In My Hour of Darkness

Nothing helps to soothe the pain like a picture of Sea’s big fat face.

The vulgar coat, the stupid Louis Vuitton bag, the painful shoes and the gratuitous Gaysian and midget are just icing on the cake.

I hate you, you stupid moon-faced bitch. But it’s good to feel some healthy rage instead of the kind that makes you want to kill every single person who might have said the exact word at the exact time to persuade Max that life was worth living. The bad rage is driving me mad.

I’d like to tell that stupid bitch and her stupid mom to shut their stupid fucking mouths and wallets but if it weren’t for them tonight I’d be stuck in an endless loop of questions that will never be answered.

When I get the strength and pull myself together, I plan to begin a thorough, groundbreaking analysis of what makes Alec Baldwin so despicable. Prepare to be grilled on this topic.

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216 Responses to In My Hour of Darkness

  1. Sonja says:

    Debra… unbelievably fucking stunned.

  2. Sofia says:

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    I often pass a bench in my local park which was bought by the parents of a girl who died whilst we were at school together. It reads “Saying goodbye hurt so much because it was wonderful to say hello.” I hope that with time your grief only serves to remind you of what a wonderful son you had the pleasure of spending time with.

    In other news, are Sea’s toes deformed? Tentacles perhaps.

  3. Mo'Nique says:

    Debra Babygirl,

    What you mean you “will not be commenting any further”?

    Girl, don’t be like that. Everybody wants to hear what you have to say. “I maintain that it is not cool” to make all the rest of us suffer by not enlightening us with your wisdom and your concern for teenage girls that blog.

    What if I say please? Please, Debra, keep commenting. We’re all sorry. Please? Girl, your “true colours” need to shine on through to the rest of us.

    Well, Debra, take some time and think about it. Maybe you’ll change your mind and comment further.

    But if I don’t hear from you, I guess I can always email you. Your email address is, right?

    Stay sweet, Debra girl.



  4. Cheraya says:

    Debra, that was possibly the most insensitive and cuntish thing to post, ever.

    Perhaps you’ll understand the depths of your cuntitude if you ever have to go through the total horror of losing a child.

    I vote Debra for cunt-of-the-week.

  5. dust says:

    Geee Sister, you heard it, you’re not cool! What a criteria! Systematical!

    Sea can kiss my ass and fuck her shoes. That bunch will have to sell their kidneys to maintain the lifestyle, cos they have no soul left to sell.

    Just bring it on Sister, just bring it on…

  6. Debra, didn’t your mother teach you a little something about picking your moments?

    Of all the emotions, don’t use ‘sympathy’ as a way to pave out your argument to defend Sea Of Stupid Mindless Consumption because that makes you a liar and liars are the worst.

    SW – Love from London…

  7. Sonja says:

    Debra for Cunt of the Week. Sea of Shoes, Kiss My Ass. I vote yes to both.

  8. Lara says:

    Dear Sister Wolf,
    I’m terrible about leaving comments on blogs but I have been reading you for so long and I just adore you. You and Wendy B are my absolute favorite for your style and humor. When I saw that Karen Horney was one of your favorite people, I knew it was love! 🙂

    I am so sorry for your loss and I have had you in my thoughts every day since Wendy B allowed us all to leave condolences. You get your anger and hate out in any way you like damnit! You speak for so many!


  9. Felicia says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your son. I only hope that should I ever have to go through such a difficult experience, I will deal with it with as much strength, humor, and honesty as you are.

  10. Annie says:

    Sea’s shoes have given her donkey hooves… who knew that festery blisters could delicately flower on those? So gross.

  11. Leslie H. says:

    My heart goes out to you. I am sorry for your loss.

    Keep on hating Sister Wolf!

  12. Green Of Eye says:

    Been listening to this today and thinking of you.

    Much love.x

    Ps: Debra, best keep your insensitive bullshit to yourself. You apparently have little for doing aside from putting that crap on a grieving mother. Shame on you.

  13. Sonja says:

    …and Mo’Nique for Diplomat of the Week… good one.

  14. Jaaa says:

    I genuinely love you Sister wolf. you are my idol, when i stop being such a sarky teenager i want to be just like you

    I’m devastated for your loss

  15. sketch42 says:

    SW- I had to choke back tears when I read your post about Max. Im so sorry.

    Isnt it amazing that whenever you think the world couldnt be any darker, fuckers like Debra show up? Debra… What mark said.

  16. patni says:

    Jesus Fucking Christ. I do know that on the internet people behave with far less manners than they do in person. Not that i come across too many in the real world whose manners impress me.

    But this isdiffrent.Debra, Sister Wolf is a real person, her son fucking died. Leave her the fuck alone. Did no one teach you any manners at all?

    I am sincerly shocked and aplogize for the human race.

    Debra you are a cunt.

  17. Aja says:

    I’m happy you’re back. We love you. Now pray tell what has Alec Baldwin done now? Googling immediately. xo.

  18. Aja says:

    Okay, I got nuthin’. Of course, I did only go to the first page that google brought up before losing interests in the pursuit. I can only get so excited for Alec Baldwin, you know? But I’m sure you’ll tell us . . .

  19. Mark says:

    You know what? Even Debra’s cuntastic cuntitude can’t ruin the giddy warmth I feel when I look at the Gaysian in his floral jumpsuit. Thank you, SW, for your vigilance in monitoring Sea of Shoe’s website, and bringing this Gaysian and his floral jumpsuit to my attention.

    Never has a jumpsuit both amused and bemused me.

    Well, there was that one jumpsuit by J. Lo I found at TJ Maxx about seven years ago…

  20. Miggs says:

    LV is so unbelievably passe, but obviously Sea will grab anything with a label on it.
    Candles here in New Zealand too.

  21. Miggs says:

    Looking again, I don’t think that is a jumpsuit, I think it’s two seperate peices. Which means not only did he BUY both (or accept from adoring fans, or whatever), he actually CHOSE to put both on together. Clearly he hates us all.

  22. Aja says:

    Oh yeah and Debra, fuck you.

  23. Anna says:

    Im so sorry for your loss. Stay strong.

  24. Some Gaysian says:

    I’m so fucking sorry.

  25. Shifra says:

    Like others have said, I love your blog. I rarely feel sad for people I don’t know when they suffer tragedies, but it really made my heart hurt to read about Max. You have been and continue to be in my thoughts.

  26. EmilyT says:

    Agreed, Debra, you have my nomination for cunt of the week.

    I can’t say it any better than any previous comments, but I’m so sorry to hear about Max. Sending love from Scotland.

    Sea, you’re failing. And the LV bag is the last straw. If you design anymore shit, I sincerely hope no one is stupid enough to buy it.

  27. Dru says:

    Slightly bombed at the insensitivity of whatserface the troll up there who whines about having her email address handed out (you big baby, do you seriously think you deserved to have that detail kept secret after flaming on Sister’s grief?)- but she is not important, Sister, you are.
    There is a candle lit for Max here in Bangalore, too. I wish it could bring him back for you, or at least make things a little better, but I’m so sorry about this- all of it, really. I just hope things get less awful and miserable for you someday, and soon.

  28. jd says:

    I love you Sister Wolf. I am glad that you are feeling things, if that makes sense. I have been thinking of you and Max a lot.

    When I saw the pic of SOS on her blog – after I had got over my initial shock, curiosity and fascination at the fact that she is a full-on chubster – you are the first person I thought of. ‘Aw, Sister Wolf would be all over this piece of fucking shit’ ….and good to see her awfulness didn’t go unnoticed.

    You might want to take the time to rip the gaysian Bryanboy a new asshole as well – get that rage out. I noticed him whining on his blog about his baggage being delayed like it’s the end of the world and blah blah he has sooo many events and it’s the end of the world. His own fault, the simpleton. What a fucking twat. HATE.

    I would love it if you would yell at me and call me a STUPID CUNT for wanting to ride Alec Baldwin like a bucking bronco. Can’t wait to read all the ways in which I am a certified fuckwit for this.

  29. Sonia Luna says:

    Debra, I don’t know if I am more appalled at your insensitive comment or at the fact that you don’t realize how heartless it was. I suggest that in future you re-read your comments and count to ten before hitting the submit button.

    Sister Wolf it’s good to have you back.
    Much love, stay strong!

  30. Hayley says:

    SW, you are an amazing, strong, witty and overall downright fucking awesome woman. It’s evident just from reading your words. Most of these people, including me, have never met you, yet look up to you because you are fearless and amazing. Never change.

    Debra, you must be spawn of Satan.
    If you are offended at SW’s strong words in her post about Sea, WHY THE FUCK visit this blog. We visit this blog because we agree with SW’s opinion on Sea, the ostentatious and self important little fuck. Isn’t SW allowed to vent some rage? I hope someone “vents some rage” onto your face.
    Fuck you.

  31. Lindsey says:

    Sister Wolf,
    my deepest heart felt condolences on the passing of your dear boy. When I saw your post on his death my heart sank, my thoughts are with you and your family during this time. I’m sorry.

    As for Sea-of-Shoes, well, nothing makes me laugh harder than her updates of relentless consumerism and self-absorbed, grammatically incorrect drivel. If Sea-of-Shoes had comments or encouraged some sort of dialogue it would be easier to swallow her personal brand of greedy egoism. Instead we get to look at pictures of her wearing a piano cover and flaunting her ridiculous excess.

    And to Debra, you completely miss the point. You are so wrong, I hope you lose sleep over how awful you were in that comment.

  32. Jill says:

    We’ve already emailed each other…been listening to Be My Baby a lot lately.

    I’m kind of with jd on Alec…wouldn’t mind a rodeo ride, as long as he had one of those ball gag thingys in his mouth so he couldn’t talk.

  33. Queen Zelda says:

    Sister Wolf – I’m so sorry about Max. I hope you are surrounded by nothing but love and support! Xx

    It feels far too glib to rail on Jane and her poor wornout mum who Simply didn’t have the strength to take her second overseas trip in as many months.

  34. hilda says:

    sister wolf,

    while you are going trough your darkest moment, the world keeps turning.
    sea’s still trying to fill a voight all shopping in the world will never fill, toast is busy pouting like there’s no tomorrow, kingdom michelle keeps whining about the size of her tights and dress like the village idiot… Baldwin we deal with later on.
    none of this seems right or just, and thats because it is’nt fair!
    no mother should have to go trough the loss of her child, not one.
    so whatever it takes for you to have a little of the pain to go away, go on, don’t hold back, even if this might seem harsh to some people such as Debra. her remark probably came from the pure bliss of never to have gone trough grieving herself…

  35. I was so sad to hear about Max, I feel for you like I know you, as if your one of my very good friends. You have emailed me before with supportive messages and I really appreciated them so I wanted to reach out to you and email you something, but I just didn’t know what to say, and I was sure others would say it all so much better than me. But I want you to know you have been in my thoughts for sure.

    I can say this, I spent a week with the gaysian in the floral jumpsuit and he is every bit as selfish/consumeristic and devoid of thought as you can imagine….he drove me mental by the end, but admitedly I got caught up in his hype like everyone around me for the first few days.
    Want to know something funny? I was invited to this LuisaViaRoma event in Italy, BUT only if I paid my own way….so let me get this straight, I pay my own way to help promote your store? No thanks! I wonder if these other bloggers had to pay their own way too? I doubt they did, even though most of them could afford to pay their own way they would surely get it for free because of their supposed “influence” in the blogosphere??? Even though I haven’t heard of half of them before.

  36. ginger says:


    My heart goes out to you and all of the people that your son touched.

  37. sketch42 says:

    SW- I am back to say that I cried for 45 minutes last night rereading everything you’ve wrote about your son. I’m heartbroken for you.

    The funny thing about Debra is how RIGHT she thought she was…. Oh god, what a moron.

  38. aimee_wtf says:

    Too cool to make eye contact, are we, sea.

  39. HelOnWheels says:

    Dear SW,
    I’m so sorry for your loss. It broke my heart to read the horrible, unimaginable news. When I went to light my annual candle for my mother I lit one for Max as well. We don’t know each other but please know that you and your family have been in my thoughts and in my heart.

  40. Sarah says:

    Sea, looking all chubby:

    Love the cigarettes, darling. SO fashionable.

    TRASH. Is she even 18 yet?

    My prayers are with you, Sister.

  41. HelOnWheels says:

    Dear Debra,

    You’re a class-A f*ckwit. And a c*nt. I hope with all my heart that for the rest of your life some asshole intrudes upon your times of grief with insensitivity, selfishness, and trollishness. I really do hope and wish for that. You deserve that kind of karma, you f*cking c*nt!!

  42. xxxooo. Still thinking of you and yours; thank you for posting.

  43. Anna says:

    i was going to talk about seas latest frankenfashion offering, but instead, lets all take a moment to drop a line to that Cunt from Hell Debra!!/debra.tamvakis?ref=search

  44. mutterhals says:

    Jesus christ, you pigs are deplorable. Now you’re going to harass this woman Debra because she made a pretty cogent observation about the callousness mourning your dead son in one breath and berating someone else’s daughter in another? You people are ghastly. I can’t imagine how horrible your lives must be that you behave this miserably.

  45. metterhals – oh for pities sake are you some sort of needy person who needs to come and comment trying to make a ridiculous meaningless statement. You and Debra need to take a holiday somewhere were God/Universe isn’t looking. No one is harassing anyone but if you mess with anyone when they are in the depths of despair and grief then don’t expect a pat on the back.
    Ridiculing conspicuous consumption is hardly a crime nor is it malicious.

    However leaving nasty comments to debase a community of bloggers is malicious after all you are attempting to get a reaction. Well I politely told Debra in the nicest possible way to apologise given the circumstances. Guess what the girl did, waded in with more… bonkers and you are clearly bonkers too. Go see a psychologist and ask why you need to berate others for extending sympathy to a fellow human being and enjoying the witty posts of a talented writer.

    The inappropriate nature of yours and Debra’s comments beggar belief and neither Sea nor her mother would stoop to such low levels especially as they wear high heels.

  46. Dru says:

    ^why, hello to the second troll of the day up there, just before Make Do Style’s comment! I hardly think a handful of emails berating that first troll for hideous insensitivity count as harassment- unless you’re as big a baby as she/it/whatever.

    To the other, non-trollish commenters on this blog/this entry in particular: I think the commenter two posts above me wants to be email-outed by Sister, and wants us to email him/her/it since he/she/it clearly likes the attention. My advice: don’t give them what they want. They’re not worth the energy.

  47. Ashleigh says:

    Lit a candle for your boy Sister Wolf, a long time reader, first time commenter, and im so endlessly sorry that you have to go through this. In the only way an anonymous blog reader can, my thoughts are genuinely with you and your family at this fucking awful time. Maybe Debra Cuntface has come along so you can squeeze her like a great tossing stressball of grief and rage. You could make her cunt of the week, but i feel it would piss her off more to pick on Sea Of Shoes more. How the fuck does she think thats a good look? When she has horrible mangled feet and has to wear specially made shoes, i will only pity her in that her mother should have been sensible enough to not spend more than my rent money on shoes, and she should have been sensible enough to realise that those shoes she’s wearing in the picture do not fucking fit!

  48. Dru – you are so right! She wants her email published so she actually gets some emails!

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