
Today I went to see my psychiatrist but he forgot to tell me he’d be out of town. His office is in a studio behind his house, which has a large front courtyard.

Two beautiful young women appeared in the courtyard and explained that they were houseguests. They invited me inside to have a glass of wine and hang out. I laughed and said no, but when I found out that they were in a band, I changed my mind.

I went into the house and we talked about their band. One girl played violin and the other was a singer. I didn’t drink the wine, but for the next three hours we talked about everything there is to talk about.

We talked about death, family, sex, love, religion, childhood, bluegrass, jazz, fado and lipstick. The singer asked if I was wearing MAC Ruby Woo.   Naturally, we high-fived to the goodness of Ruby Woo. I shared my grown-up wisdom with them: Wear shorts as much as you can while you’re young! They were already wearing shorts, so they probably knew this intuitively.

I told them about my sons and they were incredibly sweet and compassionate. Then, they offered to play a song for me.

I closed my eyes and was transported by the sound of a soulful violin and a gorgeous smoky voice that soared and dipped in Spanish, a level of passion and musicianship that blew me away. When the song ended, we were all knocked out by how great it was. They weren’t used to paying as a duo.

They played another song and I imagined a huge career for them. Their beauty would be a bonus, I told them. We exchanged email addresses and it was hard to part. They walked me to my car and we hugged. One smelled like patchouli and one smelled like flowers.

I drove home feeling grateful that I could give myself over to happiness when the opportunity presented itself. I thought about how Max would have loved the singer, who wore winged black eyeliner.

When I got home, no one wanted to hear my amazing story. Regular people are hungry and cranky or  exhausted, and don’t give a shit about your magical day. They just want dinner.

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48 Responses to Magic

  1. Heidi says:

    What wonderful young women! I love those kinds of experiences. Funnily enough, they don’t present themselves to just anyone, I have found. I think people not wanting to hear simply can’t relate to such random acts of awesomeness or something.

  2. Dave C says:

    What a beautiful story! Why is it that unplanned events have a power and magic that our premeditated schemes for perfect days never do? Can’t wait for you to post a link to the girls’ music. I also love your expression ‘giving myself over to happiness’. I hope that’s something you can do more often in the days to come.

    Ps. Mmmm… winged black eyeliner. Oh yes.

  3. Graham says:

    I wanted to hear all about that. 🙂

  4. Skye says:

    Oh I liked hearing your magical day so much! Definitely worth telling that story, even the hungry, cranky people need to hear it.

  5. Dexter VanDango says:

    I envy you your day.

    I had a psychiatrist who was so good he once cured a guy of the fear of walking face-first into a rotating airplane propeller..

    ..some phobias are best left untreated..

  6. harmreduction says:

    I was VERY excited to hear your magical afternoon delight story. But, heck…
    I am always VERY excited to hear your stories. I am beyond grateful that you take the time to share

  7. Lizzie says:

    I am so glad that you had that day. It does, indeed, sound magical.

  8. Linda in Chile says:

    I love it when by chance something wonderful happens and one connects with people in such a happy and peaceful way. However, how good that your grumpy family need you to make them dinner. Lindaxxx

  9. Ann says:

    A magical day indeed. I’m so glad you opted to go in. That whole scene wasn’t just by chance, you know.

  10. Sheri says:

    I loved the story — so magical I was hoping it was real and not “just” a dream. Great last sentence, too. Probably explains why many of us started a blog in the first place.

  11. MG says:

    How amazing. I’m glad you had a little “you” time with some lovely ladies and got to chat. Those times are always the best.

  12. annemarie says:

    I love the title best of all– sums it up.

    This story also goes to show how human connection, love and laughter are more healing than a shrink’s couch.

    I’m so jealous of the singer with the winged eyeliner- two talents I’ve always wanted and will never have!

  13. Jill says:

    Sounds better than the psychiatrist appt would have been.

  14. dana says:

    yes to all above! So glad it happened with you, Sister.

  15. Daniel in Mexico says:

    A moment well lived!

  16. Liz says:

    The photo accompanying your story is perfect. It really does sound magical!

  17. Maxine says:

    Amazing and magical things happen exactly when you need them to. Coincidence? I think not, dear lady <3 <3 <3 Now tell the folks at home to go grab a burger 🙂

  18. Stories like this can be summed up with the lazy expression “it was meant to be”.

    Your therapist was supposed to forget to tell you that he was away for the simple reason that you were meant to meet these amazing women. I love when women can connect on that kind of level. Where the ego is left at the door and all that’s left is raw honesty.

    I remember when I was living in NY, having a really horrible time with work and finally got in to a taxi at 3am to go home. After a full day of abuse, I got in to the back seat and proceeded to ball my eyes out. The driver, who was a woman, which is kinda unusual for NY taxi drivers, pulled over, had me sit in the front seat so I could explain why I was crying so much. She offered me unbelievable words of wisdom, a hardy slap of perspective and then promptly dropped me home. I like to think of her as my guardian angel…

  19. Deanne says:

    ah what a lovely story! i wish i wasn’t trapped at home writing cover letters. sounds like just the thing you needed. 🙂

  20. Patricia says:

    I just loved this. And I love even more the idea of taking chances! You never know what’s around the corner.

  21. Debbie says:

    Maybe this was your Psychiatrists well intentioned way of giving you the best therapy a woman could ever have, some soul sisters to chat with and listen to their beautiful music. Your words today have a lightness to them which is so wonderful.

  22. Marky says:

    I agree with Heidi–these experiences don’t present themselves to everyone. I think you’re one of the blessed few put on this earth to have these experiences and then share them with others. I know I sound like I’m wearing gauzy clothes and smell like vitamins, but I believe it.

    Another post for the book, by the way.

  23. drollgirl says:

    what an awesome and unexpected experience!!!!

  24. Dru says:

    I suppose this is the kind of thing they call serendipity. Maybe the people at home don’t want to hear your story right now, but I bet those two young women treasure it as much as you do.

  25. Jenny says:

    Such a beautiful gift!

  26. Andra says:

    Yep, I’m with Jill.
    Sounds better than 50 minutes with the psychiatrist and cheaper too!
    What a great day you had … and then back to reality.
    Ain’t that life?

    PS: A glass of wine might have been nice too.

  27. Iheartfashion says:

    I’m glad to hear you had a moment of happiness, Sister. Take them when you can get them.

  28. Devin says:

    That’s an amazing story! I’m so glad you had such a wonderful experience. I also wanted to tell you about this : (scroll down to grief and loss) – I don’t know if it’s your thing, but I think it’s incredible that they offer this to people who’ve lost a child under any circumstance. Anyway, if you need a vacation- it may be nice.

  29. honeypants says:

    In some way, probably better than your shrink appointment anyway. Sounds like a much needed departure 🙂

  30. Jaimi says:

    That’s so amazing! Unexpected things like that make life so beautiful.

  31. Juri says:

    I’m glad you had your magical day and I hope something like that will happen again soon.

  32. Ro says:

    That sounds like my kind of therapy Sister. Its really nice when occasionally, you allow yourself to say yes, to something u would normally say no. It sounds like you spent your afternoon doing exactly what you needed to. If that makes me happy for you, I have no doubt it would make Max smile. xxx

  33. Kathleen says:

    I love it when the universe conspires to surprise and delight us, even when we begin with other plans…. great story, I’m glad you shared it!

  34. Ruth says:

    Love this.

  35. shearterror says:

    I always want to hear about your magical days. Grown men can’t feed themselves? Let natural selection take it’s toll. We all need these magical days to keep us going. You’ve had a rough couple of years and so have I. These are the moments that give hope and joy. I’m so happy for you. You deserve happiness. Do not forget that:)

  36. Aja says:

    Super magical. You need more days like this, my friend.

  37. Jessica says:

    Pure magic, how wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  38. thrift store lawyer says:

    fantastic! you opened yourself to this experience — evidence enough that you are starting to heal. your sharing it reminds us to be open, too. thanks for that.

  39. Nats says:

    I’m glad you shared this story with us.

  40. Kate says:

    That was such an uplifting story. Surreal and magical.

  41. Ordinary people are lame says:

    Umm…fck the ordinary people they can feed themselves. You should be busy writing a memoir so it can be turned into a feature film!! That’s what blogs and autobiographies are for…to share interesting stories with people that are interested.

  42. You are such a gifted writer. And you always nail the ending, which few writers can do with such finesse.

  43. Suspended says:

    I enjoyed that, as always.

    Thanks Sister Wolf xoxo

  44. candy says:

    oh wow, that’s great, i didn’t see this post.
    I am happy that you talked to these ladies. i always say that we meet some angels on this earth.
    I remember when I was a teen, at that time I had so many problems with my family, I was waiting for the bus and I noticed around me elderly people who were all gathered together and they started talking to me. I told them about my dad and they gave me good advice..I still remember those ladies to this day! I usually attract older people because I am the kind who looks for advice and I have so many questions about existence.

  45. candy says:

    the scene you are describing reminded me of a movie with salma hayek.

  46. I don’t like the texture of Ruby Woo at all – no moisture. Shame, the colour is gorgeous.
    Sounds like a perfect afternoon.

  47. TheShoeGirl says:

    This is so great. Makes me feel really happy <3

    I'm glad it happened to you.

  48. Kathleen says:

    I haven’t visited for awhile, but so glad I checked in, especially for this post which made me grab my Bobbi Brown Old Hollywood red lipstick – (even though I am home by myself), and newly moved to a new town and a little lonely, think about all the possiblities.

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