Trending: Wealthy Asian Mom Bloggers

This is Tina, from Bag Snob.

This is Mr. Freddie’s Mom, taking a little break.

Here is the Life In Travel lady.

All three bloggers have young children they adore. All three love to travel and pose. And pose. And pose. And all three are blessed with bald older husbands! It’s like a club!

Indulgent husbands, photogenic children, a lust for shopping, high end cameras, and the universal female dream of becoming a pin-up girl. Isn’t it wonderful?

If you know of any other Wealthy Asian Mom Bloggers, let me know.   I feel an obsession coming on.

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152 Responses to Trending: Wealthy Asian Mom Bloggers

  1. Srenna says:


    That post about the she organizers produced by the husband’s toils are freaking hilarious in every way.

    She did good by choosing the fluorescent green background.

  2. Srenna says:

    ^”shoe” not “she”.

  3. Esme Green says:

    I don’t get the impression that Mr Freddie’s Mom is all that rich to be honest…

  4. Erika says:

    OMG – CR – that is some horrible stuff. That kid is going to have mommy issues

  5. theresa says:

    man…i think the life in travel lady looks ridiculous. all the time. she is a big pile of money set to color schemes.

    i’ve been reading her blog for about a year now.

    all of her outfits are a bit off. but i like her. she just loves her life. and even if its all over the top.. you can tell she’s grateful.

    its funny though- she just wants EVERYTHING sea and mom have.

    you can pick up on the advertisement power those two have just by hopping over to “life in travel.”

  6. Beck says:

    Thought provoking and snortingly funny as ever, thanks SW! I do wish I could occasionally get my act together and comment earlier in the day when less wine-influenced . . .
    But two things to say:
    Skye – As if! I love your blog and miss your posts. I still forlornly check for updates. I may be a little under-employed
    And CR – am I a bad person for both sneering and simultaneously wishing my (not bald or old or rich) husb would build me one of those shoe cubby things?!

  7. Rachel says:

    I think you’ve crossed the line here. It’s one thing to notice that a group of bloggers buy and showcase some ridiculously expensive things, and something else to make a generalization about Asian women. Sure, there are Asian women who marry rich wealthy white balding men. It does not mean it’s a trend.

    To label it a trend, you are highlighting some common stereotypes–that Asian women are docile wives that look good for their white husbands, that Asian women are temptresses that seduce white men, etc.

    And worse yet, the comments about mail-order-brides continue to use to those stereotypes. Isn’t it just as likely that these women are successful Asian American women who chose to marry their husbands out of their own volition?

  8. Alicia says:


    *face palm*

  9. Cricket9 says:

    Oh SW how dare you to be politically incorrect again and make a generalization about Asian women. Don’t you see that Rachel is all puffed up and blue in the face.

  10. Cricket9 says:

    Oh crap CR, none of my hubbies was willing to make me shoe closets! I feel so shortchanged by life now! At least we can rest assured that Macoi’s mom will love him even if he becomes one of these homosexuals (as long as he doesn’t aggravate people). Damn you, damn you CR – my ribs hurt from laughing!

  11. Ann says:

    I love when people don’t get it!

  12. Taylor says:

    CR: The “Man has many faces” one is hilarious. I’m in class and about to get into trouble for laughing.

  13. TexasArt says:

    A movie should be made based upon this post & all the comments … On Bravo! Great stuff.

  14. Sister Wolf says:

    SusieB – Oh just give up. Your boyf has SO much hair and you still don’t know how to do those sexy poses. You have no future as a blogger, clearly.

    CR – Save a seat for me next to yours, in hell!

    Rachel – I’ve “crossed a line”??!!?? After calling the Pope a cunt?!? Seriously, though, I would never make a generalization about Asian women. There may be “types” of Asian women just as there are “types” of Jewish women or Scandinavian women.

    Taylor – But you HAVE to laugh at that one!

  15. Joy D. says:

    Can I say I am impressed with how happy everyone looks in those photos?!

  16. mimi says:

    i love this post. i love the offended comments even more.
    have people not heard of taking the piss?

  17. Nickie Frye says:

    I’m a temporarily-financially-challenged, white, mom blogger & my husband has a full head of hair. Darn it, I’m always on the outside!

    In their defense, it IS nice to have something to do other than talk about frogs, trains, cats, & trucks all day. Everyone needs a break. I think putting your children’s photos on a blog is a mistake, though.

  18. Sister Wolf says:

    Nickie Frye – That defense will not hold up in court. Nice of you, though.

  19. Andra says:

    Oh Sister, how good it is to have you BACK again in all your wondrous glory.
    Hang in there … better times ahead.

  20. Aja says:

    As a black girl who loves her white boyfriend I often wonder what assumptions people must make for us in general. I wonder if there’s a crop of black fashion bloggers with white boyfriends? If so, could we be a stereotype? The interracial thing can be a bit tricky sometimes.

  21. Kimberley says:

    This article was in Marie Claire last year

    The New Trophy Wives: Asian Women
    Rupert Murdoch has one. So do financiers Vivi Nevo and Bruce Wasserstein. Why are the West’s most powerful men coupling up with younger Asian women?
    By Ying Chu

  22. Sister Wolf says:

    Aja – You could start the trend by posing in a lot of come-hither contortions and calling your boyf “Daddy!” Just a suggestion!

    Kimberly – Now that article seemed racist. But I wouldn’t put it past Murdoch to choose a wife who cold help him crack the Chinese market.

  23. diana says:

    i feel like this is everyone who comes into my work, tries on the clothes that we already have out, and then asks for a “new one” from the back when it comes time to purchase. WHY IS THIS?

  24. Dru says:

    CR and Sister- I don’t know how old these women are, and I’m not the same strain of Asian as them, but my grandparents (Mum’s parents) call each other “Daddy” and “Mummy”.

    As far as I can tell (old letters etc), they have addressed each other in this fashion since they became parents for the first time- it’s a reference to the fact that they are their children’s parents, not each other’s*. And at least in my neck of the ancestral woods, it’s quite common for couples of my grandparents’ generation and even in some cases, my mother’s generation, to not call each other by name but use our equivalents of Mum and Dad instead, once they have kids.

    *after I got old enough to talk, they also refer to each other as [the equivalent in our language of] “grandpa” and “grandma” when speaking to me (I’m their eldest grandchild). And must say, this turned out longer and more boring than I intended.

  25. Sister Wolf says:

    Dru – I actually like this tradition, and I especially love how Mexican parents call their little chidlren Mami and Papi. It just melts my heart!

  26. Jun says:

    another thing in common: fat husband?

  27. Dru says:

    ^Sister- all I wanted to point out was that if an of these women came from a culture that had similar traditions (for lack of a better word), then Freddie’s Mom or whoever calling her husband “Daddy” is not necessarily a perv thing.

  28. Sister Wolf says:

    Dru – I know, I gotcha.

    Jun – Let’s use the word “burly” or perhaps “portly?” I can’t remember if portly is a pejorative.

  29. Aja says:

    I accidentally called my boyfriend “Daddy” in my sleep once. But what was worse is that I said it in a mock British accent (I have no idea where this came from). His two alarm clocks were both going to town, ringing at the same time on a saturday morning at 7am and I apparently said to him “DADDY turn the alarms clock off” in a demanding, snotty tone.

    I opened my eyes to find him staring over me horrified as he uttered “Did you just call me ‘Daddy’ ?” I tried to deny it, but it was too late. I even hid my head under the covers to avoid persecution. He teased me for the rest of the day. As do my friends who I retold the story to later. Now it’s becoming a phrase of much hilarity, “Daddy, turn the alarm off”. I have NEVER called my own father “Daddy” (I just think it sounds really weird). So I’m really not sure where I got that from.

  30. tartandtreacly says:

    For Aja –

    A) A wingnut’s thoughts upon encountering your interracial relationship:

    Black and white that ain’t right
    Jungle fever
    “Tragic Mulatto”

    B) A limp-wristed liberal’s thoughts upon encountering your interracial relationship:

    lyrics to that Stevie Wonder/Paul McCartney song

    There, I just brought the tone of this thread further down a notch.

  31. Aja says:

    Tartandtreacle – I think I lub you. I was thinking more Ebony and Ivory with McCartney and Stevie Wonder. “Living in perfect harmony . . .”

  32. hilda says:

    hallie, i am lost for words… you put pictures of yourself and husband online, enjoying a cigarette, and yet you are disturbed by the sight of another womans little boy’s naked chest…

  33. Hallie says:

    ^ How is enjoying a cigarette disturbing? Outdoors and nowhere near our infant. And I wasn’t referring to his naked chest, I was referring to the photos in which his lower torso is blurred out. I myself am not offended by seeing a little boy’s naked chest, obviously I see my own’s all the time. I was just pointing out that putting pictures of your kid in the tub out for millions to see is disturbing to me. That’s all. So continue to be at a “lost” for words while looking at my blog, I’ll continue to smoke cigarettes nowhere near my kid. xo

  34. As a young woman with a vagina, I have something to say too!!!

    Actually, no I don’t [really] because everything that I start to type comes out sounding horribly racist.

    [what I will say]
    I am surprised by the obsession with the “mail order bride” topic. I guess in my ignorance, I had no idea that this kind of thing happened with the Asian (non-Anglo or Indian) communities.

  35. Erika says:

    This is a giant “let’s get offended festival”

    Calling man/husband/lover “daddy” has always seemed really off to me. I have a father. I don’t need another one.

    and Hallie, I can’t figure out why you married or are with a guy who is about 30 years your senior. I will say it is none of my business though so good for you and your happiness. I think this may be what Hilda is trying to say, in a round about way so as not to directly offend.

    Regarding the blogging thing. Why the F and where The F do these women get the time or inclination for this ? I need to look more at what they are doing here. Is there a career happening behind the scenes or is this the current bored housewife thing ?

    Actually where does anyone ? I get the feeling that we are all just a bunch of puppet shills for big companies milking free advertisment that fattens their pockets. Huzzah!!

    Is being a pinup girl a dream for everyone ? We all want to be models ??? yuch. I am so bummed because I need to start selling my vintage clothes online and I may have to model them myself to start. It’s making me cringe.

    My morning rant. I need more coffee.

    I need to flip this trend. I am going to find myself an asian boyfriend. Good thing I live in San Francisco, I won’t have to look too far.

  36. Kazoozoo says:

    I’m an English bird with a slight paunch and I’ve got a gorgeous trophy Asian husband who’s the same age and me and we’re as happy as two piglets.

    Reading some of these comments does make me feel uncomfortable though. A lot of my educated, independently successful female friends who are of Asian descent have to put up with the assumption that they’re trophies or hookers when ever they travel with their non-Asian partners, and frankly, its disgusting. Imagine if it was you! By all means take the piss out of people flaunting their wealth on the internet, which is always gross, but please don’t make your point by connecting criticism to racist stereotypes.

  37. Alicia says:

    @ Aja – I want in on this trend. *fist pump*

    @ Hallie – I <3 you more everyday.

  38. hilda says:

    hallie, i’m really glad you only smoke outside, this is a good start, but please consider what you are doing to your son, wich is putting him at risk for losing his parents at a young age. smoking kills, you know…
    to me, this is really disturbing, while the pictures of the little naked boy in his bath are just what they are: a little naked boy in his bath.

  39. Catherine says:

    I’m sure Hal is totally unaware of the dangers of smoking. It’s a good thing someone is finally telling her this.

    I think you may be missing her point about the bathtub pics. She is saying those pics are at risk of being viewed by a pedophile who wouldn’t view them the same way as you or me.

  40. Isabelle says:

    In reply to previous comments which mentioned love:

    It’s true. Love really has nothing to do with age. I’m in my early 20s and my boyfriend is in his mid 40s. We are both Asian, myself being Chinese (Singaporean), and himself being Korean-American, and both living in a predominantly Chinese-Asian country (Singapore). He is extremely wealthy, not really fat and in fact a rather handsome man. Even in this case, people assume I’m with him for his money and not looks. A lot of times, I overhear people making remarks such as: Is that her father?

    But I’m really not offended. I even laugh. Perhaps because it’s undeniable, him and I walking together, that there is a great discrepancy in age. And surely, in this narrow society, people must look upon me as a typical materialistic-young-gold-digger type or a slut of some sort; and upon him as a horny old man desperate to be young again or a sleazy sugar daddy. Worse, they might think I’m just a social escort out on a date with a client!

    Now, all those assumptions are simply vile and nasty. But when you are with someone you love, you really wouldn’t give a rat’s ass what others say or think, or if they stare. As long as I am with him, I am content. I experience otherworldly bliss and joy. I hardly notice anyone else other than him. He is the most gentlemanly and thoughtful man I know, and he has given me more respect than any other man. He also has very charming grey streaks.

    There is a lot to love about him, yet others see no such qualities in him; just as none of us see any such qualities in the husbands of the women mentioned in SW’s post. They appear like soul-less characters on blog pictures with a brief mention and nothing more. We do not see the men for who they really are- the true Love Story behind all that flashy fashion.

    I’m just tryin’a say, maybe they really are in love? It’s quite possible. Though I can’t see myself falling for a balding older white man, I did fall in love with a handsome older Asian man who is “white” inside. What does that make me? I’m curious.

    p/s Dear SW, I love your video about Twitter! You are beautiful.

  41. Erika says:

    Isabelle, What you say is beautiful and almost makes me want to kill my cynicism. Who knows why we love people ? It’s good to hear happy stories.

  42. Cricket9 says:

    Viva amor, Isabelle! I fell in love with a balding, totally broke, older man once – he was incredible in bed and made me laugh. I’m not judging them, or genuine mail order brides either; I just find posing with the shoe closet made by a “handy hubby” hilarious.
    About genuine mail order brides – I used to know a couple – a gorgeous young Philippino girl and a much much older white, quite nice Canadian guy. She married him, he was putting her through medical school. IMO, not such a bad arrangement.

  43. Husband of Mr. Freddy Mom says:

    Well, being the husband of one of the ”Trending Asian” bloggers you mention in your title it is obvious you have personal issues that would make you jealous or envious, but thats your problem not mine or the other Asian Mom bloggers . Concerning bald white wealthy men marrying younger asian women….so what. Yes I shave my head, yes I am white and no I am not wealthy. I meet my wife while living in Asia as a artist and we both fell in love with each other and together we have a beautiful son. Concerning putting your children in blogs again it is obvious you do not understand what blogging is about….a blog is about telling the world about your life and if your son or daughter is a important part of your world why wouldn’t you put them in your personal blog. I do respect the fact you have the right to express any opinions you want…..but you should get someone to help you with your inner demons because you really are somewhat demented.

  44. Nina says:

    I think asian women age much slower than white women, so they sometimes look very young next next to their white husbands. I enjoy Life in Travel blog and her husband was good-looking

  45. Well, being the husband of one of the ”Trending Asian” bloggers you mention in your title it is obvious you have personal issues that would make you jealous or envious, but thats your problem not mine or the other Asian Mom bloggers . Concerning bald white wealthy men marrying younger asian women….so what. Yes I shave my head, yes I am white and no I am not wealthy. I meet my wife while living in Asia as a artist and we both fell in love with each other and together we have a beautiful son. Concerning putting your children in blogs again it is obvious you do not understand what blogging is about….a blog is about telling the world about your life and if your son or daughter is a important part of your world why wouldn’t you put them in your personal blog. I do respect the fact you have the right to express any opinions you want…..but you should get someone to help you with your inner demons because you really are somewhat demented.

  46. Sister Wolf says:

    Aja – I LOVE the English accent! Hahahahahahaha!

    Kazoozoo – I am not promoting racial stereotypes! I merely presented three bloggers who have some things in common.

    Hilda – Leave Hallie alone. She is a new mother and it’s a tough job.

    Isabelle – I’m glad to hear about your happy relationship. You’re right: Love is blind. It’s mystical, it’s chemistry, it’s little to do with looks or age, at least not in my experience.

    Husband – I did not intend to offend you or your family or to analyze either of you. I am not envious of the bloggers I cited.

    I do indeed have Personal Issues. I have in fact written about my sons and my family.

    As for “knowing what blogging is about,” I think I have some idea. My blog is about expressing my opinions. To pretentiously quote Joan Didion, I write to find out what I think.

    We all have our demons, do we not? But let’s not profess to know what each others are.

    Again, I meant no insult. Your wife’s blog is open to interpretation, just as all blogs are.

  47. oh SW i love Freddy’s mom. I consider her my friend in blogging, plus the fact that we’re both Filipinas.

    And I don’t think she’s rich. like that life in travel. She’s in fact a soccer mom, more real than bag snob and life in travel.

  48. Isabelle says:

    Husband of Mr.Freddy Mom doesn’t seem to get the fact that the World, also contain sick pedophiles, who could be mixed right amongst his wife’s blog readers.

    Oh. well.

  49. Aja says:

    Sister Wolf isn’t demented. But she has had one rough year. And sometimes she can be a bit salty (I say this with love, SW). But she does call it as she sees it. I’ve never looked at your wife’s blog until now. Does your wife travel? Check. Does she pose for lots of pictures? Check. Are you bald and white? Check, check. I see nothing wrong with any of those things as long as you’re both happy.

    I realize that if I ever marry my boyfriend, people will always ask questions. It’s okay. If I throw it out to the world, people are going to interpret it how they feel. And putting yourself out there is opening the floodgates. Deal with it, Husband.

    And on a last note, I would be HORRIFIED if my boyfriend flew to my defense on . . . a blog?? I mean, really. It’s not to be taken too seriously.

    And Alicia . . . club is on, starting now. (Fist pump).

  50. Aja says:

    And I just got some hate spam on my blog. Apparently I’m an “ugly black woman”. Oh well, I expected that.

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