Things I Don’t Care About

Mad Men
Lady Gaga
Lanvin for H&M
Social Media
Harmony Korine
Rick Owens
Martin Margiela
Food Trucks
Shearling Jackets
Street Style
Anna Wintour
70s Punk Bands
Jane Birkin
Camel Coats
Phoebe Philo
The Situation

What don’t you care about?

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135 Responses to Things I Don’t Care About

  1. To start with…
    Erin Wasson
    Motorcyle Boots
    Jeffrey Campbell (I’ve learned my lesson!)

    I look forward to reading more lists!

  2. Greg says:

    Health, atheists asserting themselves, the end of the war in Iraq, 2012 and Singapore.

  3. Reikalein says:

    Totally agree with Twilight and Lady Gaga. Some of the rest I haven’t even had the chance to take note of, let alone care about. I do happen to like Mad Men though, it enrages me and stops me from taking out my underlying rage on its real-life source: my job. Escapism is truly the way forward.

    I couldn’t care less about :

    Footballers and their cheating ways
    Cheryl Cole
    Megan Fox
    Justin Bieber (I once caught myself with a song of his stuck in my head and I nearly punched myself in the face)
    Fad diets

    And I can’t think of much more…they’re already so low down on the “give a shit” radar that they’re practically irretrievable!

  4. Hahahaha – I’m afraid Mad Men is my only downfall on your list! Actually sometimes (ssshh) I really really don’t care about fashion. I don’t care about anything at the moment apart from the petit garcon xx

  5. Laura says:

    hahahha! this is brilliant. i agree with all of the above.

  6. ElenaR says:

    Sonic Youth

  7. JJ says:

    LOL @ Etsy.

    There is a fuck to be given, however, about RegrEtsy

  8. Hmmm. I don’t care about Housewives on TV.

  9. RLC says:

    Apart from certain 70s punk bands (great ones, and none that I have ever spotted on an H+M t-shirt design, thank God) and the occasional clothing bargain on Etsy, I agree wholeheartedly with this entire list.

  10. RLC says:

    if you’re looking for a chuckle though, here is something I can see myself giving a fuck about:

  11. I don’t give a fuck about Jersey Shore, The X Factor, football (soccer), Colin Farrel, Cheryl Cole (though I was so hopeful when she got malaria – I loathe that woman), floral print and what’s ‘on trend’, Quentin Tarrantino, diets, Cosmopolitan and any magazine that publishes ‘sex tips to stop him straying’ articles, pretentious ‘fashion’ mags, the ‘new minimalism’, modern feminism.

    I agree with you about Lanvin for H&M too, but I have to disagree about gaga and mad men. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

  12. Dru says:

    “boho” style
    The Real Housewives of Wherever
    In fact, all reality TV
    September issues of fashion magazines

  13. sam says:

    what you think of my lunch

  14. Jill says:

    All of The New Housewives…
    Jersey Shore
    Justin Bieber
    Costume Style…aka, Military, Safari, Sailor, etc.
    Lonny online mag
    baby pandas

  15. Iron Chic says:

    Hey! The Situation is okay….

  16. A says:

    Fashion Week (and “fall trends”)
    the VMAs
    The Sartorialist/Garance Dore

  17. -the pigeon-toed fashion blogger pose
    -climate change
    -baby showers
    -meetings and committees

  18. Juicier says:

    bloggers who post and repost the same pictures of themselves and other bloggers at lame blogger parties arranged by fashion brands
    the new ladylike
    the model with the side-shaved hairstyle, Delall whatsherface
    kitten heels
    fashion’s night out
    Alexander Wang and his cronies
    pole-dancing classes
    over-hyped films eg. Inception

    not that I won’t consume some of these things at all, just have a sense of ennui about it all.

  19. Ann says:

    The Biggest Loser
    Demi Moore
    The trapped Chilean miners (I know, I know, I’m awful)
    Apple’s latest products
    Kanye West
    Why the grass won’t grow in this one part of my yard
    Peaches Geldof
    Chelsea Handler
    Justin Bieber
    Using sunscreen (I’ll pay for that one in a few short years)

    Good God, I could go on and on.

  20. vergoncha says:

    GODAMMIT! Just looked at seas blog… “Sasha Pivorarova–I never follow models but I like to see what she is doing. She is so cool and has such an intelligent face and extraordinary talent.”

    The bitch has an intelligent face!?
    I can’t do it anymore sister… sea is hopeless

  21. liz says:

    I don’t give a shit about “it” girls, my ex, lady gaga, taylor swift and any and all reality stars/tweens.

    On the flip side, I give a shit about all of the culkin brothers, the howl festival this weekend, and blueberry mojitos. seriously, they’re like crack.

  22. Angelica says:

    What? Harmony Korine is awesome. The chair wrestling scene in Gummo makes up for any of his pretentiousness. I think the real problem is that most of his audience are privileged hipsters who don’t really understand his subject matter.

    I agree with all the rest of them though. I think the problem is not so much that they’re boring, but that you feel societally obligated to be interested in them.

  23. Liz!! says:

    Carey Mulligan
    Shots (Alcoholic, not gunshots)
    Cheek kisses
    Mad Men (noo way, me too!)
    High-heeled shoes
    Bettie Page wannabes
    Michelle Obama’s style
    my fat ass
    everyone’s opinions of my wedding.

    Wow, that was totally cathartic, thanks SW! I didn’t read past item five on your list before I made mine..I wonder how many people don’t care about similar things…

  24. Lara says:

    Mad Men
    kitten heels
    Lady Gaga
    New Jersey
    bloggers co-designing anything
    leopard print
    Marc Jacobs’ book store
    Miu Miu prints
    wearing multiple watches

  25. carla says:

    we’re going to have to chat about Mad Men…

    The rest of the list…yeah….(although I’ve always had a fascination for food trucks since I was a student in Philly and it was the only warm food (besides oatmeal) that I could afford. That was years and years and years ago. Not they’re all acting like it’s the greatest invention. Philadelphia RULES!)

  26. carla says:

    Oh, I was going to add about sports – I don’t really care about those either. I now live in DC and every asshole in this town is a freaking triathelete. If I meet another triathelete attorney/lobbyist I might punch someone in the kidneys. Every time I go to my local pool for a little swim it’s like “oh, are you training for the triathalon?” Fuck off!

  27. RLC says:

    p.s. I especially agree about Erin Wasson, and add Alexa Chung, the Olsen’s, Kim Kardashian’s ass (seriously. Put. It. AWAY.) and anything with the surname “Geldof” to the list.
    But especially Erin Wasson. Erin Wasson can suck my Alexander Wang.

  28. Reality shows


    Talent shows

    People who are famous for being well known

    Christo-Islamic Facism

    Women who praise and want to live in pact with Mother Nature ..but hate men’s sexuality.

    Men whose sexuality is parasitic and inspires all these damned vampire shows.. and the women who are attracted to them.

  29. Lara says:

    oh god! How could I forget about Beiber!

    And I have more!

    Glenn Beck
    Tavi, Gala Darling, Rumi
    brogues, oxfords, whatever. They’re ugly fucking shoes.
    buying some crap at Goodwill that came from Kmart in 2005 and calling it vintage because then it’s okay
    ladylike purses
    showing off your DSLR camera
    swooning over motorcycles
    ridiculously expensive t-shirts
    Terry Richardson
    The Selby

  30. HelOnWheels says:

    I don’t care about most of the items on your list and I haven’t become aware of some of them. I could not possibly care any less about:

    Reality television
    Fall trends that involve costume references
    Fashion bloggers (except the few that comment here)
    Married friends with “couples complexes”
    Harry Potter
    People with more money than sense
    Urban Fantasy/Modern Magical Fiction (Whateverthefuckitscalled)
    Justin Bieber
    Rachel Zoe (and her clients)
    The Olsens
    Demi & Ashton

    …I must stop now because this list is much longer than my “I F*CKING HATE WITH A PASSION” list, and that’s extremely long!!

  31. Esme Green says:

    celebrity endorsements
    blogger endorsements (ie. sea of shoes line of shoes, they were awful)
    Kim Kardashian and her sisters
    reality TV
    Alexa Chung and any other English it girl
    anything that is ‘in’ or ‘cool’ or ‘on trend’ blah blah blah
    Rich women with too much plastic surgery who have TV shows about nothing
    Purple clothing

  32. Esme Green says:

    I forgot American Apparel, it’s crap

  33. Paige says:

    Agree heartily about Anna Wintour, she seems to a do a job efficiently and successfully, I don’t care if someone thinks she’s “cold”.

  34. Danielle says:

    Anna Karina, fashion week, your facebook status, Seinfeld, Harry Potter, how much money you have, American Idol, group activities, orientation staff @ colleges, Paris, pastel nailpolish, oversized chambray shirts, sack dresses, the radio, girls who always pose with one hand on their hip in pictures, Mad Men, True Blood, farmville, sxephil….

    i know i’m going to think of more as soon as i post this

  35. I’ve reread the list and everyone else’s contribution – I feel a weigh lifting off my shoulder. Perhaps it is the beginning of the end of fawning!
    Fashion fawning – I don’t care for it much at all.
    Still love Mad Men, I’m staying firm on that one.
    Can I add Barneys and project Masthead?

  36. Marky says:

    I really don’t care about Snuggies.

  37. Cricket9 says:

    Agree with almost all of the above, except: I like Etsy, nothing wrong with kitten heels (KITTEN heels? English is sometimes a bizarre language), and, from time to time, I listen to Lady Gaga songs on the Quebec radio when driving.
    I especially don’t care about the “ladylike” fashion that comes back and comes back and comes back once more and never catches, because, really, who wants to be “ladylike”? I blame Mad Men; soon the dudes in the office will expect women to fetch coffee.

  38. Caroline says:

    Aw I love mad men!

    I don’t care about:
    Kesha and how she spells her name with a stupid dollar sign
    Justin Beiber
    megan fox
    overtanned skin with super bleached hair
    northface jackets
    leggings worn as pants
    ipads and iphones
    overpriced clothing

  39. Esme Green says:

    this could go on and on!

    the weather
    talking about the weather
    who made your shoes
    expensive winter sports
    Gwyneth Paltrow
    celebrity chefs

  40. This post is brilliant.
    I’ve recently returned to the Real World from a tiny island in the middle of the ocean…I was there for a long time, and never very interested in pop culture or hype to begin with (starting way back in the 80s with the Madonna craze). So…basically I don’t give a crap about a lot. In regard to certain things, ignorance IS bliss. Here is a short list, just a sampling of Stuff I Do Not Care About:
    Lady Gaga (I’m not entirely sure who or what she/it is anyway.
    iPads- I’m not entirely sure what those are either.
    Anna Wintour, since she turned US Vogue into more of a lifestyle mag.
    American football- sports in general
    TV. “Reality” TV in particular
    Harry Potter movies and books
    Those Twilight books and movies- I prefer my vampires a bit more mature, older.
    Ditto for True Blood
    Pop music
    Country music

  41. Andra says:

    I don’t give a flying fuck about much of anything, really.
    But I am slightly confused about Greg. I like Singapore.
    Greg, what do you have against Singapore?

  42. Srenna says:

    Sister Wolf, I don’t care any of those things either. BUT I would strongly urge you to reconsider your feelings regarding Jane Birkin! Her music is just sooo lovely like 90% of the time. I’ll even send you some. 🙂

  43. Srenna says:

    ^ pardon the dumbarsed smiley face. bad habit of mine.

  44. Carla – that is so true about DC, but if it makes you feel better, they aren’t doing the Ironman. They’ll go jump in the Chesapeake Bay, run 5 miles, and bike 20 and bitch about training for their triathalon next year.

    And I’m caring so little about camel coats and hearing about camel coats from fashion editors that it’s pissing me off.

  45. sisty says:

    space travel
    American Indians
    cat shows

  46. Sister Wolf says:

    Andra – I wondered about Singapore, too. Greg, what’s the story on that??

  47. R says:

    The Real Housewives of _________.

  48. Lauren says:

    Food trucks are sometimes worth caring about, particularly how to get the Belgian waffle ones over to Ohio. Someone had to say it about Mad Men. I’m waiting for the Jezebel readers to call them out the way they already do on Housewives-related posts.

    I don’t care about Jeffrey Campbell shoes, American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, the atrociously named jeggings, or men who still blame biology for their lack of self-control/self-awareness (sorry, Dexter).

  49. Kellz says:

    Lady Gaga
    Anything from Jersey
    Justin Bieber
    Anyone who’s last name ends in Kardashian

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