Rock of Love Exegesis

At first, you assure yourself that no matter how pathetic you are, you would never stoop so low as to watch “Rock of Love,” because (a) You don’t watch Reality Shows, (b) You’ve always hated Bret Michaels, and (c) There are some things you Just Don’t Do.

Later, your husband develops a perverse fascination with “Rock of Love 3” and you find yourself transfixed by the horror that is Bret Michaels’ face. Still later, you are enslaved by the unspeakably tawdry proceedings, and like a Roman at a vomitorium you lose all sense of shame.

As the series moves towards its conclusion, you are gratified that all the blonds have been kicked off the bus. It’s empowering for brunettes, if being a dumb whore willing to kiss the monstrous lips of Bret Michaels can be considered a good thing. Now there are two dumb whores left, the Girl Next Door and the Penthouse Pet.

Your husband has begun to turn to you and say: “I’m sorry, your tour ends here.” When you scream in anguish, he comes back with “Will you stay on the bus and rock my world?”

It’s beyond horrible. Everything about it is sickening and stupid. But you must know how things turn out!   Will it be Mindy, a moron from Kentucky who finally gets her moustache waxed in the final episode? Or will it be Taya, a steely pro with enormous tits and a husky smoker’s voice?


My husband thought it would be Mindy, proving that deep down he’s an Incurable Romantic.

I figured it would be Taya, based on the old maxim that ‘A Penthouse Pet Outranks the Girl Next Door.’ Thank god I was right and thank god it’s over.

Posted in Celebrities, Horrible Stuff | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Now We’re Talking Haute Couture!

“Today, in his 70s, Slava Zaitsev continues to create exciting, over-the-top haute couture.”

Well, I’m excited, I don’t know about you! This is how women my age should dress at all times. Thank you, Wearable Art Blog. More, bigger photos here.

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Even if You Hate Boxing

I hate professional boxing, and I hate the people who rhapsodize about it (Norman Mailer, I’m talking to you.) But Thrilla in Manila is one of the most gripping documentaries I’ve ever seen. It’s a compelling story about character more than anything else, but it’s also a revealing historical document about racial politics in 60s-70s America.

I grew up worshiping Mohammed Ali as a beautiful symbol of righteous Black Power. Watching this film, I was distressed to learn how wrong I was. But people like to say that for every door that closes, a new one opens. I have a whole new hero now, Joe Frazier, who knows everything there is to know about betrayal and revenge.

If you’re as senile and ignorant as I am, and you don’t know who won the celebrated bout in Manila, this film is almost unbearably suspenseful. The actual fight is terrible to watch, much worse than a cockfight or dogfight, to my Girlie sensibility. I don’t know why people are willing to pay big money to watch two men brutally try to destroy each other. It’s pretty fucked up.

But for me, Smokin’ Joe Frazier is clearly the moral victor of this piece, and I salute him for his soul, his dignity, and his refusal to forgive. He’s a man after my own heart.

Check here at HBO for the schedule. Here’s a trailer.

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Quote of the day (Updated)

Russian Socialite Dashu Zhukova opened a new exhibition of contemporary art at her gallery in Moscow, called the Garage. It is housed in one of Russia’s architectural masterpieces, the former Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage, designed in 1926 by the architect Konstantin Melnikov. It is the largest exhibition venue in Moscow.

The exhibit features pieces from the François Pinault Foundation Collection, including art by Jeff Koontz and one of my personal favorites, Subodh Gupta. Check out his piece below, called U.F.O.

He has been called India’s Damien Hirst, which I think is demeaning and not even apt.

During a two hour symposium following the exhibit,   artist Francesco Vezzoli drew a comparison between his use of celebrity and Koons’s Michael Jackson works; the dapper Italian found it important to add, “I personally do not like to claim that I have integrity.”

What a breath of fresh air! If only more artists and public figures would emulate this candor!

Update:   I forgot to mention artist   Marion Tampon-Lajarriette, who was also in attendance. Her name alone is Art, is it not?

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Meet My Betrothed

Susie B has alerted us to the pearly glory of the Sinha-Stanic collection for A/W 2009-2010.

I hate trendy fashion terminology, and a fresh new hatred has blossomed in my Hatred Garden  for people who say of some garment: “It has stolen my heart.” I’m serious. I can’t stand it.

But, seeing this dress, all I can say is, I want to marry it.

Here are the White Stripes in their custom made pearly outfits, a photo that almost makes me go mmmmmm out loud.

Thanks, Susie! I’m definitely getting some of this shit for the attic.

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The Bow Outrage

“In a shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate, President Obama bowed to Saudi King Abdullah at the Group of 20 summit in London last week,” declares an editorial in the Washington Times.

I am truly beginning to love conservatives! They are going NUTS over Obama’s bow to Saudi King Abdullah in London last week. The outrage is close to accusing President Obama of taking it up the ass! It must be the bend-over position that incites such conservative wrath. God bless them, they are cute when they’re mad.

They didn’t mind Bush bowing to the Pope, and they didn’t mind the romantic tryst he had with Crown Prince Abdullah.   I think they’re picking on Obama, deliberately!

For the last few weeks, Republicans have complained about how dumb that moron Obama is. Take him away from his teleprompter, they sneer, and then see what happens. This line of attack is so entertaining, I have taken to calling the President “That Dummy, Obama.”

Now we’ll have the fucking bow for god knows how long. Grow up, you big conservative babies!   And get over the fact that the US is not a “Christian nation.”

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Is Fat Really the New Black?

We all know that Beth Ditto is the new must-have accessory, but now I’m seeing evidence that Fat is the new fake trend in the new fake zeitgeist.

This model, Crystal Renn, is featured in Australian Harper’s Bazaar in a layout that “proves big is beautiful.”

Okay, good. She is indeed a beautiful woman, but this photo seems a little cruel. She looks vulnerable and somehow deformed. I don’t know. The same might be said of anorexics, but still. I’m not buying it.

Now we have American Apparel contributing to “Colossal Clothing” instead of just making their own shit in xxx-large.

Is this part of the New Economy? Will we all be eating junk food to stay alive and/or anesthetize our fear?

Now don’t get all mad at me about this; I’m just observing a trend. It’s not me being all size-ist. I’m as fat as the next person, at least in my mind, where it counts most. Here is a picture of a thrift shop dress I got a few months ago, size 4, and yet a Vision of Waistlessness. I am not yet worthy of hanging out with Kate Moss, but no little wisp of a fashion blogger, either.

Just be glad I didn’t take six different poses of this dress. And don’t tell me how I’m rocking it.

All other arguments are welcome!

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Pigs in Politics

Just look at these pigs guys!   The question is, did their right-wing politics turn them into pigs, or did their pigfaces drive them to right-wing politics? (Click on the picture for the full horror.)

This Pigfest was designed by Max, who has taught me the joy of watching Hannity on Fox TV. It’s a nice diversion from Lou Dobbs, whose show I can no longer tolerate, and who seems very close to a nervous breakdown.

Did we leave anyone out? Let me know.

In other Wolf news, the Younger has posted a new video here. How many Wolves can you spot in the audience?

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The Testament of Levi

I know everyone has better things to do than to watch the Tyra Banks show, so let me bring you up to date:

Levi Johnston is totally screwed.

Bristol won’t let him see their baby, because she hates Levi’s sister. This, according to the sister, Mercede, a worn-out backwoods prom queen-gone-bad type who has Levi’s name prominently tattooed around her wrist. Uh-oh.

Levi’s mom, Sherry, is not at liberty to talk about her arrest for drug dealing ( “there is a lot of different things that has twists to it,”   she explains ) but she wants to see her grandbaby! That mean ol’ Mrs. Palin thinks that Levi and his family are White Trash. The nerve of her!

Levi is thinking he’ll have to sue for custody of baby Tripp. Meanwhile, Mrs. Palin’s sister-in-law just got arrested for burglary.

I now have a bad feeling that Trig is Levi’s baby with Mercede. Don’t pretend you doubt they’ve slept together, either. You know it in your bones.

Let us not throw the first stone, though!   Who among us, et cetera. Apparently, The Testament of Levi is an Apocalyptic Text, concerning arrogance.   Mrs. Palin should have read it before she set her sights on the White House.

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Hipster Art: Everything Must Go!

Here is the “artwork” that was mistaken for trash and thrown away by some workman helping Courtney Love to move. It’s valued at $11,000 and Courtney is said to be furious.

So am I!   The moving guy deserves an award of some kind. This Art looks like a dead bird in a matchbox….because that’s what it is!   Christ!

The celebrated young artist is Polly Morgan, whose stuff you can see here, but only on an empty stomach. Call me a philistine, but art made from dead animals is just bullshit, with all due or undue respect to Damien Hirst. Make it go away!

On the same topic, sort of, is the Todd Selby Shop at Collete, where you can get a dead mouse that’s been died yellow for around $500, or a collection of old business cards for $154. Or how about a creepy thriftshop toy for $85?

So pretentious was The Selby Shop that I felt it my duty to find out who Todd Selby is. That’s how much I don’t know what’s hip, even though god knows I try!

Todd Selby is a photographer who has taken photos of his friends (all “Creatives,” a word that is sickening enough on its own) in their very hip Living Spaces. Among these photos, you can find the ever-present Erin Wasson, and a whole slew of arty people like this couple:

It’s stuff like this that makes me too enraged and depressed to go on living. I know I should just ignore it, but I feel like it’s crying out to be scorned and vilified! Quoting Hillel the Elder, “If not I, who? If not now, when?”

Posted in Art, Horrible Stuff, Rants | Tagged , , | 17 Comments