The Dumbass Jr. Doesn’t Fall Far From The Dumbass Tree

Dumbass Trump Jr.

How exciting is it that Don Jr.’s wife Vanessa has filed for divorce??

I love it.

First, we learned that he treated Vanessa “like a second-class citizen,” keeping her on a restrictive budget. Now we learn that Junior had an affair with a contestant from The Celebrity Apprentice!

While Vanessa was pregnant with their third child, Don Jr. broke the news that he was leaving her for Aubrey O’Day, some bimbo that I don’t want to have to Google because that’s how excited I am.

I love how these Trump men can’t tell TV from reality, and I super-love how they run amok when their wives get pregnant.

According to Page Six (which has proven to be on the money where celebrity dirt is concerned) Donald Sr.  learned about Jr.’s romance and told him to knock it off. Like the brainless pipsqueak he is, Jr. obeyed. And on election night 2016, Aubrey tweeted ruefully that the story she never told was “now worth millions.”

Who should we feel sorry for? Vanessa? But why would she marry a Trump? Back in the day, she is reported to have been a real slut, I mean “gangsta.” She must have thought the name Trump was a step up. Maybe her modeling career was stalled. I don’t want to feel sorry for her, do you? She’ll get a great book deal, if she can break her prenup.

Let’s not feel sorry for this Aubrey person. Not with that hair.

Don Jr. was famously slapped around by his dad, even as a college student, so maybe he deserves some compassion. But wait, he killed all those beautiful tigers, so no. Fuck him.

Why can’t the Trump men sleep with their pregnant wives? Is that too personal a question? I guess they find pregnant women disgusting. That is truly the pot calling the kettle disgusting, isn’t it?

Don Jr. is a real piece of work. His idiotic tweets sound like fun, especially when he flirts with models by talking about bacon.

He meant “Chanel.”

Remember when people thought Don Jr. was a great spokesperson for his dad, during the campaign? Was everyone hypnotized? He is the second dumbest person in the world.

How soon can Ivanka’s marriage blow up? Hurry it up, Ivanka! I am locked and loaded.

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4 Responses to The Dumbass Jr. Doesn’t Fall Far From The Dumbass Tree

  1. Romeo says:

    Reuters reports that the last male northern white rhino has died. But these cunts are thriving.

    Fuck you, God.

  2. JK says:

    Please Please Sister Wolf?!!!

    Remember your ol’ Pal JK abodes in Arkansas and, he’s (like the majority of other Akies he’s imagining – except for perhaps Bill Clinton) thinking “Oh God I hope nobody thinks of making a perfume that smells like bacon!”

    We have enough of a problem with “Corn Fed Women.”

    And now thinking about it, Wal-Mart you realize has its corporate headquarters in Arkansas, Tyson’s Pork Products Division too.

    And here you’ve gone and put the idea of Bacon Perfume on the internet where we just like Mark Zuckerberg’s always warned us, “Lasts Forever!”

    Well Sister Wolf as I’m thinking now it’s probably just too late now you’ve immortalized it – no way probably that my descendants aren’t gonna mark their calendars memorializing Great-Grandpa JK’s Social Security eligibility birthday coinciding with the release of Chanel #9.

    No hold on a minute Sister Wolf – don’t you dare delete this post!

    I can smell the royalties a’wafting in remembrances of me. I can imagine the pride my afterwards will hold in for me – Country Pride.

    I plumb adore you Sister Wolf.

  3. jlynn says:

    Romeo- fuck god, indeed.
    Sudan the rhino is dead, while DJT Jr lives on, posing for photos with a knife in one hand and a severed elephant tail in the other…

    (Forbes reports that the elephant was killed as part of a conservation effort, and it’s tail removed according to local custom, to be made into bracelets to honor the fallen animal… Somehow I doubt Trump Jr had any respect or reverence for the incredible, dignified animal whose dismembered body became a prop for his Safari photoshoot.)

  4. Madam Restora says:

    The whole goddam lot of those Trumps, the men, the women, the whole damn lot are like cartoon villains. They are vile demons, malignant societal cysts. Please. Someone do something.

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