But She Does Look Slutty!

Listen to Mrs. Palin’s reaction to David Letterman’s joke about her buying make-up at Bloomingdale’s to update her “slutty flight-attendant look.”

Oh, Mrs. P, he didn’t mean Bloomingdale’s literally! Now I’m wondering if she’s even capable of finding her way around the Bloomie’s cosmetics department.

Isn’t it fun to have her around again? I wish that if she gives up her bid for the presidency, someone will appoint her our Poet Laureate! She could write poems about the First Dude, she could rhyme Bristol with “pistol,” I don’t know, I just really see it working out well for this great nation of ours.

There is a $35,000 stipend that she could use to buy some closed-toe shoes OR to get a baby sitter for that poor little Trig.

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The Curse of the Topshop Jacket


I saw this jacket late at night when I was, ahem,   on my sleeping medication.   It took me nearly thirty minutes of struggling with Topshop’s login system to make the purchase. At several points during the procedure, I asked my self if perhaps god didn’t want me to buy this jacket. My self was too medicated to ponder god’s plan.

The very next day, Queen Michelle wrote about ordering the jacket. Suddenly, everyone and her mother* was wearing this jacket and blogging about it, posing in it triumphantly with their skinnies (and/or touching their faces with one hand.)

Naturally, I dreaded the arrival of the jacket and filled out a return form in anticipation. I didn’t bother to try it on; I didn’t want anything to do with it.



From the top left, bloggers Carla, Betty, and Sea of Shoes’ Mom*.

Let me say that I dress how I please, without regard to trends or age-appropriateness.   My personal style is called Geriatric Tomboy . It is based around jeans, men’s shoes, gaudy jewelry and leather jackets. It hasn’t really evolved in 35 years and until I switch over to the mourning attire, who cares anyway.

But I can’t stand the idea of being another chump in this Topshop jacket!   It’s just too depressing.   Now I’ve got the money back and I can recycle it, buying more pointless crap and torturing myself over my greed and lack of self control.   But at least I won’t be wearing that fucking jacket, which -with all due respect – looked pretty cheap in real life.

Now, let’s hear a bunch of sanctimonious objections like “Who cares if everyone else has it, blah blah blah!”   or even “I’d rock that jacket anyway!”   Someone out there knows exactly what I’m talking about – right?

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Knock-off Shoes: Yes or No?


Seeing these Jeffrey Campbell shoes for $118 made me recall in sickening detail my quest for these shoes, below, by Acne.


I think I paid around $450 for the Acne shoes, which I found at Opening Ceremony, a store that is “curated” like a fucking museum, with a similar hushed air of High Art about it.   I saw the shoes from across one of the store’s little rooms, where a horrible, nerdy woman at least 6 feet tall was counseling a blond soccer mom on some sandals. I guessed correctly that the nerdess was a Stylist. Imagine taking advice from a giant bespectacled nerdess?

Anyway, the shoes wait patiently in my closet for their second trip outside the house. I still love them; I just don’t want to fall down.

So: Fake Acne shoes in a nice pewter color. Would you buy man-made shoes for a fraction of the cost of the original?

Posted in Disorders, Fashion | 20 Comments

Word Fever


According to some website called Global Language Monitor, the English language will add its millionth word sometime on Wednesday. I’m predicting it will be a stupid one.

Other language experts think it’s impossible to count the number of words in any language. Sarah Thomason, president of the Linguistic Society of America and a linguistics professor at the University of Michigan, calls the million-word count a “sexy idea” that is “all hype and no substance.”

Ugh! I hate her choice of words! Why is this woman a linguistics professor? Sarah, please don’t use “sexy” in this manner! Just say “appealing.” Next thing you know, she’ll be smitten by something epic.

If you love (and hate) words, go and check out Wordnik.   It’s a dictionary but much more fun and useful. It gives examples of a word in several contexts, definitions, synonyms, even a pronunciation feature.

Wordnik also has a short list of “recently viewed” words, and “new pronunciations.” Among the latter is the word cunt, which its sophomoric users evidently think is fun to hear out loud.   Sure enough, it is!

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Both Ugly AND Versatile!


“A skirt and leggings in one, these acid-wash leggings feature a ruched miniskirt overlay and slash detail at legs.”

YES!   The Shopbop copywriter is back on her game!

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Mr. Michigan: True Fiction


At the time, he was my physical ideal, the embodiment of my perfect fantasy. When I noticed him at the gym, my heart lurched.

He was the image of Conan the Barbarian, but his flat baby face was much sweeter. He had long silky blond hair, and a musclebound physique that had won him the title of Mr. Michigan. He told me later that he’d stuffed his ponytail into a hairnet for the contest; bodybuilding is a conservative sport.

One day, we lifted weights side by side, silent but buzzing with sexual tension. His voice was so quiet, I had to strain to hear him. He offered me some Ritalin, explaining that it would give me a better workout. He dismissed my fear of a heart attack with a sly little smile.

I invited him to follow me home. It felt surreal as I glanced at his truck in my rear-view mirror. My husband was away on business. I was out of control.

After the first time, we settled into a routine. I would lead him into the bedroom, take off my clothes, and dreamily watch the action from outside my body. He was like a Warhol Superstar: He was Joe D’Allesandro, maybe after a lobotomy. He was as simple as he was beautiful. He was a blockhead.

He liked to come over after a shower, his hair still wet and a freshly rolled joint in his pocket. We didn’t have much to say, but sometimes he shared his peculiar ideas. He hoped for a huge earthquake, and planned to watch it from a hill near my house. He liked fat girls, so I found a catalog of lingerie for fat women, and we looked at it together lying in bed.

As time passed, I found myself resenting him for being so vacant and placid. I started to hate him, but he never noticed.   He stared straight into my eyes when we made love, without blinking. It was thrilling, even though there was nothing to connect to.

Toward the end, I enjoyed mocking him, since it didn’t bother him. I ordered him to strike ridiculous bodybuilding poses, commenting on his gleaming white butt, which he carefully protected during his marathon tanning sessions.

I can’t remember how I broke things off. But he continued to show up at my door every so often, even long after I had remarried. One day, years later, he called me from some city up North to tell me that he’d never stopped thinking about me. I made him repeat it, that’s how surprised I was.

God only knows what I was looking for back then. But I didn’t find it in Mr. Michigan.

Posted in Disorders, Words | 12 Comments

What’s With the Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation?


You just have to ask, What the hell is wrong with these guys?

Both Michael Hutchence and David Carradine would have no trouble getting laid. Or even, getting laid in some unconventional way. So why risk death just to get off?

Apparently, this is a largely male endeavor. But don’t anyone pipe up that the reason for that is the more persistent male sex drive. Women have Needs, too. But women don’t seem to need the specter of death to add that Certain Something to sex.

Woman aren’t as likely to enjoy playing Russian Roulette, either. What is it about men that craves a brush with death? I assume it gives a rush of adrenaline, like when you nearly get hit by a car. But why do they require this boost to the experience of orgasm?

A gay friend explained that it’s all down hill for men after 16. Their sensations are duller with time, he insisted. Bummer, if that’s true! Is it, though?

I asked my husband. I wondered if the auto-erotic asphyxiation appeal was like eating blowfish. If it’s cooked the right way, it’s delicious; if not, it’s poisonous and you’re dead. I don’t know about anyone else, but I have no interest whatsoever in trying blow-fish.

The husband explained that he has always been touched by how the appetite for sex is so universal – no matter who you are, or how old, you’ll walk over burning coal to get some.

But I still wanted an answer. He thought it was pretty normal for some people to keep trying to improve their experience. Like some people are happy with a scoop of their favorite ice cream, but others think, This might be nicer with something added.

I asked him, But what if when you come, it’s already 10 on a scale of 1 to 10. Why would you be worried about trying for 11? In fact, I noted, speaking for myself, if it were any more intense, I’d pass out.

“Exactly!” he replied, happy to have effectively conveyed the point of auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Posted in Celebrities, Disorders, Horrible Stuff, News | Tagged , , , | 20 Comments

Mrs. Palin is Out of Her Mind


Mrs. Palin gave a speech the other day, appearing with her new BFF, Michael Reagan, who is one unhinged windbag.

I know it’s distasteful, and also too it’s scary, but if you can gather your strength for a   few minutes,   listen to the audio recording over here, and read about it here. The sound of her voice brings back the whole election nightmare…. and launches a new one.

This bitch is so fucking crazy, and as stupid as the Alaskan summer solstice is long. Be afraid.

* Thanks to Palingates for the lipstick (on a pitbull) collage.

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Another Sacrilege

Apparently, a biopic of Jeff Buckley is in the works, with both Robert Pattinson and James Franco interested in the lead role.   Jeff’s mother is said to be overseeing the project.   Let’s just hope it’s a rumor, or that the project will never get off the ground.   If   someone has to run around pretending to be Jeff Buckley, how about Jessica Biel? There ought to be some use for her somewhere.

R.I.P., my dear Jeff.   You’re a tear that hangs inside our souls forever.

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German Craziness, Achtung

I LOVE Sven Marquardt, even though I don’t know what he’s talking about. He was a member of the underground fashion scene in East Germany, where he took photos like this one during the 80’s.


Note the morbid aspect. Hipsterism always embraces morbidity © .

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