A disgruntled reader just left a comment on a post about Andrew Krasnow, an artist whose medium is human skin.
“I was Googling feminist cunt art when I came across this blog. No, Krasnow never made lampshades of human skin, and no, the artist never bought the skin at auction. Dude, get your facts straight before blogging about stuff you don’t know.”
Oooh! Feminist cunt art?!? Take it away! But anyone who calls me Dude is worth listening to. This art expert goes on to say:
“The idea is to get you to think. Not everyone understands art. Why did Chris Burden have himself shot? Why did Orlan have 9 surgeries to recreate herself as living art? Why does Paul McCarthy like using ketchup in performance art? Not everyone is meant to understand art. If they did, there wouldn’t be such a thing as blue chip art.”
Jesus. How many things are wrong with this lecture? I for one have no fucking idea why these artists did what they did, but my guess is that they are idiots. Chris Burden is now part of the establishment and doesn’t want people to kill hamsters and call it art, but that’s a topic for another day.
I’m glad this commenter brought Orlan to my attention, just so I can have another person to jeer at. She is a French performance artist whose most recent shtick is to undergo icky operations and call it Art.
Why are people so stupid, does anyone know? Who is sillier, Orlan or her audience? I LOVE it when someone challenges me about art, because Dude, that’s why I have a blog. I’m still mad and I’m still getting madder!