
Well, this was a fun one to come out of lurkerhood for, hmmm?
Trust me, you’d have to PAY me to wear pleated khakis. Unless there were extenuating circumstances- like- I found them on the 75% off clearance rack and had one of my “I should get these, I need SOME practical clothes” moments. Then I’d just wear them a few times, hoping no one saw me, before putting them on the “give away” pile.
I notice in these comments, though most are clearly on one side or the other, I’m not the only one here who actually likes BOTH Sister and Sea. Well, the blogs, anyway. I don’t actually know either one. But I like both blogs, for different reasons. And I myself would not even be able to tell you all those reasons.
I’m surprised again and again at how nasty people in general can get toward each other, both on and off the net. I am genuinely surprised each time.
But it is interesting.
With best wishes to all….
You know, It wouldn’t be difficult for most people to outdress my grandmother’s mother. That would be a great-grandmother, and mine have been dead for some time. So, they just wear whatever they were buried in, 24/7. Not hard to outdo that.
Some of the others here may have living great-grandmothers. Do they dress well?
And what distinguishes outdressing the shit out of someone versus merely outdressing them?
Kathleen – Oh god, please, let’s not discuss anything brought here by “Monique!” She has already told us that our “shit stinks.” I think that’s more than enough.
Monique, since you’re a fan first of Jane’s and THEN a friend, why don’t you follow Jane’s lead and just ignore SW’s site. More importantly, don’t bother commenting because you know that means someone is going to fire back.
Creativity is a very personal decision. I for one won’t assume that Jane isn’t creative so long as you don’t go off on the presumption she is more creative and is a better person than all of us who enjoy reading Sister Wolf’s blog.
Also the line “creativity to be recognized beyond your peers” confuses me. This is the bloody internet where someone could be writing a blog from their home in Iraq while another reads it from the US ( I’m in the midst of reading Baghdad Burning so it’s the only example I can think of now) As far as I’m concerned, bloggers are all peers.
Your final words are laughable. Entymology is so chic? When I watched Fear Factor and the contestants had to be in a box full of tarantulas for 10 minutes, I wasn’t thinking they looked chic. They look like they were about to piss their pants and in complete fear.
For the record everyone’s shit stinks. Yours does too.
@Monique: You seem oblivious to the irony of your tirades.
Ranting lines such as “you all shop at The Limited. Pull your pleated khakis out of your fucking camel toes and stop being such babies because you live in Ohio and are living scared, mediocre lives” + “you, whom waste your time conjuring up the personalities of people you’ve never met” used in the same polemic = bit of a contradiction, no?
Sea’s “FASHION” blog is nothing more than an ostentatious broadcast of conspicuous consumption. Since when is SHOPPING conspicuously hailed as CREATIVITY? Sister Wolf’s satirical criticism of it is warranted and amusing.
The Aldridge’s penchant for all things garish and tacky in no way dictates that financial status is related to one’s taste, or “creativity”. To think that Sea “looks great” in the trash she has “curated” for herself is really amusing. The vulgarity of their sartorial choices is too funny, particularly when it is a full-time pursuit for them. (Do Sea a favour, Monqiue, if you are one of her friends – and tell her to go to art school, if “creativity” is what she is aiming for.)
Entomology is the scientific study of insects, and is unrelated to the wearing or “rocking” of a cockroach for edginess. (Or is the cockroach symbolic of something greater – has Sea found herself a suitable mascot?) I can’t believe you consumerist victims are wearing them and calling it “chic”. (Haaaaaaaahahahaha!)
One would think you hold immaturity and meanness to be virtues. I suppose that follows, seeing as you confuse rampant consumerism with creativity. And “immature”, lewd insults with…(well, I don’t know what you were aiming for. Criticism? It’s hard to understand the intended purpose of your stupid rant.)
Why not take some of your own advice, and just fuck off? Take Gretchen and her fucking cockroaches with you. Cheers.
PS – I’m not an American but regardless, I’m not living a “scared”, unfulfilled life. I wouldn’t be caught dead in khaki, or with camel toe. And all the money in the world couldn’t lower my sartorial taste to that of the Aldridge’s.
@Elaine – I’m glad someone else found the humour in entomology and cockroaches being “chic!” Hahahahaha! Go figure.
I just de-flead my cats. I’m taking those drowned vermin, pouring epoxy over them, and making earrings. I’m then going to make a necklace out of the hairballs that the cats have been “curating” lately. I’m going to totally like rock it with a pair of hairy goat pants and a flea collar! You can all suck it, bitches!! I’m on the f*cking cutting edge with my gagging creativity and rad entomology/animal-bodily-function chic!
Why do 95% of sea supporters have nothing constructive to say, or even thought provoking?
It’s all fuck you and you’re jealous nonsense.
It is possible to come here, and disagree with the majority, but also keep your dignity.
For example, a while back, I disagreed with commenter’s calling Sea’s mum a whore. I explained why, had a debate and that was that. I went back to work.
Some People agreed with me, some didn’t. That is the beauty of this blog, and what keeps me as a regular visitor, you can exchange thoughts & ideas on a myriad of subjects with people who have wildly opposing convictions to your own, in a logical and mature manner. If you choose not to, and rather insult, surely that is a reflection on you, not Sister Wolf?
I have never kissed anybody’s ass, I’m not about to start on the net, to say we are sycophants and blindly agreeing is just an lazy argument
Never have I heard Sister talk about sea & her mum in the same appalling manner that their supporters insult her. Yes, she calls them out for certain flaws, but I am yet to read a post by her that vehemently attacks their family life and actively wishes for the demise of their happiness. (Saying somebody lives off their ex husband is not the same as kicking a grieving mother)
You act like Sister Wolf is akin to Robert Mugabe and Sea is up there with Schiaparelli. Get some perspective people.
You cuss Wolf out for giving you a platform on which to pour forth a foaming bile of incoherent, ill conceived ramblings, but in the same paragraph, then complain about the validity of other people’s right to free speech.
Rosa – thank you for getting back to the point conspicuous consumption! Truly it bores me that the ‘hate on’ lot don’t understand symbolic discourse and the issue of challenging conspicuous consumption. Being British I find the vapid ‘hate on’ lingo completely alien. I laugh at it and that is why I love SW she seems to embody the antithesis of all that is wrong with materialist culture yet at the same time understands our peacock desires. We all want to adorn ourselves it is a basic element of our being but, and it is a big but there is a devotion to materialism and ‘creativity’ that far out weighs other matters.
SW blog is called ‘Godammit I’m Mad’ with subtitle and getting madder. It tackles issues, it prompts thought and is honest. Sister Wolf bares all and her undressing of Jane is not a matter of ‘hate’ or ‘disliking’ – it is a comment on the content of the blog. I’ve read Sea of Shoes and Atlantis Home and they don’t captivate me although individual posts have been interesting and a good read. In general they embody a lot that is wrong with how we value ourselves and our worth. It is no co-incidence that the fashion blogs that are A list are the ones that do not question fashion, fashion design and emulate magazines in respect of visual glorification of goods with a bit of back story. I’m not saying this is wrong but they have become props to conspicuous consumption.
Those of you who confuse the idea of challenging with some sort of emotional response are failing to understand the choice of not being worshippers at the altar of conspicuous consumption. It might surprise you that we like fashion and will always like fashion but maybe we don’t wholly agree with some of the values. Using an abuser as a photographer, or the lack of representation of all people as fashion models (the continued dominance of white models – felt I needed to spell this out).
It is interesting that SW allows and continues to allow comments, she provides online discourse. I cannot challenge Jane directly and believe I would if I could leave comments but I would never ever be rude in the way many of you are here. Disagreeing with someone’s stance does not require anger and vile accusations. However even if I do disagree on some levels with Jane, in no way do I think she should listen to me. It is her life she can choose her path.
I recently had the whole ‘you been negative’ thing heaped on me by a reader and fellow blogger. They felt I’d been harsh in assessing a photograph they’d published. I made a real effort to engage with this person and resolve the matter. I could have had a go back, but they just wanted only positive comments on something they were proud of and it cost me nothing to accept my views unwanted. I had confused my professional evaluation of visual work with someone who had a passion and wasn’t actually working within the photography and styling field. I’m used to criticism and discourse about the merits of a particular image, I’ve been doing it for years. However this person wasn’t. So I understand that Jane might be too young to understand or accept differing views, it may appear personal and yes sometimes we can be as childish as hell on here but it is in the confines of the post by SW.
After all this I would just like to say stop boring the hell out of us with nasty below the belt attacks. There is a huge difference between saying Jane has a fat face (in reference to one photo published on her blog) and making accusations of behaviour in respect of the death of SW’s son Max. Basically she can do as she bloody well pleases. Why I’d stand in boxing ring and let her pummel me if it helped even for 5 mins. I’d do the same for any mother who lost a child.
As Rosa said too ref khaki and camel toe.
Dear Sea,
Why don’t you dress like a teenager, you look like my mum did during the early eighties (minus the horrific perm). When I found out you were so young I couldn’t believe it — you dress like a thirty year old. Do you think that because you’re young it’s fucking kooky or something? Sorry, it looks like the fashion police dog puked all over you. Maybe he’d been eating cockroaches for breakfast.
P.S. Sea, please take care of your porcelain skin — high SPFs should do it, or bathing in the blood of your toady virgin fans.
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
I’m so glad to have been enlightened that entymology has nothing to do with jewelry design or perhaps finding the beauty in something so commonly perceived as being disgusting. I happen to loathe cockroaches. But I plan on buying a necklace and wearing it, kind of like a hunting trophy of all the ones I’ve come across and killed in my lifetime. Also, we live in Texas where the brutal summer heat is prone to bring these guys out in droves. Perhaps we view these cockroaches and insects as iconic to living in hot climate. Did you know that in some places people EAT cockroaches? OMG! Gag! We should send the necklaces to those places so people could have them as a snack! J/k! How like, culturally insensitive of me!
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! So yes, I posted because I hadn’t been comment trolling in a while. I forget how fun it is! And how serious everyone gets! Come on guys! I can’t believe no one saw that I was being facetious with the entymology comment! And I never said my shit doesn’t stink. It’s actually quite fetid.
I also posted because I know Jane personally, I know the designers of the jewelry, I know Gretchen from Dolly Python, and while they may not construct epic, pseudo-intellectual replies (because, come on, that’s all this is, everyone pulling their dicks out to see who’s got the biggest, smartest one) to anonymous people commenting negatively about a young woman with a refreshing sense of style (that’s my opinion, no need to attack that, it’s not going to change, move along), they have been featured in yes, CONSPICIOUS CONSUMERIST publications such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, Elle Italia, and a blog read by like likes of Kanye West (who I think is a buffoon, but whatever other people like him) and Anna Wintour. They musy be doing SOMETHING right in regards to fashion (which some you seem to not have a complete grasp on, but that’s okay. I hear the best way to fight something you don’t understand is to insult it), despite the suprisingly (not) simple sartorialist leanings that the majority of you are conveying to me that you have.
Oh and as for CONSPICIOUS CONSUMERISM, don’t even get me fucking started. Unless you choose to live in a third world lifestyle, then you are a conspicious consumer. It’s a first world problem, hellloooooooo!
I’m getting dizzy from standing on this soapbox. You guys can have it back. Besides all this negativity is counter-productive. I’ve got cockroaches to kill.
Best Wishes, everyone!
P.S. The majority of this message is brought to you by sarcasm and the number 333.
TL;DR. But I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t know what sarcasm is if it slapped you in the face. Can all of you vapid, ignorant Sea supporters GTFO, please? You’re boring the crap out of all of us and taking up valueable bandwith.
Why do Sea and Mom continue to come here? Sea cuold not handle comments on her own blog…yet seeks them out here. Mom and Sea must masturbate to this BS.
Ice cream for everyone!
Mom of Shoes has left and is busy killing cockroaches. I would too but they aren’t very many around here. I guess they all decided to live in Texas.
Since you have your own blog, why not take a break from blogging about your latest project and tell all your followers about SW? State your case and everyone will be on your side, especially since you delete all comments that don’t go along the lines of “They look fabulous! I just emailed you my request for more details. Can’t wait!” or “Judy, you’ve outdone yourself! x”
“You wouldn’t know sarcasm if it slapped you in the face.”
Wow. You’re absolutely right. I stand corrected.
Oh and speaking of comment censoring, since some people can apparently dish it out but not take it, Gretchen aka Dolly Python wants me to let you know that when she gets out of yoga and if she’s not too busy, she’ll be back…this time with a different e-mail.