In My Hour of Darkness

Nothing helps to soothe the pain like a picture of Sea’s big fat face.

The vulgar coat, the stupid Louis Vuitton bag, the painful shoes and the gratuitous Gaysian and midget are just icing on the cake.

I hate you, you stupid moon-faced bitch. But it’s good to feel some healthy rage instead of the kind that makes you want to kill every single person who might have said the exact word at the exact time to persuade Max that life was worth living. The bad rage is driving me mad.

I’d like to tell that stupid bitch and her stupid mom to shut their stupid fucking mouths and wallets but if it weren’t for them tonight I’d be stuck in an endless loop of questions that will never be answered.

When I get the strength and pull myself together, I plan to begin a thorough, groundbreaking analysis of what makes Alec Baldwin so despicable. Prepare to be grilled on this topic.

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216 Responses to In My Hour of Darkness

  1. tor says:

    I know that hearing it a thousand times won’t make the grief any easier, but wanted to add my sorry to all those above. Thinking of you and your family x

  2. PeaceBwithU says:

    Sister I am at a loss for words. Have been too busy to comment lately but have tried to keep up at least with the reading. I am so sorry for your loss and have thought of you often hoping you are finding some peace, as for Debra……….. Cunt of the YEAR!!!!!!! How dare she.

  3. Ann says:

    Thank goodness Mutterhals is here to be our moral barometer.

    Go fuck yourself, troll. We’re so despicable, yet you keep coming back. Talk about a lack of a life.

  4. Oh my god, that photo, and the triumverate it implies! Bless them for providing an outlet. Love to you, Sister Wolf.

  5. sarah.p says:

    debra & mutterhals, you know what? Go and call your mothers, and ask what the fuck they were doing when they were supposed to be teaching you how to be members of the human fucking race. And then apologise to them for letting them down every fucking time you open your mouths.

  6. Elizette says:

    Dear Sister Wolf, I mentioned in my email that Death was a worthy candidate for Cunt of the Week (although it might keep winning every time), but now I see that we have some strong contenders for that title… If it was possible to send a virtual slap in the face, please accept one Debra, on SW’s behalf (and make it an extra sharp one). As for you pathetic Mutterhals, I CAN’T BELIEVE you’re still moronically thrusting your virtual presence into a community of people who clearly don’t want you here. What part of Fuck Off do you not understand?

    Sister Wolf, I admire you so much for letting us know you are still there, still hanging on. I can’t even begin to imagine how it feels to have your heart ripped right out of you… I’m so sorry about Max. I hope you and your family have the love and support you need around you, now more than ever.

    Your global community of readers adores you Sister Wolf and it’s testament to your wit, charisma and talent for writing that you have attracted such an great bunch of people who clearly identify with your message. I follow your blog religiously, you are who I turn to first every morning, and especially in my times of need – and I know I’m not the only one. You are the most refreshing read I have come across in a long time. I also love reading the comments and am constantly amused by the wit and eloquence that I find there (except for the obvious…). So a big pat on the back to everyone, and especially to Sister Wolf for fostering this community of readers.

  7. Elizette – that was so wonderfully put. I’m on troll watch, if only I could nab ’em the blighters xx

  8. Bessie the Buddha cow says:

    I love you Sister Wolf. Stay strong. Don’t let the bad rage drive you mad. And it will if it gets a hold of you. I understand it, and you need your time to grieve and question and rage, but stay away from the bad rage, and focus on good healthy rage like that above. I will continue to light candles for Max.

  9. theresa says:

    sea shouldn’t hang out with midgets… it makes her calves look fat.

  10. Holy shit first Debra — so big of you to comment again, like we cared? — now mutterhals? Who in their right mind would post such venom to a grieving mother? I elect both for cunt of the week.

  11. Juri says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m out of both candles and words.

  12. Aja says:

    My life is wonderful mutterhals. Sadly you simply can’t say the same as you keep coming back to walk among those you find “deplorable”. It’s like you have some sad addiction. You can’t quit Sister Wolf, that’s what it is.

  13. sketch42 says:

    I like how these two bozos choose THIS POST to tell SW that her behavior is deplorable. As if she hasnt been talking about Sea for months….

    What kind of moron tells a mother how she should or shouldnt grieve?

  14. Aja says:

    You know, Sea doesn’t even bother me a ton. I suppose if I were her age with her money, I might behave similarly (probably not though). . . buuuuuuuut the trolls on this page send me into a mood where I deeply desire to punch faces. Funny that.

  15. dust says:

    What, the weed is back, ha, ha, ha, what a pest!

    Sarah p. , their mothers were outside on the lawn, grazing while they were growing up. Mutterhal’s Mom ate a dictionary as well.
    Elizette, very nicely put.

  16. Sonja says:

    I think mutterhal is driven here by insane jealousy – and perhaps loneliness… no one ever bothers to leave a comment on her ugly blog. It is really quite ugly, poor thing.

  17. Sonja says:

    oh and mutterhal, when you lob over ‘deplorable pigs’ – all bets are off, sweetie.

  18. Andra says:

    Which is better …. a sea of shoes or a sea of love?
    Sister Wolf, feel the sea of love from all over the world.
    Love and more love and more love, waves of it.

  19. Mark says:

    Do you think Sea had to tell the Gaysian that she liked his outfit? And did he have to tell her the same thing?

  20. Michelle says:

    My deepest condolences to you Sister Wolf. I have been following your blog for some months now and I was wondering when you were going to mention the midget in question. Here’s her blog in case you haven’t visited it yet, she has pictures of Sea and co. Have fun!

  21. IndiaFrancis says:

    All three just kind of look like “what exact free thing were we here for again? ”

    Much love to you Sister Wolf
    Rock on Max

  22. A-M says:

    So so sorry about your darling boy. Don’t know you from a bar of soap and my heart is literally aching for you. Rage is good. A-M xx

  23. Aneets says:

    Have been reading your blog for a while and just wanted to pass on my condolences for your loss. I can’t imagine what you must be going through. Much love.

  24. Vee says:

    “Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

  25. Fi says:

    Sister, I hope reading these comments is making you smile as much as it is me. So sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you and yours.

  26. Sophie says:

    fuck you debra + mutterfuckhead
    love you sw

  27. Caro says:

    lit another candle for max here in LA. i know there’s nothing i can say, so i won’t even try. hopefully you can feel us all sending love to you. p.s. max is my second-favorite name . . . i always wanted name my sons james and max. so yet another example of your excellent taste!

    sea really just makes me sad now. i’m her age (maybe a year older?) and she’s just like those painfully awkward kids in my high school who you were nice to out of pity. being a teen is never easy and she is not having a good time of it . . . in that particular picture, she has the round-shouldered posture and the self-conscious smile of someone who isn’t comfortable with herself. i feel like she would be one of those people who you try to be friends with because you feel sorry for them but they’re just too weird to have normal friends. it’s like the clothes are compensation or something. she takes so much pride in being strange that it’s like she knows she can’t be a normal, sociable person. in interviews she seems SO awkward and unused to normal conversation . . . i still kind of hate her, but now i pity her stupid lonely self so much that i can’t totally loathe her as much as i used to.

    p.s. to commentators who are calling her pudgy, come on guys. 1. we can’t help the way we look. and that’s below the belt. she may be insufferable but she’s just a teenage girl – one with bad parents and no exposure to other lifestyles. 2. more importantly, there are so many better things to insult her for: the mindless consumption, relentless self-promotion, porno pictures, etc etc etc

    p.p.s. please forgive my incoherence, i just finished 20 units worth of finals. love ya sister wolf.

  28. erika says:

    I’m not a mama so I can’t imagine how you feelright now. My heart goes out to you.

    As for the Sea girl,, really you should only pity her. The feet are looking mangled. She is a podiatrist’s dream and a cautionary tale at the same time. Also floral jumpsuit boy is a symbol of everything that repels me about “fashion”.

  29. Simone says:

    So so sorry to hear about your son. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling, but deepest condolences. xx

  30. Sofia says:

    # Mickey Says:
    June 14th, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    For you:

    I know this isn’t comments for Jane, but holy cow after seeing this, I couldn’t stop myself.

    Dear Sea,

    After seeing this photo I have gained some respect for you. You have awesome photoshop skills to make that face into the one that appears in your blog. You tricked me into thinking you were pretty. Kudos.

    P.S Smoking is going to make all of your clothes stink, and it will give you wrinkles, not cheekbones. Not to mention your passive fumes my give cancer to poor Carol. Has she not endured enough already???

  31. Yesterday I emailed Debra asking her to apologise publicly on this blog after her first remark. I was really polite and appealed to her to understand that it was a bit silly to attempt to defend Sea in the current environment. Then she published her second comment after my pleading for her to see reason:- the following is the email correspondence. I have published because she has attempted to become all legalistic and threaten because my emails are unsolicited and blah blah. I received this after i had clearly stated I would delete all emails and her email. I am nothing but a person of my word. When I woke up this morning to find her legalistic threat I was sickened. I had hoped never to have to think about the matter again. I spent all day yesterday hoping she would understand the serious matter of her actions. I wished I could reach out an arm to protect Sister Wolf and also she managed to fuel the poor disturbed mutterhals. When you choose to care more about getting your opinion across and your email account over death then I’m sorry I suspect you get your just deserts.

    It is as follows minus the first one which was a plea to apologise and the only reason I have a copy of the thread is because she emailed me – I had deleted everything.

    Kate Battrick wrote:
    > > > It pains me to say this but you are a heartless bitch and I don’t like
    > > such
    > > > terminology.
    > > > You must be very young or seemingly immature not to comprehend grief.
    > > >
    > > > It is not for me to judge but be careful for what troubles you will bring
    > > on
    > > > yourself for a lack of humility.
    > > > An apology would have cost nothing – instead you choose to fuel matters.
    > > >
    > > > It is your cross to bear
    > > >
    > > > Kate

    On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Debra_Tamvakis > wrote:
    > > 1. It doesn’t seem to pain you at all, given this is the SECOND time you
    > > have emailed me.
    > > 2. Here’s some terminology you might like to investigate – mob mentality.
    > > You’ve all shown it in spades.
    > > 3. I am neither young, nor immature. I comprehend grief very well. What I
    > > don’t understand is someone like Joanne, who has long waged a campaign
    > > against individuals she does not even know. She has systematically
    > > humilated, ridiculed and mocked REAL people, who seem to have done nothing
    > > wrong other than to buy clothes she doesn’t like or can’t afford. And you
    > > have all stood by and said nothing. Nice work. Have you thought about how it
    > > would make them feel? And even in the face of her grief, she continues to
    > > spout this vitriol. EVEN in her lowest moments. Wow. When you take a break
    > > from judging me, perhaps consider her actions and her irrational hatred
    > > that’s bordering on an obsession.
    > > 4. Posting my email address is poor form.
    > > 5. It is my cross to bear. Now, how about you climb off yours?
    > >
    > > Please do not email me again. I have read your comments and I disagree.

    Kate Battrick wrote:
    > Debra
    > I didn’t say it pained me to email but to write harsh words. You find this
    > particularly easy to do otherwise you wouldn’t have written what you did.
    > When you blog and put your life on display for all to see you have to expect
    > some people will be appalled/bored/think you are an idiot etc that is the
    > nature of publishing. If you had worked in journalism you’d know it is a
    > daily game.
    > SW is mocking conspicuous consumption – it is her blog, she owns it and has
    > every right to do what she wants with it. I often read blogs I disagree with
    > but I don’t waste my time leaving negative comments about the person. It is
    > fine for you to disagree with an observation and I neither care or think
    > about Sea nor does it bother me what she does. But Sister Wolf makes me
    > laugh with her amusing observations – I’d happily be on the receiving end of
    > her scathing observations as I enjoy her writing skills. I hardly think she
    > is waging a campaign – she doesn’t ask people to dislike them or attack them
    > or wish their demise. A campaign suggests a desired outcome.
    > However no one with any ounce of decency regardless of their views picks on
    > someone or tries to make a point when they have just lost their son or any
    > other member of their family.
    > Sometimes saying nothing is a good thing to do. You also could have chosen
    > to apologise for being thoughtless but still maintained your views. You see
    > this as a mob thing – well then don’t throw stones. I’m not judging you – I
    > merely warned you about what you bring on yourself due to your actions,
    > wisdom is offered in many forms. You have by the mere fact reacted in the
    > way you have to a polite request from me to undo your actions demonstrated
    > your own rage. I used the word heartless bitch with a heavy heart and it is
    > still heavy given how you have responded. I have my own crosses to bear and
    > had hoped you could redeem yourself.
    > I will delete your email and email address from my account with pleasure.
    > Kate

    to me

    show details 12:49 AM (9 hours ago)

    I asked you not to email me. This is the third email you have sent me in 24 hours and it’s starting to feel like harrassment. All correspondence with you has been unwanted and unsolicited. Please do not email me again.

  32. kelly says:

    Enough of all this bitchy school girl behavior. Debra was very insensitive to make such a remark at this time but she has a valid point of view, the timing was just cruel and insensitive.
    I am a bit disappointed that SW published her email but considering what has just happened it is more then understandable. I would hope under different circumstances that SW wouldn’t publish the emails of those who have a different point of view.
    Sea is guilty of consumerism but then most of society is including SW. I have seen many pictures of SW and her high end fashion pieces too and have wondered is SW a little envious of Sea and her mother, who knows and who cares when such a tragedy has happened. Maybe Debra was confused as to how a person could be nasty to another during their grief but grief can be unpredictable and so is the particular rage that accompanies the circumstances of her son’s death.
    I am so sorry for your loss xx

  33. Queen Marie says:

    I am having a special Troll Tower built this very moment.
    When complete, Sister Wolf can use it, to imprison whomever she pleases.

    Kate! I also added extensive dungeons complete with a resident legal team which are yours to use as you see fit.

    Queen Marie

  34. alittlelux says:

    sending love and strength your way. whatever you need, i’m here…

    also, fuck that bitch sea! let’s hope her moon face doesn’t stop growing…. i wish her face to become deliciously pudge. chomp. chomp.

  35. Kelly – I wish I was a bitchy school girl and then all my sense of decency would be stripped away and I’d really go to town. Read Caro’s comment. A very humbling way to make a point. She rightly pulled those of us up who’d made podgy comments. I felt rightly reprimanded for being show offy and making cheap remarks for fun. I’m not proud nor defensive. If someone pulls you up then you should be able to say fair point.

    I’m not sure if SW writing gets lost in translation but she has such a eloquence of argument and use of the English Language that even I can concede as a Brit she is a Yank who can write better English than I can speak.

    Please note I did not attack Debra for her views on Sea. I requested her to apologise for leaving such a comment in the midst of someone’s grief. I honestly did think she was just a stupid school kid I’m flabbergasted she is a grown women.

    And you’ve compounded this thread of SW v Sea by alluding and stating the idea of jealousy based on SW wearing or having some designer items. Then you go on to say sorry for your loss.

    I’m baffled and dumbfounded by this ‘Oh look I’ll make a dig be a bit snide and then I’ll say sorry for your loss.’ Is that how it goes? Do you then just wander off and make a cup of tea.

    Nothing will bring back Max but if you think that this community will currently allow any comments which aren’t an attempt to bring comfort or a smile to Sister Wolf then think again. Why didn’t Debra make this point before if she was so concerned. Sea is irrelevant here – it was the rage SW felt that made her stop replaying the why Max was dead tape over and over in her head. She posted this in itself was wonderful. So yes I’m on troll watch and I’ll keep going because I’d rather be the person who stuck there neck out and took the flack than SW. Have a go at me – bring it on.

    And thanks Queen Marie I’ve got a great dungeon outfit to wear.

  36. RedHeadFashionista says:

    I am so disgusted that I ever liked Sea. She’s just yet another stupid rich tasteless brat with nothing better to do than rub her wealth in the face of the less fortunate and she doesn’t even have the good grace to wear nice clothes. Occassionally yes, she does wear nice things but she only seems to like them because they are designer and cost more than most peoples’ rent.
    Debra, I don’t even know you but I am safe in assuming that you’re stupid. That’s all. I hope someone who reads this blog avidly for its wit, humour and general wonder and marvels at a woman’s ability to construct an acerbic and brutally wonderful sentence in the midst of horror clubs you to a pulp with a hideous LV logo bag. Go Sister Wolf. My thoughts are with you.

  37. RedHeadFashionista says:

    And I totally agree with Kate about SW’s writing; if someone was going to write abuse about me, I’d far rather it was someone intelligent enough to string an eloquent sentence together as opposed to a Perez Hilton-esque ‘your FUGLY! lolz’.

  38. Braindance says:

    Kelly needs to sit down, so her ass can stop talking.
    But then again, will the fence take the weight of your mumbo jumbo?

    Somebody said it earlier, Debra et al are missing the point, and nothing we say will make them try to find it.

    They see a hate fest directed at a young girl, as Bill Hicks used to say, weedgie your third eye people!

  39. Anna says:

    People really need to take a chill pill and calm down. A young man has died and everyone is just calling each other cunts etc, this is pretty nasty.
    I have very rarely read Sea’s blog but my guess is it is just another narcissistic adventure for a Gen Y looking for some form of meaning. My suspicions are that this is driven by her mother using an impressionable young girl who lacks intelligence or direction. Which makes me wonder why older women on here feel need to abuse a young girl and draw attention to her weight, it is pretty immature and downright mean. SW has an excuse, she is raging in her grief but what excuse do the rest of you women have?

  40. Simone says:

    Max had one pair of shoes and he never once wrote about them. They were black and velcro and smelled delightful, like his feet. My cat used to just bury her head in them.

    He knew Sister Wolf so well. One day we heard a shriek from the other room and SW calling out that something horrible had happened. ‘What happened?’ I whispered, alarmed. He deduced correctly from her tone, it was a pair of shoes that should not exist.

    I miss him so much.

  41. katie says:

    My condolences to SW, such a tragic loss of a young life. Does anyone know what happened because I thought he was progressing well after his accident or was it a tragic suicide?

  42. anon says:

    Such a tragedy and you obviously knew him well Simone, what happened can anyone tell us?

  43. KiaVonXian says:
    This girl really is a cunt. She deleted it quick fast though.

  44. anon says:

    I can’t see any picture Kia, what the fuck are you going on about?

  45. KiaVonXian says:

    Anon, the fuck I am going about is this-
    It seems to be working on my end. In essence, Sea_Of_Shoes tweets: “@atlantishome In her time of grief, Sister Wolf turned to us. I am so glad that we are here for her.”
    Again, I state, this girl is really a cunt.

  46. Rabid says:

    I knew she was listening all along. Good on you for the screen grab. Now that we know she has the propensity to be mean spirited, can we all just move along and forget about her? I mean it. I am so TIRED of this girl. If we all just close our eyes and forget, maybe she’ll go away and take her tacky, overpriced shoes with her?

  47. RedHeadFashionista says:

    That’s interesting, I didn’t think she was interested in any poor mortals’ responses.

  48. Sister Wolf says:

    Just to clarify: This post is about grief. Sea of Shoes is just a trope. (I actually don’t know for sure what “trope” means but I wanted to use it anyway,)

    She is the Britney Spears of the online fashion girls, and as such is a public figure to be idolized or mocked.

    Simone is Max’s fiance. It’s true that he had one pair of shoes and didn’t want another. He was a musician and had a masters degree. He collected nothing. He didn’t want more than he could use.

    Debra has a disorder that I’m too lazy to diagnose. Kelly is just a dim bulb.

    The rest of you, you Good Ones, you are the goddamn wings beneath my feet. Thank you for your support, xoxo

  49. Aja says:

    You’re so welcome. xo.

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