You Can Kiss My Fucking Ass!

Any stupid lunatic out there who thinks they can mess me up, knock yourself out. I will say whatever I want about whoever I want. I am exactly who I say I am. I have nothing to hide. I don’t ask for special courtesy because of my loss. But if you go out of your way to fuck with me, I will express my annoyance.

The rest of you, I couldn’t love you more.   xo

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103 Responses to You Can Kiss My Fucking Ass!

  1. Danielle says:

    Yay Sister. Say what you want to say and fuck anyone who doesn’t agree. The world is a much better place when we all know where we stand. I started to follow your blog a few months ago. This is my first comment. I too have been deeply saddened for you and your family about Max. You are in my thoughts.


  2. Danielle says:

    PS – I really miss CUNT of the week.

  3. PS I know you didn’t or don’t ask for special courtesy but decent people know it is the right thing to do.

  4. Moda says:

    Quite right! Bloody bastards giving you a hard time. Still vibing you love and strength. xx

  5. Alona says:

    Hear hear!! Is it really worth your time to care?!

    Been a follower of your blog for a VERY long time and I am sending you the most sincerest hugs from half way across the world.

    My dear lady, screw it! Hypocrites are everywhere!!

    Keep it up, it’s comforting to see someone who has a keen on fashion also gives a SHIT about things such as the Deepwater Horizon spill

    Love Hugs and Lots of Kisses.


    P.S. That’s some long Plait there. I want one!!

  6. RedHeadFashionista says:

    You go Sister. And thanks for taking the time to comment on my post.

  7. Ann says:

    Very disheartening to see the time and manner in which a small group have chosen to express themselves. Douchebaggery and lack of class at its finest. Lots I could say, but in short, fuck them.

    Here for you always. Much love your way, as ever. xxoo

  8. sarah.p says:

    I was fucking dumbstruck by the fuckwittery of those cunts. Have just recovered powers of speech. Love and light your way, as ever; and may the pox plague the haters ’til they can neither eat nor sleep. XOXOX

  9. stephanie says:


  10. annemarie says:

    i just read the comments– morons.

    I nominate Make Do for Avenger of the Week!

  11. arline says:

    We can all be hypocrites from time to time, as we are human. We all have a range of feelings and emotions. Darkness needs to be expressed just as much as light, and we should be able to say what ever we want, as our opinions are just that. The beauty of this blog is, that one can express themselves freely on things that at times seem egregious and or ridiculous, and a lot does. That is what sister elucidates.

    This blog is for anyone to read and comment on, and most of the people who do, are thoughtful and intelligent. I like when different opinions emerge, and a conversation can take place, but timing is everything.

    The two women who expressed their contempt in the last post, could have chosen any other time to say how they feel. Their opinions are no more right or wrong about any of the topics that are often presented here, but they hit below the belt, and that was not necessary.

    Most of the people who follow this blog, love Sister, and know the she has great depth and is brilliant.

    Have your opinions, but it would be nice, if you at least think a little more deeply, before reproaching someone, especially when her heart is broken.

  12. mutterhals says:

    Woot woot, girl power! You turn your personal tragedy into a reason to be a cunt! I hope when I’m 800 years old I can be as well adjusted as you are!

  13. Cheraya says:

    OOOh Mutterhals is riled!!

    What a strange person you are, mutterhals.

  14. Lindsey says:

    nah, Mutterhals, you have the market cornered on turning SW’s personal tragedy into a reason to be cunt.

    Don’t let them take that from you.

  15. reddoorread says:

    sisterwolf, i’m so sorry to hear about max. i don’t know what to say, but i feel compelled to say something. be strong – or weak – or whatever you need to be right now.


  16. Nat says:

    mutterhals do us a favour and fuck off out of it. Why dont you start a blog up – maybe we can then all comment on your life.

  17. EmilyT says:

    Hope you’re ok Sister. Don’t worry about the idiotic comments, they have no clue how wrong they are.

    I love visiting your blog, and like many here, it’s the first one i visit.I have a standing joke with friends about the lesbian stick, as I promptly e-mailed them the story when you posted it. One of the best stories I have ever read.

    As always, sending love your way.

  18. Aja says:

    Mutterhals makes me sad. There are plenty of people that I don’t like, but I don’t hang around their blog trying to scoop their readers who want nothing to do with me. It’s just sad, that all.

  19. Laura says:

    love you and your blog SW. i am so sorry for your loss. thinking of you. xxx

  20. Miggs says:

    Not only can they kiss your fucking ass, they can all go to hell. Be off with you, motherfuckers!

  21. RedHeadFashionista says:

    Make Do for Avenger of the Week is definitely a do. Mutterhals going back to preschool, learning some manners, finding something constructive to do with their time, getting a proper name….all dos.
    I am sorry for polluting this page more.

  22. V says:

    Mutterhals, may the pain Sister Wolf is experiencing now be one day visited upon you fifty-fold, and may everyone who sees it laugh in your face. Oh, and by the way, please don’t pretend you’re not fucking gleeful about her son’s death, which just further confirms that you are the possibly the biggest fucking cunt who has ever lived.

  23. HelOnWheels says:

    *points at mutterballs and laughs*

    Look at the smelly little troll trying to get attention. If it weren’t so covered in shit I’d think its desperation was kind of cute. Pathetic but cute, in that 2-year-old kind of way.

  24. Not surprising that fools take this opportunity to spread their bile and jealous misery upon a grieving mother, instead of rising to the occasion, acting with class, and shutting the fuck up. Typical.

  25. A fly on the wall says:

    SW I love you! You are truly a remarkable woman! I bow to your commitment of not censoring yourself or your site’s posts. That takes fucking guts. Cutting off comments is a coward’s choice. Hitting below the belt is what frightened. insecure dullards do.

    As for mutterhals, if you lived to be 8000 years old you would not come close to being half, erm 1/4 . . .erm 1/8 . . . okay 1/100 of the person SW is. And I would still question the 1/100. I think I would have to use parts per billion.

  26. Dr says:

    ^I’m with Lindsey. I’m also all in favour of pretending that our favourite long-term troll up there doesn’t exist- by continuing to get riled at it, we’re just feeding the creature. It thrives on attention, see.

  27. Daniel says:

    Can comments from mutterhals be blocked? He’s just doing this for attention and I find him tiresome.

  28. Gollum springs to mind ref above troll. Best to ignore it from now on, it is obviously something that feeds off swill or manure.

  29. Eliza says:

    Honestly, I wasn’t even defending SW as much as I was derailing the puppies and rainbows train of thought of people like Debra. Deep as a birdbath with half the usefulness. If they cannot understand the difference between Sea’s self-imposed celebrity and flaunted vulgarity and SW’s kid, well, I don’t know how they get by in our world.

  30. sketch42 says:

    This is getting pretty ugly.

  31. alittlelux says:

    you know what? those fucking cunts make me yearn for the wholesome days of crazy muffin lady. the good old days when life was simple, and pastries were copyrighted.

    FUCK ‘EM.

  32. dust says:

    Then, shall we just NOT give them the attention they need? Weeds,parasites and gnomes are capable of learning and if we hit them in what hurts the most, they will learn their lesson.
    Since their stupidity is obvious, they will suffer long and painful.
    So, are gonna bitch or we gonna cunt? Sister can censor them, but she shouldn’t , and any digital aid might spoil the pleasure to personally hurt them. We can do it ourselves, if we agree.

    I just want them to leave.

  33. mutterhals says:

    I just wind ’em up and watch ’em go. Dance monkeys, dance!

  34. dust says:

    Does anybody know a good joke?
    Please, share!

  35. Carole says:

    If you’re American when you go into the bathroom and American when you come out of the bathroom what are you when you’re in the bathroom?

    Why do women have more hemorrhoids than men?

    Because God made man a perfect asshole.

    Dust: not good, but they are jokes!

  36. I slept like a log last night, woke up in the fireplace!

  37. WendyB says:

    ^^^^ ha ha ha ha @ Make Do Style. Highlight of my day.

  38. I don’t know if any of you took the time to google ‘Mutterhals’ but I did and this is what came up:

    [SW here. I have been removing this url because I will not let these comments be used for sending traffic to this particular troll]

    Mutterhals, is this you?

  39. Miss Janey says:

    Well, Miss Janey is fucking shocked and appalled at peoples’ insensitivity. And most of all very sorry for Sister Wolf’s unimaginable loss. Many loving thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

  40. If the above is not Mutterhals, at least the blog owner will find that they have an extra amount of hits today. Just paying it forward, ya know…

  41. slimeylimey says:

    Sister oh sister, all love from here. ‘Love is the heart of everything’. x

  42. i love you too, sister. XX

  43. Bevitron says:

    A skeleton walks into a bar and says “Gimme a beer and a mop.”

    Guy tells his boss his next trip is to Green Bay & he hates it ’cause there’s nothing there but football players and whores. Boss says, oh yeah? My wife is from Green Bay. Guy says, really? What position does she play?

    Doctor tells patient he’ll need a brain transplant. Says female brain is $5,000 and male brain is $50,000. Patient says why is the female brain so much cheaper? Doc says, ’cause it’s been used.

  44. Carole says:

    Dust: what is the difference between a brown nose and a shithead?
    Depth perception.

  45. Carole says:

    Man to God about the creation of Woman: But why did you have to make her so beautiful?
    God: So you would like her.
    Man: But why did you have to make her skin so soft?
    God: So you would like her.
    Man: But why did you have to make her so dumb?
    God: So she would like you.

  46. Ashley says:

    Urban Dictionary definition of mutterhals:

    German translation meaning “mother throat” or cervix (which is Latin for neck); pen name of the most hated writer on the internet
    “Damn, that dude was all up in my mutterhals. Let’s hope I don’t get pregnant!”

    yeah, that’s about accurate!

  47. Sister Wolf says:

    Let us not mention this creature again! His/her time is up.

    A priest and a rabbi standing on a street corner, chatting. Priest says “Ooh, let’s screw that little boy over there!” Rabbi says, “Out of what?”

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