Horrible New Word For August

While searching for images of midgets, I glanced at a Q & A thing about which word is correct to use for Little People. Someone complained that the very question implied an “othering” of the group under discussion.   Uh-oh!

Today, in an essay about the obvious racism behind the right-wing attacks on health care reform, I read that:

“This noise is about race. It is about “othering” a President who is seen as a symbol of white dispossession: dispossession of white hegemony, white entitlement, white expectation, and white power, unquestioned and unchallenged from the darker skinned other.”

Yeah, baby! I couldn’t agree more.   But “othering” is going to be hard to beat for the title of most awful new buzzword. Ugh!

Who would like to nominate another linguistic crime or misdemeanor?

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The Karma of Free People


A few days ago, my friend R and I ventured into a Free People boutique, even though we’ve already agreed that their shit is much too expensive. We were both having a Fat Day, but we solved most of our other problems over lunch.

Free People is a shop and brand that I don’t quite understand, like Anthropologie. All the stuff seems retro and young, in a bad way. As we walked toward the sale rack in Free People, we noticed a little dwarf sitting outside the dressing rooms. Suddenly, two other dwarfs emerged from the rooms.

The waiting dwarf scrutinized the outfits modeled on the other two, and said to one of them “It’s cute, I think you should get it.” The girl was wearing some kind of bright little shirt that reached her feet. She looked skeptical.

R and I exchanged excited glances once we were out of sight. We left the shop and immediately expressed out pleasure in seeeing the midgets, even though they were actually dwarfs. We wondered what made them shop at Free People, and whether it was known as being midget-friendly. We also wondered how you could tell if something looked “cute,” since whatever it was would always be misproportioned.

So basically, we allowed ourselves to be mean and insensitive. We figured we could get away with it, since in our everyday lives both of us try hard to do the right thing.

Tonight, I had an uncontrollable urge to buy harem pants, which has been the farthest thing from my mind from the moment I first saw harem pants. But suddenly, now that they’ve largely disappeared from the online shopping sites, I wanted some. My Google search took me to Free People, where I ordered a pair of hideous black rayon harem pants on sale.

The dwarfs are happy now, I can feel it. When the harem pants arrive, I will be reminded of my bad character. I will keep them as a reminder of Karma, and I might even wear them so that Little People and big people too can have a laugh at my expense (which came to nearly $60 after shipping and tax.)

Posted in Fashion, Horrible Stuff, revenge | Tagged , , | 12 Comments

Not Enough Studs?


Are you ready to hit the streets in your studded paraphernalia? Me neither. But we can still be on-trend if we hurry! Studs and Spikes offers an astonishing variety of studs (and spikes!) to ruin embellish your boots, jackets, bustier, and whatever else is handy.

You might have to find instructions elsewhere, but the site does carry some weird-looking tools for your studding debacle projects.

Now, we can ALL be seriously killing it.

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Gypsies Tramps and Thieves!


Are you feeling the Cher?!

I asked my husband to say something funny, so I could smile while modeling this feather bolero.   This is the result. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to repeat what he said to make me laugh.

The bolero is a gift from my Queen Marie, who also managed to find these badges somewhere:


How does she do it??   We are engaged in a gifting folie à deux that has brought me more joy than I can express.   A package from Queen Marie is a very special event, and I look forward to trying to outdo her in brilliance and generosity.

The bonds we make out in cyberspace are kind of magical, aren’t they? I guess it’s because of their serendipity. It’s not all about being a cunt.

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True Blood and Mrs. Palin

TB2_Poster2.qxd:Layout 2

After initially dismissing the HBO vampire series “True Blood” as cartoonish, I am now completely hooked. The most recent episode was truly disgusting, wasn’t it?! Watching Tara and Eggs eat the you-know-what (not a spoiler!!) I was close to gagging.

What a great show! All the hunky gayness and intensity of Six Feet Under without the painful insights and lingering grief.

One of the scariest aspects of True Blood is its portrait of crazy, fear-mongering Christians. The characters are over the top, yes, but no more so than the lunatics we are seeing on the news every day, warning about Obama’s “Death Panels” and killing innocent children and grandmas.

Mrs. Palin has been one of the most vocal of the right wing fear-mongers, once again exploiting that poor little Trig instead of getting him the services he needs. Her ceaseless squawking about Death Panels and euthanasia has prompted reporters to look into her own policies on health-care as Governor of Alaska. Sure enough, Mrs. Palin was in favor of providing ‘end-of-life’ counseling, the very same measure she now finds so deplorable.

Sarah, you ignorant slut, when will you learn to keep your mouth shut and stop makin’ things up?!   The video below reminds us how art imitates life in the case of True Blood’s fanatical Fellowship of the Sun.   It also reminds us to fear ignorance more than hunky vampires.

Posted in Art, Horrible Stuff, News, Religion | Tagged , , , | 19 Comments

Ellery in Chains: It Gives Me a Blowjob™!


Imelda Matt turned me on to Ellery, one of Australia’s fantastic young designers whose footwear also gives me a blowjob .   Look at the sleeves on this denim jacket, available for pre-order at My-Catwalk.   I know there’s a hint of Erin Wasson via Alexander Wang, but we can’t let Erin ruin everything. I think this jacket can stand on its merits, that’s how much I love the coppery chain sleeves.


Click on this picture to see the chain sleeves on this black top by Ellery, and take a look at the shoes too. Are you hard yet?!?!?

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Oh Snap!

Ah, it’s good to be observant.   An astute reader has pointed out the following, ahem, contradiction. In a post about Michael Jackson, presenting her tribute designs, Luxirare wrote:

“My fascination with his work has always been with how he was able to remain so innovative yet mass market; his ambition, his work ethic. In terms of work ethic, he will never be matched. He was bottom of the pyramid in terms of accessibility, yet innovative/completely unique in the way he wrote music, danced to the music, and performed the music. Very few people are able to satisfy both requirements and as such most of my respect for him lies within this fascination. It was as if he was both Thierry Mugler and Alexander Wang in one body. The power, the beauty of MJ’s music was that it didn’t matter if you were a hustler on Wall Street, a nun in rural China, a gutter punk, a socialite, or a person who hates pop music. Chances are, you liked hearing Pretty Young Thing, and you probably still do.”

“Here is my memorabilia of MJ. Since Michael Jackson was the most meticulous performer I have ever seen, I tried to apply that same meticulousness with this personal memorabilia. I doubt I came close, or ever will come close to what he became, but at least I have attempted something. I know everyone is “over hearing about it” but it took me a month to complete because I had to do it little by little, and if it was up to me, I would have shown this much earlier.”


And yet, in a comment here (at Rackk and Ruin) on a post about Michael Jackson’s jackets:

June 11 2009

LuxiRare Said…..

this is so funny because i bet Decarnin was inspired by these band jackets Jackson used to wear in the 80s and now he’s wearing the fashionized version…

He looks really amazing in it even though he is totally creepy .


Hahahahahaha! Now what?! Rock on!

Posted in Celebrities, Fashion, Words | Tagged , , | 15 Comments

Copy Cat Alert + A Designer to Love


These nail gloves by Anna Sara DÃ¥vik were all over the place in February, but I didn’t see them until today. Now I feel bad about giving props to Dominic Jones in July for basically copying (stealing?) this idea.   The original version looks so much nicer.

Not only that, but check out these 18K gold rings by Anna Sara DÃ¥vik. To me, this is the ultimate expression of avant garde luxury.   I love you, Anna Sara DÃ¥vik!


I found this picture on a Swedish blog so I let Google translate the caption for me.

A new personal favorite is Anna Sara Davik. Her whole on clothing and jewelry gives me a blowjob after having requested. I have clearly underestimated the Swedish designer.”

Ooooh! It gives me a blowjob too, sort of!   When I’m not thinking about Jewelry by Wendy Brandes and Hannah Martin, I’ll be thinking about these rings.

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The 50 Bands Challenge


My friend Heidi challenged me to compile a list of 50 bands I’ve seen. I balked at first, thinking No way, I haven’t even seen 50 different bands. I’ve seen some bands 10 times, but you can only list each band one time.

I decided to try it, and it was murderously hard. At #37, I was already scraping the bottom of my memory bank.   My teenager came home and I complained about my list. He decided to start making his own list.   He was up to 50 in a couple of minutes. I finally got to 50, by remembering an obscure punk band I’d seen as an opening act. My son stopped at 80.

My husband came home and took the challenge, saying he’d just list the 50 most famous bands he’d seen. When I read his list, I realized that I’d forgotten to list Prince!!!! It was such a big deal at the time, and yet I’d completely forgotten it. Shit! I also forgot the Pretenders, Iron Maiden and Willie Nelson.

Take the challenge! It’s a great way to test your memory and in the process retrieve some forgotten moments. Or not, if your memory is as screwed as mine is.

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Fun With T-Shirts


Once I saw this fantastic t-shirt, I couldn’t resist fucking around.


You can design ANYTHING at zazzle.com, even if you don’t really plan to buy or sell it.   (I can already hear a heckler going, “Don’t you have a job???”)   (No! Not at the moment.)

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