Inspired by the mom-woman and her what-I-wore pictures, I’ve decided to share my carefully curated collection of Black Jackets. I only had time for five of them. Believe me, this is just the tip of the Black Jacket Iceberg. The jacket above is a leather jacket by Rachel Roy, around 4 years old. Check out the peplum thing in the back.
Here’s a wool motorcycle jacket and notice how I didn’t use “moto” in my description.
Here’s another wool motorcycle jacket that’s kind of quilted and shorter.
This one is a cashmere jacket by Richard Tyler…my very first eBay purchase. It has a beautiful embroidered lining in peach satin.
Here is the Plein Sud jacket that I got at the UCLA Cancer Thrift Shop a few years ago. I once used it to sit on at a Patti Smith concert at the pier, that’s how awesome I am.
Would you like to see some more Black Jackets? There are two more leather ones, two cotton ones, and I’m afraid to remember if there are others.
What the hell is wrong with me? (Oh shit, I just remembered the Ann D. jacket I got from!) How many times do you have to buy the same thing before you feel satisfied, you know what I’m saying?
Or maybe it’s my life’s work to curate Black Jackets? I hope not.
Now tell the class what item you are doomed to keep buying. And if you choose to gush over any of my jackets, please call me “Judy”, just for fun!